Would You Leave Your Partner If He Or She Gained Weight? 94% Of Men Do, According To A Study

We have always been told that beauty is inside, that love is more than just the physical.

But is this really so? Is it really important to have a good body when it comes to being in a relationship? A recent study seems to indicate that it is, at least in the case of men, since 94 percent of them would leave their partner if they gained weight

Being overweight negatively affects the relationship

The study was carried out by the PnK® Method of PronoKal Group®, an organization dedicated to multidisciplinary weight loss treatment. The study involved 150 Spanish subjects who were surveyed on the occasion of Valentine’s Day.

The professionals of this company wanted to know how Spaniards think about obesity and overweight and what consequences this condition has on life as a couple. Some of the questions sought to know to what extent this fact affects couple relationships or not. What effect does being overweight have when it comes to finding a romantic partner?

75% of those surveyed stated that their partner’s overweight negatively affects their romantic relationship, and the participants explained that the problem lies mainly in low self-esteem, 52%, sexual problems, 31%, and problems having children. , 16%.

Most men would leave their partner if they gained weight, but women would not

But, Is being overweight reason enough to leave your partner? According to the men surveyed, yes it is. Up to 94 percent of men shared this belief. Which seems to make it clear that the physique, in the case of men, is very important when it comes to having a romantic relationship with someone.

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And in the case of women, what happens? Well, according to the women who answered the study questionsonly 6 percent would leave their partner if they gain weight Very disparate data.

As for attraction, are the tastes between men and women so different?

But are the tastes between men and women so different when it comes to having a partner? Well, it seems so, according to different investigations.

An example is a study carried out by the University of British Columbia (United States) that was published in the American Psychological Association Journal. According to the research conclusions, For men, women who smile more are very attractive However, in the case of women, the results were quite the opposite. For them, the men who are considered more attractive are those who show a more serious feature and smile less.

Furthermore, a recent study seems to indicate that men prefer them to be sillier and not very thoughtful. This is contrary to what several experts claim, who say that women, when it comes to having a romantic partner, value intelligence more than men. This is what is known as sapiosexuality

To learn more about sapiosexual people, you can visit our article: “Sapiosexual: being attracted to intelligence”

Relationships make you fat

Surely you have met someone who, after starting a relationship, has gained noticeably weight. And some individuals, after finding their better half, start new habits and behaviors. Some of these habits have to do with nutritional habits, that is, the way we eat. This led to Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO) to carry out research on the relationship between being in a relationship or single and the repercussions of this situation on the tendency towards overweight.

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No more and no less than 2,314 subjects participated in their study, of which the vast majority were middle-aged women (between 31 and 40 years old). 81% of the participants stated that the relationship had made them gain weight

The results show an average of a weight gain of 4.5 kg when you have a well-established relationship. According to the participants themselves, The cause could be that when you are single you control your eating habits to have a more attractive image However, once you are in a relationship, this habit loses importance and you tend to gain weight.

What is the importance of being overweight to find a stable partner?

As concluded by the study carried out by PronoKal Group®. This study confirms that 73% of the people surveyed think that being overweight negatively affects finding a stable partner, but only 38% affirm that this is still equally important when it comes to maintaining a consolidated relationship.

On the other hand, 42% admit that when they are single they try to take more care of their diet, and 24% snack less when they are single. Furthermore, 47% of those surveyed claim to snack more right after breaking up with their partner.

You can learn more about these results in our post: “Love makes you fat, or at least it seems that way”