Why Is It Important To Go To Couples Therapy?

Why is it important to go to couples therapy?

Couples therapy is one of the branches of psychology with the greatest demand today, as more and more people stop understanding psychotherapy as a space to exclusively treat mental disorders and see the usefulness of the psychologist in the problems they face. They arise in a courtship or marriage.

The fact that each conflict or relationship problem has at least two versions or personal explanations of what happened means that each query must be treated carefully and always taking into account the two visions of the story or the two sensitivities that come into play. . This makes couples therapy a qualitatively different psychotherapy process from that focused on an individual patient; and that is also why the solutions it offers are unique. So, let’s look at a summary of The reasons why it is important to go to couples therapy when going through certain crises in the field of love relationships.

Why is it important to go to couples therapy?

Psychological intervention in the area of ​​couples has a wide variety of applications and can be used to help those who have been in a marriage for many years as well as those who are in a dating relationship with only a few months behind them.

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In order to offer a service of public utility to couples of all types, below we present our selection of the main reasons why we can go to a couples therapy consultation.

1. Overcome communication deficits and the tendency to misunderstanding

Something that many couples who have had to request the services of a psychology professional know perfectly well is that communication deficits are one of the first and most frequent causes of conflicts.

Have deficient, inefficient or non-existent communication modalities in the long run guarantees the appearance of a large number of conflicts that could be resolved effectively if each of the members of the couple put into practice specific communication skills and strategies.

In the psychologist’s consultation we will learn in a short time these important strategies to communicate correctly with our partner and also basic social skills so that the interaction is satisfactory and useful.

2. Overcome problems in intimate relationships

Problems in the field of sexual relations are one of the most frequently asked questions by psychology professionals specialized in couples. Not in vain is it one of the reasons that can most affect the future of a couple.

Sexuality is one of the most important daily areas in the life of any couple and sometimes it is about a decisive component that will decide its correct functioning, or its failure

Consulting with a couples therapy professional specialized in sexology will ensure that we can overcome any psychological or physical problem that prevents us from enjoying a full and healthy sexual life.

3. Learn to overcome frequent arguments

The couples whose union is stronger and more lasting are those who have fewer arguments or those who have more tools to overcome all types of arguments or daily conflicts of all kinds.

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If a couple argues almost daily, they are more likely to end up breaking up that is why many couples go to a psychology professional to change toxic or negative relationship dynamics that prevent them from moving forward together.

Psychological therapy will help us overcome any differences that may exist in the couple and that have not yet been openly discussed and will provide us with an unbeatable space to resolve any conflict that may exist in the couple, both the most obvious and notable ones and the deep ones.

4. Overcome couple crises caused by an external element

Relationship crises are usually caused by a serious or specific traumatic event that can affect one or both members of the couple.

This fact can be of a different nature, the important thing is that it has a direct impact on the couple. Some of these traumatic events may be a dismissal at work, the death of a loved one, a car accident or the joint experience of any traumatic event.

5. Face different visions about the future

The different visions that the members of a couple may have about the future are also often a reason for frequent arguments and in the long term can accelerate a breakup in the future.

To resolve these discrepancies about the future, we can go to the consultation of a psychology professional, where we will find a place to cShare each of the couple’s visions and talk together about possible solutions

As with any problem in life, talking about it and giving in whenever necessary can be the key to overcoming these discrepancies or divisions about the future.

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6. Improve problems triggered by living with children

The arrival of children to a couple can decompensate or unbalance the pace of life that we led before they came into our lives, due to the large number of new responsibilities that we must face.

This new life with children can mean that we have less time to spend as a couple, that arguments may arise about how to raise the children, or that the children give us so much work that it is impossible for us to continue having a life as a couple as before.

This can be improved with the help of a psychologist who will give us useful resources and advice to reconcile childcare with intimate life and as a couple.

7. Overcome jealousy or infidelity

Jealousy and infidelities are common reasons for consultation for psychology professionals specialized in couples therapy.

Having a lack of trust with the other person and always fearing that they will deceive us is a burden that ends up affecting life as a couple and that can cause many problems derived from it.