Why You Should Never Go To Bed Angry?

Sleep is an important part of our personal well-being and we don’t always respect it. Find out why it is not good to go to sleep angry or after an argument in my new post.

Encarni Muñoz

During our daily lives we practically have no time to even think about ourselves. We function like machines and focus on ourselves towards the last hour of the day, when we have finished our activity and rest. And we often do that when we are in bed. We begin to review how the day went, what we have done and what we have not done, what things we have to do tomorrow, what concerns we have or if we have argued with someone we review that discussion.

This review what we do causes the emotion activation: we worry more, we get angry again… and that has consequences that can be problematic. That is, not only can we go to sleep angry when we have recently had an argument, but we can also get angry when remembering things that make us angry.

What happens when we go to sleep angry?

We know that during the night is when the brain works the most and the last thing it has processed before going to sleep is what it thinks about most while dreaming. That is why it is said that if you have an exam, study just before going to sleep, so the brain reviews that filtered information over and over again and it remains in the subconscious ready to be rescued in the exam. Well, the same thing happens with the concerns waves emotions If we think about something that makes us feel bad before going to sleep, the brain will think about it over and over again, we will store it in the memory and those negative memories They will be more difficult to remove from memory when we go to sleep angry than when we do not have that emotion when we go to bed.

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The consequences that can result from going to sleep angry are:

  • Sleeping difficulties: The most normal thing is that we cannot stop thinking about the discussion and we cannot fall asleep. Not counting sheep or anything, the reason for anger is reviewed over and over again and it is very difficult to fall asleep. In addition, not being able to sleep causes more anger and it becomes increasingly difficult to relax to sleep.
  • Nightmares: During the night the brain is most active and works through the subconscious. If there are worries, anxiety, anger or any other negative emotion, these manifest in dreams causing nightmares that generate discomfort, startled awakenings and difficulty going back to sleep.
  • Light sleep: As one goes to sleep in a state that is not calm, the sleep one has is light and at the slightest noise or when one moves to a lighter phase of sleep, one can wake up.
  • Lack of rest and concentration difficulties: When you get up you have the feeling that you are still very tired. It is as if you have only slept a few hours and the feeling of fatigue accompanies the entire day. This makes concentration difficult to achieve and as a consequence there may be work or social problems.
  • Bad mood and arguments: If you go to bed in a bad mood and dream angry, you will most likely wake up in a bad mood and if you don’t disconnect and continue thinking about it, you may spend another day angry and argue with someone else or with the same person again, which It makes you get into a vicious circle.
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What can we do to not go to sleep angry?

  • Unburden: In order not to go to bed angry, the first thing you have to do is get rid of your anger. Talk to someone you trust (not with the person you have argued with or with the person involved in your anger) but with another person to be able to get the anger out. If you don’t have a chance to talk to someone, write down what happened and how you feel. Write a letter to that person you’re angry with and then tear it into a thousand pieces.
  • Try to solve the problem if you can: If you have not discussed it with the person involved or you have not been able to reconcile, try it, your dream will thank you. If you cannot reach an agreement or calm, leave it for another day and do what was mentioned in the previous point.
  • Take a shower, apply cream and listen to relaxing music: Try to relax your body by massaging your muscles, using hot water and playing music that relaxes your body.
  • Do something that defocuses your attention: Try to think of something else. Do some activity that involves concentration to stop thinking about the same thing (avoid making it work or you won’t rest as you need); do some leisure preferably.

Rest is something that our body needs, it is a basic need and we have to try to provide it.

Encarni Muñoz Silva

Health psychologist, member number 16918