10 Ideas To Regain Motivation At Work

We are humans, different from robots and machines, and as such not every day our mood is the same

There are many people who, although they dedicate their time and efforts to an area they like, do not always get up in the morning with a great desire to go to work. And this is completely normal. There are days when, for whatever reason, we are not particularly motivated to face those challenges that our daily routine brings us.

But it may even be the case that this occurs during relatively long periods, and is not something specific.

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Recovering lost motivation at work

These people may be in the middle of different complex situations; Perhaps they are facing a specific project that they don’t like very much, an excessively difficult task, or simplythere are external causes that are directly attacking your personal motivation and that prevent them from continuing at the foot of the canyon.

There are also cases in which stress or some underlying psychological problem can negatively influence the desire we have to do things well during the workday.

10 ideas to stay inspired despite difficulties

Regardless of the situation, The keys presented below can be helpful when it comes to regaining that motivation that was lost at some point.

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If you apply them to your life, you may notice how, little by little, you find the state of flow again and everything begins to turn around.

1. Think about why

It is important to keep in mind that everything has a reason for being, an objective regardless of whether you’re in the middle of a big project or a small task.

Sometimes it is difficult to detect it, but finding it can help reborn that motivation to finish the project undertaken. If in the end you can’t find a compelling reason to do something, it’s very possible that you simply shouldn’t do it.)

2. Think about what you lose

It is totally contrary to the previous point, and an alternative to this. Instead of thinking about what you can gain, think about what you can lose if you don’t complete that job A somewhat negative way to motivate yourself, but if it helps you get going, it may not be a bad idea.

3. Try to make it fun

It is very possible that you find yourself in the middle of a very boring task and you may want to give up on it. But if you have the ability, you can turn that unfun task into a very interesting one

Personally, I try to avoid administrative tasks as much as possible, but if I have no other way out, I grab my iPod and create a good playlist, and so time flies by. Don’t limit yourself, just let your creativity and imagination fly.

4. Check your progress

Try to make a graph or find a way that allows you to evaluate your performance in relation to the goals you have set, this way you will also be able to anticipate any unforeseen event. There is nothing more motivating than achieving the goals you have set for yourself and being able to prove it.

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On the other hand, they will also allow you to obtain very valuable information, since the graphs or the method you have chosen will motivate you to continue fighting for your goals.

5. Divide the work into very specific and well-defined tasks

Spend some of your time thinking about the project you are carrying out, and try to break it down into smaller actions that you can manage more easily

We know that a large project can be very overwhelming, and this “decomposition” process will help you control the project and see more clearly the achievement of your objectives. Plus, every time you mark a task as done, your brain gets instant motivation to continue.

6. Start doing something now

Don’t stay inactive , choose a task and start as soon as possible. The act of starting is enough to overcome the resistance that your brain has to starting something.

Working for a few minutes helps you lose your fear And once you’re working on it, you start to feel good about doing what you need to do, and that pushes you to continue. All this generates a kind of inertia, everything falls into place so that you can complete that task satisfactorily.

7. Plan your time

Many times we rush when calculating the times necessary for a certain project or task, we are very optimistic in this regard But this usually happens because we do not have the necessary information at hand and because unforeseen events can always happen.

When we have put on a deadline and we see that we are not going to be able to fulfill it, we tend to get discouraged and blame ourselves for being a failure and irresponsible. But what should you do in that case? Be realistic in your planning, reconsider and modify your estimates as more information becomes available

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8. Treat yourself

You deserve it! Negotiate with yourself a reward for when you finish a certain task or make good progress on a big project. Do you like to walk, eat good dishes, read good books?

Do something you feel like doing at that moment, pamper yourself! Your task is to find your own incentives and rewards. There is nothing wrong with that.

9. Look for a second hand

I don’t mean that you look for someone to do the work for you, but rather someone who gives you extra motivation, the one who will give you the last little push.

Surely it has happened to you that you find it difficult to motivate yourself or find that motivation on your own? So someone with values, responsibility and ambition in life can be the push and support you needed. Find that person and lean on them! You also have other options, such as seeking external support in Internet communities, common interest forums, blogs, etc. You will get constant motivation.

10. Get away from everything

If you have already tried everything above and it doesn’t work, that means you are going through a difficult time. Take a few days of vacation, travel, make plans with your family and don’t think about anything related to work You need to gain strength and meditate.

Don’t feel guilty for not working during that time. In fact, this time of relaxation will help you come back with your batteries charged and give a new air of innovation and creativity to the company.