Why Do Social Networks Make Us Lose Track Of Time?


Have you ever sat down to look at your phone, opened your social networks, and suddenly realized that two hours have passed without you realizing it? It is normal to feel that, at times, we are swallowed by screens and we do not realize our surroundings or what is happening around us until we put down the phone and leave the world of social networks.

The quick explanation as to why we feel this loss of the notion of time when we repeatedly use social networks is the feeling of abstraction that they generate in us, trapping us in a virtual world that is different from that of real life. In this world, distance and time are different variables and it is difficult to guide yourself and adapt to the temporal measurements of the real world.

Throughout this article, we are going to understand how this loss of sense of time originates and in what ways it can be explained. In this era of constant interconnectivity, it is important to understand how social networks affect us and how we can somehow get out of the loop in which we sometimes get caught.

How do social networks work in our minds?

Social networks have become an omnipresent and essential part of our lives. From sharing photos of our meals to keeping up with the latest news and connecting with friends and family around the world, these platforms have transformed the way we relate, inform and entertain However, behind the fascination and attraction that these arouse, hides the novel and complicated understanding of the way in which they impact our minds and affect us in our daily and everyday lives.

The design, operation and appeal of social networks are the result of a deep understanding and study of human psychology and social interaction. The visual aspect plays a crucial role. Social media relies on eye-catching images and videos that stimulate our senses and generate an immediate emotional response. Vibrant colors, photos of people and places we care about, and smooth transitions between content keep our eyes glued to the screen. Infinite scrolling allows us to explore a constant stream of new content, reinforcing our innate curiosity.

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The appeal also lies in the social interaction. Social networks allow us to connect with friends, family and strangers from all over the world. The mechanism of “likes” and comments provides instant gratification, releasing dopamine in our brain, the same chemical associated with reward and pleasure. We want to feel accepted and appreciated, and social media provides us with a platform to gain that validation.

Additionally, these platforms use powerful algorithms that personalize our content, showing us exactly what they want us to see. This creates a highly individualized experience that keeps us engaged as we consume more and more content tailored to our preferences.


The filter bubble and the notion of time

One of the fundamental reasons why social networks make us lose track of time is the creation of the so-called “filter bubble” This bubble is a phenomenon in which social media platforms select and present content based on our past interactions and preferences, creating a highly personalized and, in certain cases, limited digital reality.

The filter bubble is based on algorithms that record our every move: what posts we look at, how much time we spend on them, who we follow and who we like. As these algorithms accumulate data, they begin to shape our social media experience. While this may seem convenient, as it displays content that is theoretically relevant to you, it comes at a significant cost.

This so-called filter bubble can distort our notion of time in several ways. First, it keeps us trapped in a cycle of confirming our own beliefs and opinions. By constantly seeing content that matches our perspectives, We may miss the opportunity to be exposed to new ideas and points of view, which in turn keeps us immersed in a static time where our understanding of the world does not evolve

Additionally, this bubble can create a feeling that time flies by. By immersing ourselves in highly personalized and addictive content, we can spend hours scrolling without realizing it. The sense of surprise and discovery we felt when exploring the real world fades as the filter bubble constantly reinforces our current preferences.

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Is everything negative?

While we have highlighted how social media can trap us and distort our perception of time, we should not overlook the positive consequences that can arise from conscious and balanced use of these platforms. It is important to recognize that social media is not inherently harmful, but rather its impact depends largely on how we use it.

The key to harnessing these positive consequences lies in a conscious and balanced approach to social media use Setting boundaries, carefully selecting who we follow, and being selective about the content we consume are important steps to ensure that social media enriches our lives rather than consumes them. Here are some of the positive consequences of social media:

1. Global connections

Social networks allow us to connect with people from all over the world. This is especially valuable for maintaining relationships with friends and family who live far away or for establishing new friendships with people from diverse cultures and perspectives.

2. Social awareness

Social media has proven to be powerful tools for raising awareness about important social issues, from racial justice to climate change. They facilitate the dissemination of information and the mobilization of communities around significant causes

3. Education and learning

Platforms like YouTube and LinkedIn provide access to educational content and professional development opportunities. Social media can be a valuable resource for learning new skills and staying up to date in specific fields.

4. Creativity and expression

Social media provides a space for artists, writers and creatives to share their work with a global audience. This allows for artistic expression and the empowerment of diverse voices

5. Personal connections

Despite criticism, social media can strengthen personal connections by making it easier to communicate with and follow up with friends and loved ones.

Tips to recover the notion of time

Learning to measure, recover and control the notion of time in a world flooded and dominated by social networks requires self-awareness and self-discipline. As we have explored how social media can affect our perception of time, it is essential to understand how we can take steps to regain control over our online and offline lives. Here are some practical tips:

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1. Set time limits

Set aside a specific time each day to use social media and stick to it. Set alarms or timers to remind you when to disconnect

2. Remove non-essential notifications

Reduce constant interruption by turning off notifications for non-urgent apps. Limit notifications to only really important communications.

3. Organize the content you follow

Regularly check who you follow on social media If some accounts don’t add value or cause you stress, consider unfollowing them.

4. Limit infinite scrolling

Consciously limit the time you spend scrolling through your feed. Once you’ve seen what you’re interested in, exit the app.

5. Make time for real life

Set specific times during the day when you don’t use social media, like during meals or before going to bed Use that time to connect with the real world.

6. Learn to say no

Don’t feel like you have to respond to every message or notification right away. Learn to say no to digital distractions when you’re busy with important tasks.

7. Program disconnection time

Consider taking days or periods of disconnection regularly. Disconnecting from social media completely can help you regain perspective.

8. Evaluate your use

Regularly reflect on how you use social media and whether you are happy with that use. Adjust your habits as necessary


The importance of becoming aware

In a world saturated with social media, it is essential to recognize that these platforms have a significant impact on our perception of time and the quality of our lives. The attraction they exert through their addictive design, notifications and filter bubble can lead us to waste valuable hours that we could invest more productively and meaningfully.

However, all is not lost. By taking conscious steps, such as setting limits, reducing notifications, and diversifying our sources of information, we can regain control over our relationship with social media By doing so, we can take advantage of the global connectivity, social awareness and learning that these platforms offer, without letting them completely consume us.

The key is to balance our time online with real life, allowing us to enjoy the best of both worlds. It’s time to be more aware and make informed decisions about how we spend our time in the digital age.