Why Do Young People Drink Alcohol?

Why do young people drink alcohol?

Alcohol consumption by young people is not something new, but it is an issue over which we are increasingly trying to have more control.

Let’s try to delve deeper into the roots of this problem to find out the possible causes that lead adolescents and even younger children to consume this substance so harmful to their physical and mental development.

Why young people drink alcohol: social problems

Ours is a society based on the welfare state, and that implies, among other things, ensuring that all citizens enjoy the best possible health, especially if they are minors, who are even more protected. That is why it is not surprising that one of the issues that most concerns health authorities is why young people drink alcohol, and enormous efforts are made to try to understand this problem and find solutions.

It’s in adolescence, between 11 and 17, when the child goes through that period of transformation that will lead him to become an adult, when this problem usually arises. However, it is evident that not all adolescents behave the same, and while some decide to take more risks, experiment and think less about the consequences, others choose to be more cautious and not transgress the rules, therefore avoiding consumption. of alcohol.

So, why do young people drink alcohol? Well, one of the possible causes, frequently repeated, is simply because they feel integrated into their peer group. Therefore, if your group has decided to try beer or drinks as a form of fun, there is a high probability that the teenager will also do so, because he or she seeks approval, to feel part of a group and also feels supported. for the rest, being a shared activity.

Of course, many other factors come into play, some as primary as the person’s own personality, which will make them more or less prone to impulsivity, risk-taking, etc. Also to the combination between the different protective factors and risk factors that surround the child, and here her own family comes into play. But this point deserves a separate section.

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Alcohol consumption in the family

But It is not only about the behaviors observed in the circle of friends In order to answer why young people drink alcohol, the adolescent’s view of alcohol in relation to the behaviors that he has observed in his own family during his childhood is also especially relevant. If, as a child, you have been used to seeing how your own parents, uncles, grandparents, etc., drank alcohol at meals, at family events, and you have even seen them in a state of drunkenness, it will give you a character of normality and it will be easier for you to decide to try it.

Logically, it is not just about mere observation, the teachings received at home in this regard are also important, since parents have been able to consume alcohol sporadically in their presence, either at family events or with friends, but at the same time Let the child see that it is a product that should only be taken by adults, always in moderation, and make clear the possible consequences of its consumption.

This may not always be as effective as we would like, since no matter how much parents try to discourage their children from drinking alcohol, The impact of observing adults’ own behaviors on them is much more powerful So, if they are told that they should not try these substances but it is common to see them (their parents) with an alcoholic drink in their hands, it will be difficult for them to understand the message that their reference adults are trying to convey verbally.

Of course, it is not the same for a minor to see his or her family members drinking a beer or wine sporadically, in the context of a family meal or an event, than to see them in a habitual state of intoxication. In this case we would be talking about an alcoholism problem whose consequences can spread to children with a much greater probability, and not only due to a replica of the behavior, but due to parental negligence and even a possible case of fetal alcohol syndrome, if it has occurred during pregnancy. But those would be other problems.

Evolution of alcohol consumption today

Although the problem of why young people drink alcohol is surrounded by a certain sensationalism that makes us believe that the trend is negative and that therefore the situation today is much more serious than a few years ago, the truth is that this is not the case. As with many other issues, the fact that the problem is now much more visible than before does not mean that it has worsened, but rather that more attention is paid to it and therefore more measures are also taken to tackle it.

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A recent study has shown that In developed countries, alcohol consumption among young people has decreased throughout these first two decades of the 21st century. According to their conclusions, the main variable that has allowed this change in trend in recent years has been the amount of free time that adolescents spend with their peer group.

In this sense, a progressive change is observed, since Two decades ago, the usual thing for many young people was to spend every afternoon in a street context with their friends, and subsequently a whole series of extracurricular activities have been established that have changed the occupation of their leisure time. But it is not the only observed variable that has had an influence, since the number of activities carried out as a family, between parents and children, has also increased.

Even so, the conclusions of the study must be taken with caution, since other factors that escape the researchers’ measurements could be coming into play, such as, for example, the perception that one has regarding the group’s acceptance regarding to the fact of getting drunk (which could be much higher in the past but not so much today).

Prevent alcohol consumption

Once the question of why young people drink alcohol has been analyzed, it is time to do something about it, and it is true that in recent times, more than ever, work is being done to achieve a change in trend that, we have already seen, is possible and is happening

The most basic measures, of course, involve making it as difficult as possible for minors to access alcohol, and for this there is strong legislation that prohibits the sale of any alcoholic beverage to any person who has not met the majority of age, which establishments take very seriously, otherwise they face very severe sanctions.

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Also Work has been done on the laws relating to the advertising of high-proof alcoholic beverages (those that are more than 20º), as is also the case in the case of tobacco, with television advertisements for both types of products currently being prohibited in Spain. As for low-alcohol drinks, advertising is also restricted, and spots cannot be broadcast between 6:00 and 8:30 p.m., and in no case can such advertisements refer to abusive consumption or reflect social success, better health. or performance from drinking alcohol.

On the other hand, information campaigns are carried out that range from the use of posters and television advertisements, alerting young people to the risks of alcohol consumption. It is essential to try to communicate these messages under the communication standards of youth, so that we increase the probability of a positive reception of it.

Likewise Workshops and talks are also held in the educational centers themselves through associations that are experts in this problem, to be able to provide information that is easy to understand and resolve all the doubts that may arise at the moment, as it is the best way to establish a dialogue and take advantage of the moment in which adolescents are receptive to the message that is being transmitted to them.

Lastly, but probably the most important point, would be to promote a strong and healthy bond between the minor and their parents, making your family a reference and protective factor against unhealthy behaviors such as alcohol consumption. It is preferable for adults to convey the message to their children that drinking alcohol is harmful based on clear information, not taboos.

It is evident that why young people drink alcohol is an issue that affects all levels of society and therefore we must all work together to eradicate this behavior.