101 Shocking Phrases That Will Leave You Thinking

There are many types of phrases, the motivating ones, the laughing ones, the ones that invite you to reflect and the shocking ones, among others. These last are phrases that reach our hearts or consciences and make us reflect on life and human existence.

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    Shocking famous phrases and quotes

    There are many philosophers, writers and other famous people who have uttered some shocking phrases In the following lines we have made a compilation of quotes that will make you think.

    1. Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss

    Failures can help us grow, so they are opportunities that we must take advantage of.

    2. What truly matters in life is not the goals we set, but the paths we follow to achieve them

    Having goals is good, but you have to go step by step, enjoying the moment.

    3. The man who has lived the longest is not the one who has lived the longest, but the one who has experienced life the most

    It’s no use being dead while alive. Life must be savored.

    4. If you can dream it, you can do it

    A nice phrase from the legendary Walt Disney.

    5. We are what we do repeatedly. Therefore, excellence is not an act, but a habit

    The philosopher Aristotle, in a reflection on habit.

    6. The impossible is the ghost of the timid and the refuge of the cowards

    When we think that something is impossible we paralyze ourselves and stop developing.

    7. Start seeing yourself as a soul with a body instead of a body with a soul

    One must connect with oneself to be happy.

    8. It is better to act at the risk of regretting it than to regret not having done anything

    Better to repent of what one has done than of what one has not done.

    9. The path we have to travel is full of surprises. You will never be prepared for what happens to you, whether happy or gloomy, because that is part of gaining experience. And discovering how pleasant or unfortunate those that await you are, is something you will never be able to evade.

    Instead of living off expectations, it is healthier to live in the present.

    10. An emotion does not cause pain. Resistance or suppression of an emotion causes pain

    When we try not to feel an emotion, it becomes stronger.

    11. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future, it is something you design for the present

    Thinking about the future and obsessing about it does not promote happiness. On the contrary, it makes it difficult.

    12. Everyone wants peace, and to ensure it, they manufacture more weapons than ever

    A quote that speaks of the hypocrisy of many states.

    13. Everyone thinks about changing the world, but no one thinks about changing themselves.

    To change the world, you first need to look at your navel.

    14. If we exaggerated our joys, as we do with our sorrows, our problems would lose importance

    People are experts at magnifying the negative things that happen to us and blaming ourselves.

    15. A friend must be like money, before needing it, you know its value.

    Friendship is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

    16. Your actions will be a reflection of the way you see life and those that will define you to others. Do not waste them on things and attitudes that are not worth it, only you can decide the way you want to be remembered, because you will not be in this world forever.

    Our thoughts influence our behavior.

    17. Who can say how much love, little love feels

    In reference to the fact that people who truly love cannot express this feeling with words.

    18. Love is what moves the world although sometimes it seems otherwise. It wouldn’t hurt us to remember this from time to time.

    Sometimes we forget how important it is to love.

    19. Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition

    A thought-provoking quote from Adam Smith.

    20. You never finish getting to know people. Your friends, family and even yourself can hide surprises that you could have imagined in life, both good and bad.

    We all hide things that not everyone knows about.

    21. We all have the same destiny, in essence there is no way to differentiate ourselves if we are born to cry and laugh. Remember, we all have our days numbered, live each of your days as if they were the greatest gift, because no one can guarantee tomorrow.

    We will all end up in the same place in the end.

    22. We all want to grow old; and we all deny that we have arrived

    It is not easy to accept old age when it comes to us. We would all like to be eternally young.

    23. As long as you live you will meet all kinds of people, both good and bad. It is impossible to guess the intentions that someone hides behind their behavior, but discovering it is the most interesting and dangerous task you can come across.

    Each person is a world, and throughout our lives we will meet many people, with their personal characteristics.

    24. Happy times in humanity are the empty pages of history

    A quote that invites the reader to reflect on human existence.

    25. A happy person does not have a certain set of circumstances, but rather a set of attitudes

    Attitude makes the difference regarding the direction we take in life.

    26. Disappointment after a failed love can oppress your heart to the point of not letting you breathe. But no one has died of love

    Heartbreak can be a really painful experience for some people.

    27. If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible

    We cannot stay in the superficial aspects if we want to transform our lives.

    28. Don’t cry for the people who have left, focus on those who are by your side in the present and keep the good memories of those who left

    People who have not known how to value you do not deserve a second of your thoughts.

    29. There is no duty that we neglect as much as the duty to be happy

    Happiness is what we all seek in life and what we should all be able to have.

    30. Do you want to be rich? Well, do not worry about increasing your assets, but rather about decreasing your greed.

    Greed makes you a poor-hearted person.

