Working As A Psychologist Without Being Registered: Is It Possible?

Group meeting of women.

We have finished the Degree in Psychology. And now that? Are we considering doing a master’s degree, are we applying for the PIR or competitive examinations in another branch of psychology? Do we practice directly in any field?

We can take any of these options, but before practicing we have to take into account if we intend to practice as such we will be asked to become a member. But it is worth asking Is it possible to practice as a psychologist without being registered?

What does it mean to enroll?

The Official College of Psychologists (COP) is an institution in charge of regulating the professional practice of psychology in Spain.

Its tasks are broad, as it is the institution that is responsible for ensuring the interests of both professionals and their clients, establishing regulations (such as the code of ethics) that entail the recognition of a series of rights and guarantees, contributing to advising and training to its members and promoting the development of psychology. It also fights against the existence of professional intrusion coming from other occupational sectors.

The fact of becoming a member implies being part of a group that brings together the majority of professionals in the sector, so that Contact with professionals and the formation of groups and committees are facilitated dedicated or specialized in different areas. Likewise, to be registered, it is necessary to have formal training in psychology (specifically a degree or bachelor’s degree in psychology), which implies a higher level of security for its clients in relation to the subject’s knowledge and qualification within the field of psychology. psychology.

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Although it implies an economic cost (membership involves the payment of a semester fee), membership also has a series of benefits beyond those previously mentioned. Some of the most relevant include the aforementioned legal advice in case of need and the possibility of making inquiries to the deontological commission in the event of ethical conflicts, inclusion in a job board, obtaining accreditations, the possibility of training in different courses that allow continuing training (some training is distance learning). while other courses have discounts) or the possibility of benefiting from the school’s agreements and relationships with different institutions and companies.

Historical obligation

The need to become a member has been an aspect that has been linked to psychology in Spain since its beginnings.

In 1974, Law 2/1974 on Professional Associations was drafted, which indicated that any activity that was regulated by a professional association required registration in said school in order to be carried out. This would include psychology starting in 1979, when Law 43/1979 on the creation of the Official College of Psychologists was established.

Since then, this provision has been ratified throughout history in various laws, among them Law 7/1997 in which it was considered an essential requirement for the exercise of collegiate professions to be incorporated into the corresponding college, simply enrolling in one. of them in case of having different territorial associations in the State, or law 25/2009, which also includes the obligation to register in the Professional Association in its articles 3 and 5, modifying some aspects of that established in 1974.

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As we see, throughout history it has been necessary to be registered in order to practice. However, in recent years there has been controversy regarding whether or not it is necessary to register to practice as a psychologist. During 2013, the Draft Law on Professional Services and Associations was prepared, which delimited and reduced the type of professions that required registration to be able to practice. the legal, technical and health fields. In the latter case, various branches linked to medicine and other disciplines were included, but clinical psychologists were nevertheless excluded.

This meant that the psychologist’s actions would not require being registered with the Official College of Psychologists. However, it was argued that the professional performance of the psychologist requires guarantees regarding having the necessary training for it, given that it involves an intervention that, if carried out negligently and without sufficient preparation, can put the integrity of his patients or clients at risk. . This is why the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness has determined in its latest draft the reinclusion of psychology within the professions that do require certification.

Joining a college: is it essential?

In conclusion, currently, for the legal practice of psychology in Spain, membership in the Official College of Psychologists is necessary. This obligation is given for those who carry out their work in both public and private clinical practice. Failure to do so will result in an act punishable by law, considered a punishable administrative offense.

On the other hand, those professionals who are not linked to clinical-health practice are not legally obliged to become members unless their activity is directly intended for citizens, due to the consideration that the constitution establishes the imperative of freedom of association. . Despite this, it is advisable, since even without being legally required It is required in many jobs and can offer attractive benefits to its members.