You Become What You Think About Most Of The Time

You become what you think

Regardless of whether what you think about is something you want or if it is something you don’t want, when you think about it you open the door. And you do it with greater intensity the greater the emotional charge with which you think about it

For example, let’s say you want to earn more money; then you can think that you don’t have money, that you’ve never had it, how difficult it is to get it, how long you’ve been wanting it without getting results, in everything you’ve tried, without making great progress… And while you do this you feel sad, frustrated, angry.

Emotions are radio frequency waves that emit a message, it is as if you were saying to the universe: I want more of what I am feeling. And the universe always responds.

    A practical exercise: the “that would be great” exercise

    Practice this: think, or even say out loud, phrases that begin with “that would be great.” I invite you to practice it right now: choose a topic that you would like best and say phrases related to it that begin with “it would be great.”

    For example:

      Do you see what happens? Do you notice how your emotional state has grown towards a happier one? At least a little. That’s what it’s about.

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      You become what you think about most of the time

        You become what you think about most of the time

        So be very careful what you are thinking and even more so, take care of how you are feeling.

        And if you’re not feeling good, then your job is just to feel a little better, not good, but a little better.

        It is impossible to go from feeling angry to feeling happy, but it is possible to go from feeling angry to feeling indifferent, from there to feeling slightly optimistic and thus moving to a slightly better state.

        So If you want your reality to improve, pay attention to what you think focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want, or on the absence of what you want.

        Tools that help you stay focused on what you want

        These two resources can help you a lot.

        1. A display box

        It is a place on the wall, on a cork or anywhere you see often, where you put photos of what you want, it can be things (a car, a house, new clothes) or maybe attracting new friends, a new job etc To give it greater power, Post photos in which you appear with what you want: If it’s a car, go to the dealership and take photos with it, touch it, feel your dream. The same if it is a house.

        The visualization chart will give you long-term vision. Of course you can change it to your liking as your preferences change or you achieve your dreams.

          2. A next step card

          This card must have written the next concrete steps towards your vision It could be signing up for a new activity to meet people, finding a good coach or therapist to help me, choosing a good training to learn something new, getting a new job, saving a certain amount of money… It’s something tangible and realistic, which can be can be achieved in the next few weeks or at most one or two months. This will give you concreteness and “land” your dreams.

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            Therefore, look often at your display chart and your next step card. Put a note on your phone, carry the card in your pocket, put your vision board in various places (or at least some photo).

            Be consistent and be patient, do the right things for as long as necessary. Don’t expect to do it one day, or once in a while, and have results.

            Make taking care of what you think and what you feel a habit that you do every day. And enjoy the process.