Why Is Deep Sleep Important? 7 Ways To Sleep Deeply

Why is it important to have more hours of deep sleep? How does not getting enough sleep affect us? Discover the psychological keys to increase these phases of the most restful sleep.

How to have deeper sleep

Adults need between 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night to be able to perform well the next day. But, what many people don’t know is that not only the number of hours we rest influences, but also the quality of this restful time. As you well know, during the night our body goes through different phases of sleep. He deeper sleep It is the most important stage to feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning. So, what can we do to sleep more soundly?

What is deep sleep?

He deep sleep, also known as delta sleep or slow wave sleep, is a type of non-REM sleep. In this sleep cycle, our brain waves slow down and our body recovers from what has happened during the day: injuries are healed, growth hormone is released, and toxins are removed from the cerebrospinal fluid. Normally, adults who sleep between 6 to 8 hours usually spend 10% or 20% deep sleep.

Among the main characteristics that distinguish deep sleep Of the other phases of sleep, we find the following:

  • Electroencephalogram (EEG) demonstrates delta waves (high amplitude, low frequency)
  • Consolidation of memories
  • Low excitability
  • Restoration of the body and brain.

Why is it important to sleep deeply?

No sleep deeply It can affect us in different areas. In fact, this sleep cycle is important because of the following:

  • Affects memory: Sleep more deeply It is very important since it is during these stages of sleep when our brain processes the information from our memories. Therefore, not having hours of deep sleep can affect our memory.
  • Release of growth hormones: During deep sleep It is when our body releases the so-called ‘growth hormone’, this chemical helps repair and build new tissues. In fact, it is vital to develop our muscles and limit normal wear and tear on our body.
  • Waste disposal: The stages of deep sleep They play a very relevant role in eliminating waste from the brain, this also helps us process and store memories.
  • Improves the immune system: Have a longer time deep sleep It also allows us to improve our immune system and return the energy that our cells require to perform their functions well in the body.
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Keys to sleeping more deeply

How to increase deep sleep?

If you feel tired because you have trouble sleeping, you may be able to improve your nights by increasing the quality of your deep sleep To sleep more soundly, we recommend the following:

  1. Follows a circadian rhythm: Our deep sleep It follows a circadian pattern, also known as the internal clock. To follow a good circadian rhythm we must maintain a regular schedule for sleeping and waking up. In addition, it is also necessary to try to wake up next to sunlight.
  2. Exercise every day: Moving daily is beneficial to be able to sleep more deeply Simply a walk of about twenty minutes can be effective. In fact, those who exercise during the day are more likely to rest better because they benefit from better deep sleep. However, we should avoid intense workouts right before bed as they can increase our heart rate and cause disruption to our sleep.
  3. Eat more fiber: Studies have shown that a higher intake of fiber can help us improve our sleep because it increases the deep sleep time Therefore, a healthy diet will allow us to have better sleep.
  4. Practice yoga or meditation: Yoga or meditation are excellent aids to improve our sleep quality In fact, research has shown that performing one of these practices helps us promote better quality of our sleep, which translates into more hours of deep sleep.
  5. Avoid caffeine and stimulants: Caffeine or very sugary drinks can make it difficult for us reconcile our sleep before we go to sleep. In fact, studies showed that consuming caffeine or a stimulant drink before bed reduced the quantity and quality of sleep. Additionally, to improve sleep cycles you can change these types of stimulating drinks for others that help induce sleep, such as warm milk and chamomile.
  6. Create a relaxing routine: Before going to sleep, that is, between 30 to 60 minutes before going to bed, you can do an activity that is more relaxing for your mind. In this way, you will help create a sleep habit that allows you greater regularity in your sleep cycles. For example, you can take a shower with hot water, read, listen to relaxing music, drink an infusion or hot milk, among other activities to stop thoughts and the usual nervousness of the day.
  7. Use an eye mask: Just like sound, light also has a drastic effect on sleep quality that we get in our nights. Studies regarding eye masks indicated that those who used them were capable of having higher levels of melatonin, the hormone that plays a very relevant role in our quality of sleep. Therefore, using an eye mask that allows us to block sunlight can be a good way to fall into a deeper sleep at night.
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Sleeping more deeply can help us improve our vital energy. Therefore, if you are being affected by bad sleeping habits that do not allow you to have a deep sleep, it is important that you start applying this advice. On the contrary, there may also be sleep problems that prevent you from enjoying a good rest. In these cases, it is important to see a mental health professional as soon as possible.