Why Should Coaching Training Be Practice-oriented?

Why coaching training should be practice-oriented

Coaching is a field of development that is as interesting as it is broad in terms of the topics and needs that can be addressed by it. This is one of the reasons why it is of interest to many different professional profiles: it provides versatile and varied analysis and intervention resources for problems in the business, educational, sports performance, management of personal relationships and emotions. in private life, etc.

However, it is precisely this quality of encompassing a great diversity of situations and challenges to be solved that puts you at risk of starting out in coaching long enough to obtain a degree, but without having had the opportunity to put strategies and strategies into practice. techniques with the assistance of psychology professionals, who work every day with people and know which strategies and techniques have scientifically validated effectiveness and which are harmful.

And going from the world of ideas to the realization of specific actions is not something that comes to us by the simple fact of having a title. Therefore, there are key differences between coaching courses whose main incentive is that they offer certifications, and training programs that train people to use the coaching technique

    Beyond the desire to fill out the resume: the true usefulness of coaching

    There are people who consider training in coaching simply because of the desire to come into contact with people who seem to have interesting or innovative ideas, who question preconceived beliefs that are deeply rooted in the world of management. There are also those that propose it simply and simply to create contacts; After all, many Master’s and postgraduate courses that focus on coaching are attended by professionals from important brands, high and intermediate positions who come as students, etc.

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    These reasons, perfectly legitimate, They do not have so much to do with the desire to learn techniques to a level of detail that allows them to be applied in real contexts work, sports performance or personal development; However, because they exist and are there, many training centers take note of them and design their courses focusing on those needs that have more to do with the sociological dynamics of the business world than with the true theoretical-practical learning of coaching.

    For example, it is completely true that many revealing ideas and inspiring examples can arise in a conference given by the Human Resources Director of a multinational, but it is more complicated than simply listening to someone who has not necessarily been trained in the behavioral sciences we are learning ways to solve our problems or those of our clients

    Ultimately, one of the characteristics of scientific knowledge is its ability to go beyond concrete data or the description of what works and does not work in a very specific context (for example, in the company where the teacher works). ). Science is about inferring, extracting new information from what is observed, testing it, and making corrections systematically. And this goes beyond the simple internalization of abstract ideas.

    Attitudes and skills in coaching

      A balance between the theoretical and the subjective

      Therefore, it is important to know that beyond the training that offers you unofficial certified training, there are courses that help the psychologist, the coach or the person in charge of managing teams and departments to train in coaching through training advised by experts in the field who have university and professional training based on Psychology or Behavioral Sciences in general.

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      We must not forget that coaching, at its core, rests on the ability to recognize and manage mental processes and patterns of individual or social behavior, and it is impossible to learn about this area if all we internalize are ideas based on theory, on the one hand, or based on what a business manager believes he knows about organizations based solely on his personal experience in three corporations.

      Between a very high level of abstraction that remains only in ideas that are too abstract to be put into practice, on the one hand, and the fanciful extrapolations based on “it worked for me”, there are all those contents investigated and worked on by the Psychology. The solution to the need to learn how to use coaching to address problems and needs It is neither idealism nor the extreme reductionism of subjectivity

        Do you want to develop skills through coaching?

        If you are interested in training through coaching to have more emotional management skills, knowledge about team leadership, motivation and self-motivation strategies and many other useful resources in your personal and professional life, we invite you to contact us or Find out about our psychological assistance services and courses. From UPAD Psychology and Coaching We have been serving individuals, professionals and companies for years.

        Among these training programs to know how to work from coaching, it is worth highlighting our online course in sports coaching, which is carried out by psychologists with extensive experience in Sports Psychology and coaching and lasts three months.

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        It is a course that is based on ontological coaching aimed at the development of High Sports Performance, and is divided into four parts: a first stage of Introduction, and three modules on General Guidelines for the knowledge of Sports Coaching, Functional and Dysfunctional Beliefs, and Sports Coach Techniques. Plus, you can start it whenever you want.