Why You Should Not Underestimate The Addiction To New Technologies

Why you should not underestimate the addiction to new technologies

When we think of the word “addiction,” it is easy for the image of a very physically exhausted person to come to mind, who has been totally consumed by the drug, and who mistreats his or her body in order not to fall into withdrawal.

This is one of the most widespread stereotypes about this type of pathology, normally associated with the idea of ​​social marginality; And while it is true that the majority of addicted people have few resources and base their dependence on the use of psychoactive substances, this hides a large number of nuances.

For example, not all disorders based on dependence have to do with introducing a substance into one’s body, whether it is alcohol, cocaine, heroin or any other substance with the power to generate addiction. There are addictions based on behaviors, and in part it is common not to see them as a problem precisely because they do not involve the use of drugs. Addiction to new technologies is an example of them, and in this article we will see why it is a bad idea to underestimate it..

What is addiction to new technologies?

The term “new technologies” is very broad and its limits are blurred. Practically everything that surrounds us could be described that way, taking into account that even a fireplace with logs burning inside is an example of technology.

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That is why it is necessary to specify more: in practice, when we talk about addictions to new technologies we are referring to the Behavioral patterns that reveal dependence on digital and screen-based electronic devices. Normally these are mainly computers (whether PCs, tablets or laptops) and smartphones. These products are characterized by being a source of very varied visual and auditory stimuli, on the one hand, and by being connected to the Internet in most cases.

But it is not these devices themselves that can be subject to excessive use, but what happens in the digital world to which they give access. In this sense, addiction to new technologies materializes above all in two types of addictive behaviors: the constant use of social networks, and the abuse of online video games.

The two great poles of addiction to new technologies

These are the characteristics of each subtype of addiction to new technologies.

Social networks addiction

Social networks are designed to expose their users to a constant torrent of content that is potentially interesting for each individual, given that these digital platforms have all the information necessary to personalize what is shown on the screen. In addition, a phenomenon known as FOMO is enhanced: Fear of Missing Out, or anxiety at the idea of ​​missing out on content that others are enjoying and sharing.

Addiction to online video games

Once again, the simple use of video games is not problematic in itself: electronic entertainment is a perfectly legitimate form of entertainment and culture; however, Sometimes misuse of these resources leads to psychological disorders.

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In addiction to online video games, this becomes not only the person’s main form of leisure, but it even displaces the time that they would normally dedicate to their responsibilities or to proper rest and care of their body and mind. It is a phenomenon that mainly affects the young population, especially men, but it can occur in any type of person who frequently uses video games.

Although there are also cases of addiction to video games that are played in single player mode, In recent years, the most common thing is that those who “get hooked” on these games in a problematic way use the online mode to compete with people from all over the world.; The competition mechanics are especially absorbing and can even become the main way of socializing for many young people.

How are these problems expressed?

As we have seen, addiction to new technologies does not materialize in problematic behaviors that are easy to detect. Just as drug use is easily recognizable as such, the point at which the use of a digital resource becomes problematic is more blurred. However, These psychological alterations are capable of giving rise to significant problems. The following stand out:

Luckily, these types of problems can be overcome and treated effectively through psychotherapy.

Are you looking for professional psychological assistance services?

If you are interested in having the help of a psychologist to have support in dealing with any form of addiction or raising a son or daughter, Get in touch with me. I am a psychologist specialized in the cognitive-behavioral model, which is aimed at allowing people to develop new ways of managing emotions, interpreting reality in a more constructive way, and better adapting to the environment through the adoption of new habits. I attend both in person in my consultation in Madrid and online by video call.

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