    31. You should not focus on the pain you may feel if someone has failed you. If you can’t forgive a mistake, bury it and move on.

    Forgiveness has a healing effect not only towards ourselves, but also towards the people we forgive.

    32. Don’t stop having faith in others, because of one or more people who have disappointed you

    Not all the people we meet in life will be good to us. This must be accepted.

    33. May you live every day of your life!

    Life can be lived in two ways. With optimism or pessimism.

    34. Love is the greatest adventure you can embark on. Because it can make you fly higher than you ever imagined and also bring you down to earth.

    Love is, without a doubt, one of the best sensations we can feel in this life.

    35. It’s hard to trust after taking a low blow, but there are kind-hearted people out there who can make up for your disappointments. Don’t put aside the opportunity to meet her

    Luckily, we can always come across people who are really worth it.

    36. A happy heart lives longer

    When we are happy, our overall health feels it.

    37. Alone we can do little, together we can do a lot

    Unity helps us go further than we would alone.

    38. The measure of health is not being adapted to a deeply sick society

    We live in times when people are made sick by the values ​​of capitalist society.

    39. How wonderful it is that no one needs a single moment before starting to improve the world

    A memorable quote from Anne Frank about how we can change our surroundings.

    40. It is always the people we love the most who can hurt us the most.

    When we feel something strongly about someone and it causes us pain, the pain is really intense.

    41. Don’t stop loving for fear that you might get hurt, but learn that life is not always going to be fair to how you feel. The only thing you can do is trust that you will find someone with whom you can share your days, even if you have to make mistakes more than once.

    Acceptance is the best way to enjoy greater well-being.

    42. Put your heart, mind and soul into even the smallest acts. That is the secret of success

    Surrendering body and soul to the present is the best way to be happy.

    43. Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it

    It is not the events that cause us pain, but how we relate to them.

    44. Being realistic is the most commonly traveled journey towards mediocrity.

    A quote from Will Smith, and a great truth.

    45. It is literally true that you can succeed better and faster by helping others succeed.

    When we help others, we feel useful and it makes us feel great.

    46. ​​A man who does not think for himself does not think at all

    Critical thinking should be part of everyone, but it is not always the case.

    47. Things don’t change; we change

    A reflection by Henry David Thoreau, on how people can change.

    48. They have the advantage of having our hearts and our trust in their hands, they have the power to throw them away as if they meant nothing to them, no matter how much we are going to suffer. However, this is the surest way to realize who is truly unconditional.

    Throughout our lives, we may meet many people, but few will be authentic.

    49. Letting yourself be led by your heart can be the biggest mistake you can make. It is true that the feeling makes life much more special, but it is also true that it can lead you to have more than one accident and many of them leave deep scars.

    It is true that we must follow the path of our heart, but we must also practice self-reflection.

    50. You have to expect great things from yourself before you do them

    You can’t go far in life without wanting it and wanting it. Besides without fighting for it.

    51. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t use

    You can’t get far if you don’t even try.

    52. When inspiration doesn’t find me, I go halfway to find it

    Inspiration often comes because we look for it.

    53. When you wake up in the morning, think about the precious privilege of being alive, breathing, thinking, enjoying and loving

    We are very lucky to be alive, and that is already a great triumph.

    54. For the best return on your money, invest in your head

    Decisions that are not considered can be very expensive when we invest money.

    55. It is better to die once and for all than to live fearing life

    The life that is not lived fully is not lived.

    56. Your task is not to search for love, but to search and find the barriers within yourself that you have built against it

    Limiting beliefs hinder our personal growth.

    57. Getting together is a start. Staying together is progress. Working together is a success

    When people work as a team, they go further than if they worked individually.

    58. If you don’t think about it, you probably won’t achieve it.

    If you think they have no chance of achieving it, things probably won’t turn out well for you.

    59. Opportunities are missed by most people because they dress normally and look like work.

    When we do not analyze the problem correctly, it is impossible to solve it.

    60. The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.

    A great quote from the unforgettable Mark Twain.

    61. Discouragement and failure are two sure stones on the path to success

    These two phenomena do not belong in the dictionary of someone who achieves their goals.

    62. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart

    The things that really make us happy are not worth money.

    63. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts

    Thoughts determine to a greater or lesser extent our success on the visa.

    64. In life you have two options: do things well or not do them. You can try, of course, but you must be aware that that will never be enough if you want to achieve a dream. While you live you have to desire it, love it and above all, feel it

    It is clear that if we do not move, we will not achieve it.

    65. Don’t expect to have to make easy decisions throughout the years you have to live. Life is full of complicated choices, otherwise it would be meaningless. If you allow yourself to be frightened by them then you will never be able to live fully.

