Why Do We Usually Judge Others? 7 Reasons Behind This Attitude

Why do we judge others? What does this type of critical behavior reveal towards those around us? Find out what trials mean and how to learn from them.

Why do we judge others?

All we judge others at some time or another, but when this becomes a habit, this may be the sign that there is a problem in us. It is in our human nature to judge those around us, in fact it is a survival instinct. But why can it be bad to judge others too much?

Why do we usually judge others?

On many occasions, people tend to judge others without taking into account that these judgments may be completely incorrect. In reality, people judge others without knowing them for the following reasons:

  1. Insecurities: Often people we can judge without knowing because we recognize ourselves in some attitudes that others do. In this way we end up being critical of others because we feel identified with the insecurities they show and that we also want to solve.
  2. Negative thoughts: When we have a tendency to speak to ourselves through negative words, it is normal that we begin to judge without knowing others with the same criteria.
  3. Low self-esteem: The people who usually judge others They tend to rely on their own feelings and past experiences. In this way, if someone has made them feel inferior, worthless or unwanted, they may display more critical and degrading behavior towards other people.
  4. Critical parenting style: The tendency to judge others It is also usually closely related to the education and past experiences that a person has had. Typically, those who have been raised through judgment and criticism can learn these types of behaviors.
  5. Compare yourself to others: When people are critical of others, they can behave as if they feel superior to others, when in reality it is quite the opposite. These kinds of attitudes that are reflected through judge others They only reflect the feeling of inferiority that people may feel.
  6. Lack of control: When people feel that many aspects of their lives are out of their control, they may judge others to feel some security. Lack of control usually happens when people are not satisfied with the life choices they have made, which implies suffering from insecurities and frustrations. Thus, instead of dealing with these feelings of discomfort, many people may attack others.
  7. Envy: We can all feel envious of others. In fact, it is a completely natural reaction that we must face at one point or another in our lives. Sometimes people can judge without knowing others due to this feeling.
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These are some of the reasons why we can judge others As we see, many are related to problems in our personal security, confidence and self-esteem. For this reason, if you think that you tend to judge without knowing others, perhaps this attitude reveals that you need to work more within yourself.

What does it indicate to judge others too much?

How not to judge others?

As we have observed at judge others We tend to be pointing out those things that we like least about ourselves. This is usually something that we often do not realize. In order to learn from these situations, we recommend that you work on the following aspects:

  • Analyze your attitude: When judge Try to analyze what bothers you about the other person’s behavior and how it may be related to you.
  • Work on your insecurities: If you think that you judge too much of those around you It is important that you start by analyzing what your insecurities are and what you can do to improve them. In this way, try to learn from these judgments towards others to develop your personal strengths and abilities.
  • Create a more positive dialogue: As we have pointed out, many times people who they judge They tend to be very critical of themselves. In this way, this attitude can be a sign that you need to work on your internal dialogue and create a more positive view of yourself.
  • Take care of your self-esteem: Before judging someone Think about whether what you are criticizing is something you would like to have. In these cases, perhaps it is that your self-esteem is not taken care of.
  • Go to therapy: Insecurities, lack of self-esteem and an overly critical view can end up making you become someone who judge others constantly. Furthermore, this type of behavior not only harms those around you, but also yourself, for this reason, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist to work on yourself.
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Try to use these judgments about others as a signal to check with yourself if there is something that is making your daily life difficult. In reality, when we focus on others we are losing energy that we could use to improve our lives.