Why Does A Person Block And Unblock You?

A person blocks and unblocks you because they need space, because of an impulse they later regret, to process their feelings, or because perhaps they have changed their mind about the situation that led to the initial block. The current existence of technologies and the large consumption to which they have given rise have created a new format of virtual relationships with new unwritten rules of interaction. Among them is the option to block someone or be blocked, which can be used for different reasons.

Some people suffer from the repeated situation of being continually blocked by someone in question. So, in this PsychologyFor article, we will talk about why a person blocks and unblocks you the consequences it can have and what to do in these cases.

What does it mean when a person blocks and unblocks you?

There are several reasons why someone might block and then unblock you on social media or messaging apps. We see them below:

  • The relationship is complicated: This is a person with whom we have a delicate relationship, for example, a separation with children carried out with some complexity. At the slightest conflict or misunderstanding, he blocks you. Later, when the situation is resolved or its condition calms down, it unlocks you again to reestablish communication between you.
  • He is an impulsive person: At the slightest change, due to strong outbursts, it blocks you. When the state of agitation calms down and disappears, it unlocks you to reestablish the cut communication. This is what would happen in the previous case, but motivated not so much by the impulsive character of the person in question, but by the confrontation maintained by the separated couple. Of course, each person’s personality type will greatly influence their response.
  • Space requirement: Sometimes people block someone temporarily to give themselves time and space to process their feelings or resolve internal conflicts. Once they feel calmer or solve the problem, they unblock you.

To better understand why a man blocks and unblocks you, don’t miss this article on Is he blocking you because he cares about you?

Consequences of a person blocking you and blocking you

Being blocked and unblocked repeatedly by someone can have various consequences, both for the relationship between both people and for the emotional well-being of each one:

  • Anguish and helplessness: When a man blocks and unblocks you, it can lead to a feeling of helplessness. You may feel bad about being blocked if you really appreciate the person doing it. Knowing her, you know that he is in a bad moment, which leads him to act like this. You may also feel bad when you see that there are no real reasons for this situation to happen every now and then.
  • Confusion and frustration: Being blocked and then unblocked can lead to confusion about the other person’s feelings and intentions. This can lead to feelings of frustration and anxiety about the state of the relationship. In this case, it is important to remember that this is an irrational emotional response, to have patience to manage the situation.
  • Deterioration of trust – Inconsistent locking and unlocking behavior can erode trust between both parties. The blocked person may begin to question the stability and sincerity of the relationship.

Why a person blocks and unblocks you - Consequences of a person blocking and blocking you

What to do when a person blocks and unblocks you

When a person continually blocks and unblocks you based on their emotional state, we recommend doing the following:

  • Have empathy: understand that the other person is offended for some reason that they have considered important. When it calms down, everything will return to how it was before. This vision allows you to understand the internal world of the person who, depending on their emotional swings, alternately blocks and unblocks you.
  • Evaluate the relationship: Reflect on whether this relationship is healthy for you. If the person’s behavior is causing a negative impact on your emotional well-being, it may be necessary to consider whether you want to continue maintaining the relationship. In this article, we explain how to improve your emotional well-being.
  • Put limits: avoid the person so that this variable behavior does not affect us since such emotional instability can lead to a certain imbalance within you due to the blows received.
  • Be understanding: Opening your heart and being understanding and merciful with your partner will always lead you, in the medium and long term, to a better result for both of you and even for your closest environment. Of course, adopting this response does not mean accepting that anything goes. Always soberly, setting the necessary limits but, instead of separating and leaving this person aside, try to embrace his emotional imbalance in your heart. In this article, we teach you How to be understanding of others.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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