    Life is full of complicated situations, but they are what make us grow as human beings.

    66. I used to think that the worst thing in life is ending up alone, but it’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel alone

    Loneliness does not only refer to not having company, but to the quality of the company you have next to you.

    67. It makes no sense to deny that there are very dark moments in life and that we are going to suffer, just as we are going to laugh. However, you must not allow that to make you give up, because only the strongest people are the ones who persist in the end.

    Even from the worst experiences we can learn to grow as people.

    68. You have to take risks. We only understand the miracle of life when we allow the unexpected to happen.

    Paulo Coelho, gives us beautiful reflections on life.

    69. Do not judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant

    The important thing is to be moving. The results will come sooner or later.

    70. It is more appropriate for a man to laugh at life than to regret it

    When we live life with optimism, we have a greater chance of being happy.

    71. The constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. you have to take it for yourself

    Benjamin Franklin. A reflection on democracy.

    72. Be realistic: plan for a miracle

    A word game that helps motivate you.

    73. The man who is afraid without danger invents danger to justify his fear

    People can deceive themselves relatively easily.

    74. Happiness is sometimes a blessing, but usually it is an achievement

    You have to work to be happy, and you have to have the will to achieve it.

    75. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion

    Compassion is related to emotional well-being, as much research indicates.

    76. It produces immense sadness to think that nature speaks while the human race does not listen.

    Many people are so selfish that they only look out for their own benefit.

    77. Friends can become enemies and vice versa, at the least expected moment. The truth is that not all people can give us the security we believe. This may be one of the most difficult things to face, but once you have assimilated it you will stop expecting too much from others, not because there is anything wrong with this, but because sometimes it is better to be cautious when choosing our friends.

    We cannot give our trust to everyone, because there are people who do not deserve it.

    78. Being realistic is what helps us be happy

    Irrational expectations cause us frustration and discomfort.

    79. Learn to live and you will know how to die well

    When you enjoy life, you live happier and feel fulfilled.

    80. Knowing the truth about yourself is never the same as having to hear it from someone else.

    Nobody likes to be criticized. However, there are criticisms that can help us grow.

    81. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the candles

    A very profound phrase about the perception of reality, spoken by the American writer, expert in motivational phrases, William Arthur Ward.

    82. When you get old you will not regret what you did, but what you did not do

    Only if we live a transcendental and virtuous life will we be satisfied with ourselves.

    83. Neither I am in the world to meet your expectations nor are you in the world to meet mine

    One of the most iconic phrases of the martial arts genius Bruce Lee.

    84. Life is a succession of lessons that one must live to understand

    Phrase pronounced by the American writer and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    85. Asking for forgiveness is intelligent, forgiving is noble but forgiving oneself is wise

    A truly accurate phrase about forgiveness and the wisdom around it.

    86. You will never be able to plant a good future if you are stuck in the past

    We must always look forward in order to continue achieving our dreams.

    87. Reflection is the path to immortality

    This is one of the most characteristic phrases attributed to the founder of Buddhism, Gautama Buddha.

    88. People never learn anything they are told. They must find out themselves.

    True knowledge is obtained when it comes from personal reflection on oneself.

    89. You are not going to find a life worth living, you have to build it yourself

    This phrase from Winston Churchill encourages us to build our future.

    90. The thinker knows how to consider things simpler than they are

    One of the most important phrases by Friedrich Nietzsche, which tells us about the figure of thinkers.

    92. He who does not know what he is looking for does not understand what he finds

    A phrase that we can take into account in our daily lives to achieve our goals.

    93. I only know that I know nothing

    This is the most famous phrase about Socrates’ philosophical thought.

    94. A day of worry in the life is much more exhausting than a week of work

    Worry does not help us move forward but all it does is distract us from our goal.

    95. The best mirror in life is an old friend

    Old friendships are always a place where we take refuge and find advice.

    96. If you take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive

    An allegory that encourages us to live life with happiness and good humor.

    97. What counts is not the years in our life, but the life in our years

    One of the most famous phrases of American President Abraham Lincoln.

    98. A man who does not feed on his dreams is a man who ages quickly

    The English poet left us great phrases like this William Shakespeare.

    99. Do you think I am wise? No, I just learned to think

    Learning to think for yourself and critically is one of the paths to wisdom.

    100. The only real realist is the visionary

    This phrase was uttered by the Italian film director Federico Fellini and is one of his most inspiring.

    101. The least common thing in this world is to live, most people exist, that’s all

    One of the best-known phrases of the famous English poet Oscar Wilde.