World Mental Health Day: Why Is It Celebrated?

World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10. Why is this international day celebrated? Why is it so important to take care of our mental health? Discover the reasons.

Why celebrate World Mental Health Day?

On October 10, the World Mental Health Day a day to claim the normality of psychological problems and the importance they have for our daily lives.

Why is World Mental Health Day celebrated?

By mental health we understand that the person is in a state of well-being that allows them to enjoy the positive aspects of everyday life as well as successfully face the difficulties that arise. So why do we celebrate? world mental health day?

  1. There is a stigma around mental health: Ideally, we all want a state of mental well-being but… do you think we fight hard enough to be mentally healthy? Surely the answer is no. And because? Probably because psychological problems are accompanied by a great stigma and this is what is claimed in International Mental Health Day
  2. We do not naturally talk about our mental problems: It is true that when we have a physical problem we talk about it naturally. If you have a migraine, scoliosis or a stomach virus, you explain it to friends, at work and/or family. It is not embarrassing for us to recognize that we have a physical ailment, even when it is something chronic like diabetes or cholesterol. But when we talk about a psychological problem, and it doesn’t have to be a mental illness, but rather a simple psychological disorder that can be temporary, we hide it and try to “patch” the problem as much as we can until it becomes irremediable. At that moment when you can’t take it anymore, you decide to ask for help from a professional, but you prefer not to tell anyone, or if you do, it is because you are convinced that that person is going to keep your secret. Well, I’m going to tell you a secret from a professional point of view: no one is safe from suffering a psychological disorder at some point in their life. And then why do we hide it? This is one of the reasons why it is necessary to give visibility to these problems through a mental illness day Reasons to celebrate World Mental Health Day
  3. It is completely normal to have a mental health problem: Surely you have known a friend, colleague or family member (or even yourself) who has suffered a setback at some point in their life. Your partner has left you, you have lost your job and you feel overwhelmed by it or, on the contrary, you have a lot of work stress, or you suffer from bullying, or your relationship is not working and you are always arguing, or you have anxiety attacks and You have to go to the hospital every time you have an episode, or have lost a loved one, etc. These are events that have probably happened to you or someone close to you. To lose mental health you don’t need major traumas or serious mental problems, but simply feeling that there is a situation that overwhelms you and makes you lose your essence, you feel off or without energy or you simply don’t find that well-being that is supposed to be must feel. In this way, we must normalize psychological pathologies through mental health week or world mental health day
  4. Not only serious conditions are treated: In clinical practice, the cases that come to me the most are not serious depression, schizophrenia or personality disorders. Normally people ask for a consultation for problems with their partner, lack of assertiveness (not knowing how to say no or give their opinion), anxiety, low self-esteem, low mood, work stress or grieving processes (sentimental breakups are more frequent in consultation than the death of loved ones). Do you feel identified with any of these problems? Whoever is free from sin, let him cast the first stone. International Mental Health Day It is also to claim that we can be better with ourselves if we work within ourselves. Why do we celebrate mental health day?
  5. Going to the psychologist is not being crazy: Having a psychological problem does not mean being crazy, “moronic” or the other way around. Having a psychological problem at some point in life is normal Therefore, I think it would be interesting breaking barriers ; If you have gone to a psychologist, you have not done anything that you should be ashamed of. And if you have a problem that overwhelms you, you don’t have to stay the same, ask for professional help. Psychologists have the role of helping people return to their state of well-being and ensuring that they stop suffering.
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That is why this day, the Mental Health Day is especially important since in the same way that we do sports, follow a correct diet and try to take care of ourselves to keep our body healthy and strong, why aren’t we going to do the same with our mind and brain?

The first step to breaking stigmas is recognize the problems, recognize the emotions we feel and make them legal, since at a social level there seems to be a rejection of the recognition of emotions and concerns. Surely when someone asks you “how are you?” You always answer that you are fine, even if you are not. Well, change that. If you are tired, overwhelmed, bored, etc., say so.

The next step to break the stigma of psychological problems would be to recognize that you have gone or are going to a psychology professional to help you with a problem. Although this is only done by a few brave people today, we hope that in a few years people will be able to publicly acknowledge with pride that they have undergone or are undergoing psychological treatment to resolve their difficulties, but to get to that point we still have a long way to go. way to go. For all these reasons, the world mental health day