Why Study Psychology? 10 Points That You Should Value

Studying Psychology is, for many people, one of the most attractive options when the time comes to consider which university studies to pursue. It is something that can be easily verified by seeing that, year after year, the Psychology degree is one of the most in-demand by students.

Many people like to read about the subject, but perhaps they do not feel comfortable thinking about practicing as psychologists. In other cases, the vocation is clear and completing the degree is seen as the means to achieve accreditation as a specialist.

Should I study Psychology? Do I want to be a psychologist? …

But, Why do you want to study Psychology? Is it because of what this career really offers, or because of aspects unrelated to the university that you irrationally associate with this type of studies?

To solve why you want to study Psychology, you will have to think about your motivations and reasons. To try to help you in this reflection, we have prepared this complete post so we recommend that you continue reading.

If you want to decide to start studies and still have doubts about whether to study Psychology or choose another option, here we suggest you 10 reasons to motivate you (or maybe not) to embark on your path in the science of behavior and mental processes.

And, why not: you may also consider where you can study this career. To answer this second question, you can consult our ranking of the best universities:

1. How long will it take me to become a psychologist?

The psychology degree usually has an academic duration of between four and five years. However, each person has a different rhythm and it is possible that, depending on your motivation, abilities and time available, you will be able to finish it in less time, or that it will take you an extra year to complete and receive your diploma.

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Studying psychology requires dedication: How much time can you dedicate to it?

2. Is the Psychology degree very difficult?

Take each semester of the degree It will require a lot of tenacity, effort and the ability to overcome You will have to read many books, articles and documents to be able to analyze, interpret and understand the complexity of the psyche, behavior and interpersonal relationships. Everything has a price, but the knowledge you will develop is well worth it. A psychologist must know how to understand the human mind to later try to influence people in a positive way.

If you want to start getting into the subject to assess whether you like studying Psychology, Here I leave you a couple of light articles that briefly explain issues that you will study in your degree:

Additionally, we have recently compiled a list with Facebook groups where you can learn, in an enjoyable way and without leaving your favorite social network, many things about psychology and neuroscience:

3. Will I be able to deal with other people’s problems?

During your psychology studies you will have to carry out professional internships that will help you assess whether you feel suitable and comfortable to deal professionally with other people since they are roles that are often shocking and it is difficult to know if one is prepared until the moment you are exposed to the practice.

However, these practices take place in the last years of the psychology degree. Study psychology during college It will allow you to observe what your skills are

4. What are the opportunities for a Psychology degree?

People outside of psychology often conceive of the profession of psychology as the strictly linked to the clinical psychologist or psychoanalyst, performing therapy on patients lying on the couch. You have to know that the professional areas of the psychologist are not limited to this, but also cover performance in organizations (as a human resources manager, for example), social psychology, research, psychology specialized in some disorder or characteristic. particular, teaching… Therefore, if you start studying psychology, you should know that The possible exits are numerous

Required reading:

If you want to go deeper into some of the work areas of Psychology, here are some links so that you can draw your own conclusions about each one and outline your Professional future

I will complete this list every time we publish new articles for the blog talking about some professional field that psychologists practice.

5. Is the financial income of a psychologist high?

Many people believe that working as a psychologist means salvation from economic problems and, although many psychologists make a good living, the truth is that others are unable to channel their knowledge into stable sources of income.

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Almost any profession can be profitable as long as you can have a stable job, you dedicate yourself body and soul to it, try to perfect your knowledge and exercise it responsibly and ethically. It never hurts, however, to have a small dose of luck and take some risks.

6. Studying Psychology to “feel better”, is it a good idea?

If your intention is to start studying psychology and you realize that you are only interested in this subject to try to understand yourself better, maybe you should rethink things Sometimes it is better to read a good self-help book, attend a course or consult a psychotherapist and start therapy if necessary.

If you only focus the interest of the knowledge you acquire on yourself, you may be confusing the objective of the race and you probably will not be able to connect with many of the subjects, nor with professional practice as a psychologist.

7. Where should I get information?

The Internet can be a very useful tool when searching for information about a psychology career, to guide you and make a final decision. But also You should look for more personal and reliable sources of information: Go one day to the psychology faculty where you would like to study, there they will be able to advise you and inform you much better.

They will be able to guide you so that you reflect on why you should study psychology, and on the content of the degree. Study plans differ greatly between universities, apart from the fact that each country usually prioritizes some knowledge or others. Ask anything you want to know, the university staff is there for that.

8. Is it a good idea to ask professionals for advice?

If it is a good idea. If you want to better understand how a psychologist works (regardless of the field), also It is recommended that you collect information about testimonials that can advise you and resolve your doubts.

Likewise, if you know someone who works as a psychologist, do not hesitate to ask them: it is very likely that they will have no problem guiding you and explaining everything that can help you from their personal experience. In Psychology and Mind we like to make things easy for you: recently We have interviewed the psychologist Leocadio Martín to talk about the profession We hope this reading helps you:

  • Leocadio Martín: “As a psychologist, the main virtue is the passion for learning and helping”

9. Am I too old to study Psychology?

If you are very convinced of starting to study psychology, Don’t hesitate and sign up Many people end up letting time pass because those around them discourage them from starting to study, for one reason or another (“you’re too old for that”; “why study psychology if you already have a stable job”; “study law or business better”…).

Remember that, if four or five years is a problem, it is also There is the option of studying a free master’s or postgraduate degree In any case, do not let the fact that other people claim the right to give their opinion on what you should or should not do influence your final decision. If you believe in it, do it.

10. I have started studying Psychology and I have realized that it is not my thing, what do I do?

In case you have already started studying the degree and still have a sea of ​​unresolved doubts, don’t wait too long to do it since it is preferable that you realize that it is not your thing when you are starting than when you are just a few months away from finishing.

Anyway, Studying a career does not necessarily imply having to practice what you have studied, and many people complete their studies successfully and then their professional practice takes another path, or one that is only indirectly related to their training. Without a doubt, in any case, a psychology degree will help you both personally and professionally.

If you want to get the most out of your Psychology studies, we think it is essential that you consult our Guide for students:

  • “I want to be a psychologist” – 10 keys to successfully completing a Psychology degree

11. And when I have finished the race… what do I do?

There are multiple professional opportunities for when you have already finished your Degree or Bachelor’s Degree. Postgraduates, Masters, Specializations… The important thing is that you know what you want to dedicate your time to and that you train yourself thoroughly and commit to rigorous training.

For example, if you are looking for a Master’s degree to study, we have prepared this list for you:

  • “The 20 best Master’s Degrees in Psychology”

How to start your university career?

There are several options to obtain a university degree in Psychology, and that is precisely why some people find it difficult to choose. Furthermore, there are those who find it difficult to live far from a psychology faculty, and those who prefer not to have their schedules conditioned by classes.

Choosing well the center where we are going to study the degree is one of the (many) keys to success, so it doesn’t hurt to take time and reflect on the best option for your particular case. In this sense, look at these criteria to choose well:

  • Does the center offer teaching staff with experience in the field of Psychology, or do they only come from similar disciplines?
  • Is there the possibility of doing university internships?
  • Do the classes offer tutoring and personalized attention?
  • Is the class material updated?