Why Is It So Difficult To Quit Smoking? 7 Reasons

Why is it so difficult to quit smoking?

According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 1.3 billion smokers in the world. And among them, more than 8 million die every year.

Most smokers pay little attention to these figures, because it is more comfortable to think that these things happen to other people, and not to oneself (until they happen).

But let’s be honest: quitting smoking isn’t easy (even if you understand the importance of quitting as soon as possible, for example before you develop lung cancer, COPD, or any heart disease, or contribute to making other people around you sick. being passive smokers).

In this article I am going to explain to you why quitting smoking is so hard for some people

Why is quitting smoking so difficult?

These are the reasons why quitting smoking means facing a challenge that goes beyond your own willpower.

1. Physical dependence

Quitting smoking is not always easy, for the simple reason that tobacco is addictive. It causes addiction, physical dependence, because nicotine is an addictive substance.

**But what does it mean that tobacco is “addictive”? **

I’m not going to delve into the details of the neurochemistry of addictions in this article, but stick with this: nicotine makes your brain get used to it and not want to “live without it” after using it a few times.

This means that when smokers try to quit (or allow more time to pass between each cigarette) they will suffer a series of unpleasant sensations. That’s nicotine withdrawal syndrome, when your body starts asking for another dose of nicotine, another cigarette.

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The quickest way to get rid of the withdrawal syndrome is to smoke another cigarette. This is why so many people have difficulty quitting smoking.

Withdrawal syndrome is not the same in all people. There are genetic and metabolic differences, it also depends on how much the person normally smokes, their consumption habits, their tolerance to anxiety, and many other factors… that’s why Some people can quit smoking overnight just by trying, and other people relapse again and again without a remedy Quitting smoking is not a matter of willpower.

2. Psychological dependence

In addition to physical dependence, we have to talk about psychological dependence. Tobacco causes addiction (chemically speaking), but we also get used to smoking in certain places, situations, times of day, in certain moods, with certain people…

Surely you know someone who feels unable to have a coffee without accompanying it with a cigarette.

All people have associated tobacco consumption with one situation or another Maybe they have become accustomed over the years to smoking after meals, or during breaks from work, or when they go outside for a walk or to get some fresh air, or while walking the dog, or while watching a movie. …

Each person will have different consumption habits. Psychological dependence on tobacco consists precisely in the fact that the person feels the need to smoke as a coping strategy in many daily situations, and to stop smoking they will have to mentally prepare themselves to face these situations without tobacco.

3. Anxiety about quitting smoking

Every person experiences anxiety a little differently but almost all smokers experience anxiety when trying to quit smoking (either due to physical withdrawal or psychological dependence).

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Some people have anxiety problems for other reasons that have nothing to do with smoking, so it presents an extra challenge.

If you suffer from anxiety problems, it is best to work on those problems first and learn to deal with them, before trying to quit smoking. Otherwise, the craving for smoking can become very overwhelming. That is why it is so important consult with psychologists before trying to quit tobacco

4. Lack of motivation

One of the main reasons why so many people fail in their attempts to quit smoking is that they have not clarified their reasons for quitting.

Many people try it because of social pressure because their children have asked them to, or because the doctor has given them a warning… but for some people, those reasons are not enough.

A good way to motivate yourself to quit smoking is to reflect on how tobacco has worsened our quality of life (many people have normalized these changes after several years of smoking, so they need to reflect to realize everything they have lost with smoking. years).

And by visualizing the damage that tobacco has done to us, we can more easily visualize the advances and advantages of quitting smoking:

5. Lack of support from the environment

Many people try to quit smoking “secretly”, for fear that other people will question their decision, not believe in them, not support them… And many times to avoid the public shame of having a relapse and returning to smoking.

The support of our family or partner is very important to overcome any addiction problem, and smoking is no different.

6. Not having a strategy

Most people who try to quit smoking do so without a strategy. Without having done self-observation, without having become familiar with their addiction, with their consumption habits, without having prepared relapse prevention strategies

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Quitting smoking is not easy, so knowing yourself is important to mentally prepare yourself. It is important for the first days without tobacco (while we overcome the withdrawal syndrome), but it is much more important during the following weeks and months, when it is very possible to relapse due to psychological dependence.

That’s why It is essential to have a strategy In what situations do you usually feel like smoking more? How are you going to change your habits and lifestyle to stop smoking in those situations? What are you going to do when you feel like smoking? How are you going to deal with anxiety and looping thoughts about tobacco?

Answering these questions is very important to prepare a strategy.

7. Not having asked for help

Many people make the mistake of getting carried away by ego and excess pride They think that asking for help to quit smoking makes them “weak,” and they spend years going around in circles, relapsing in the same ways each time without really changing anything about their lifestyle or coping strategies.

You want to quit smoking?

It’s not easy, and you don’t have to do it alone. Seek professional help and in a few months you will remember it as one of the best decisions of your life.

My name is Luis Miguel Real and I am a psychologist specialized in addictions. I have helped thousands of people quit tobacco, and you could be one of them (if you want). Contact me and we will start working.