Why Is It Easier To Gain Followers Using Instagram Filters?

Why is it easier to gain followers using Instagram filters?

One of the reasons why social networks like Instagram are often criticized is that, it is said, thanks to these virtual platforms “anyone can become famous.” These types of opinions have a part of truth, but they overlook many things.

It is true that compared to the times when Instagram did not exist, it is much easier to gain an audience as an ordinary person: without spectacular talent to do something, without a lot of money, and especially, without important contacts in the world of show business, professional sports, art, etc. But at the same time, it cannot be said that the great influencers we know today are by pure chance, by a stroke of luck.

What happens is that, since social networks are something recent, these people have built their audience using new strategies. Strategies that most people don’t even notice or recognize as ways to gain followers… such as Instagram filters If you want to know to what extent these can be used to gain followers on Instagram, keep reading.

The psychological keys why using filters helps you gain followers on Instagram

No, Instagram filters are not just an entertaining feature or one that only serves to make us feel pretty. They are an example of how Augmented Reality (the technology that allows us to modify the images captured by a camera or add details to them) can be used to achieve objective benefits. So, let’s see what are the main reasons why Augmented Reality resources such as Instagram filters and effects help you gain followers.

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1. They help tell stories that connect with followers

Instagram filters and effects are another narrative resource. What does this mean? Well, thanks to this, in fractions of a second we can begin to tell what we want to express, simply by modifying the image of what our smartphone camera captures. For example, thanks to Augmented Reality we can create short stories embodying, ourselves, several characters in dialogue with each other.

There are also cases in which thanks to Instagram trends Both the users who participate in them and those who have developed the filter used in that fashion gain followers. An example of this: the helmet brand Livall creates a giveaway based on using its Instagram filter and, from this, a trend is generated that still lasts: people begin to use that virtual helmet to explain moments of their lives in those who had to face difficulties (hence the need to wear protection): for example, when they finished their degree and faced the world of work, when many friends were turned against them for giving an unpopular opinion, etc.

And Instagram trends also serve so that, relying on something that has become popular and that users already know how to interpret, we can create original content adapted to our way of being, exposing our profile on Instagram to many other people and maximizing that what we do goes viral In this way, taking advantage of a trend that people already understand in advance is combined with generating interest and expectation regarding the question of what will be our way of versioning that fashion.

2. They can be used as virtual makeup to improve our image

It is no secret that on social networks, the image is very important; In many cases, the ability to retain the audience that visits our profile or our publications It’s a matter of a couple of seconds in which people decide whether to continue watching an Instagram Story or move on to the next one.

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But that doesn’t mean that we should always conform to specific beauty standards through filters; The important thing is that thanks to Augmented Reality we can find the look with which we feel most comfortable, and this is expressed in the confidence with which we express ourselves and the consistency with which we can generate content for our followers.

Instagram filters

3. They can be used to offer a layer of anonymity

The filters that we apply to ourselves through Augmented Reality can not only influence our behavior, making us feel more favored; They can also make us feel more confident about ourselves by giving us “extra anonymity” if we modify the appearance of our face. The possibility of being able to put on dark glasses or even a mask without having to buy a real one encourages many people to create content without giving in to the fear of appearing in front of thousands of people.

And this not only means that those people who would not even consider it if they had to clearly show their face can gain many followers; In addition, it allows you to express yourself with greater self-confidence and without the limitations of “what will they say”, which is one of the keys to connecting with the audience.

4. Some filters offer content based on gaming

If we look back a little, we will remember that one of the keys to the success of streaming platforms like YouTube during the time when it was making its way and was basically known by young people (it did not yet appeal to people of all ages or was considered an alternative to television) was gaming content, videos about video games.

Something as simple as playing a video game could make us gain a large audience in a short time. And today, there are many influencers who dedicate part of their daily lives to broadcasting their games live.

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Why is this happening? Because it is relatively easy to do, helps create original content relying on virtual environments designed by professionals (and designed to attract attention and “get the eyes”), and generates tension between the viewer and the screen, by empathizing with the player in the face of the challenges that the game proposes.

Well, this logic also works on Instagram, although in a shorter and more compact format. Another characteristic of Augmented Reality applied to social networks of this type is that many of its proposals are simply fun, and allow create “engaging” content in just a few seconds

A clear example of this is found in filters that have been designed like small video games in which we play with facial movements, facial expressions, etc. In fact, these “mini-games” can practically be adapted versions of very famous games, such as Flappy Bird, Pong, and other proposals in which the playable mechanics are simple.

5. It is relatively easy to create filters adapted to what we offer

Finally, and although this is not yet an option that is being used to its full potential, we must not forget that creating an Instagram filter or effect is not very complicated, and there are already several companies with specialists in creating them to order, and proposals such as Filtroo, the only platform that rewards users for using Instagram filters.

Thanks to this, we can have Augmented Reality resources adapted to what we are looking for, that are in line with our aesthetics and allow us to offer our followers content adapted to what they expect from our social networks, going beyond the limitations of the physical world. . Something as simple as, for example, putting on a “virtual” hat in which our logo or Instagram username is visible makes those who follow us have Constant reminders about who we are and where you can find us on the Internet