12 Examples Of Morals And Ethics For Everyday Life

Examples of ethics and morals

The world is a very diverse place in which each culture establishes what is right and what is wrong to do.

What is correct is defined both by legal norms, which when broken imply crimes, or moral norms, which can cause social rejection of those who do not obey them.

What is morality?

Morality is a concept that refers to the set of socially well-regarded behaviors, which depend on the culture of each country and its religion. In contrast, ethics is the set of individual values ​​that guide a person’s behavior.

What is moral in one country may be frowned upon in another, therefore we must be aware of the cultural diversity that exists on our planet and be careful not to behave in an offensive way abroad.

Examples of morality

The morality of each culture offers a series of rules that define what is appropriate. Just because it’s moral doesn’t necessarily mean it’s appropriate.

Next We present some moral maxims and examples of morally acceptable behavior in most cultures.

1. Tell the truth

In most cultures, it is considered a fundamental maxim Telling the truth implies being sincere and not lying, although lying can be beneficial to us.

However, this maxim accepts certain types of lies, such as seeing a chase between a victim and his aggressor, knowing where the persecuted person is hiding, and lying to the aggressor to prevent him from finding them.

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There are also other specific situations, instilled from childhood, that imply the obligation not to tell the truth, such as saying what one really thinks about someone with respect to their physique or other aspects.

2. Generosity and altruism

Sharing one’s own is considered morally and socially cooperative especially if it is with the purpose of guaranteeing the good of others and the prosperity of the community.

3. Do not contradict what society orders

Each culture has a series of rules that make it function in a certain way and according to an elaborate ideology for hundreds of years of history.

Not following the norm, whether in behavior, thought, dress or other aspects, can be seen as an attack on a country’s own culture and traditions.

For example, in the most fundamentalist Islamic societies, in which women are obliged to wear the veil, not wearing it would be considered immoral behavior, in addition to being punishable by law.

4. Respect for life

This moral maxim is typical of cultures with Christian influence Both the physical integrity of oneself and that of others must be respected, considering murder and suicide the maximum exponent of the violation of this premise.

However, this maxim presents a certain controversy depending on the situations, such as cases of abortions in which if they are not performed the life of the mother is in danger, or in euthanasia, since it can be seen as immoral to allow a person continues to suffer.

5. Treat others according to how you want to be treated

Basically it can be reduced to not doing to others what you do not want them to do to yourself. We often refer to this maxim as “the golden rule.”

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In Ancient Mesopotamia this premise was very clear, both on a moral and legal level, and basically many laws present in the Code of Hammurabi are based on the idea of ​​an eye for an eye, executing the punishments in the same way in which the crimes had been carried out. acts of vandalism.

6. Don’t cheat

The quick and easy way may not be morally acceptable In Western society, the value of effort and perseverance is instilled, which is why cheating is considered inappropriate behavior.

When playing a sport or taking an exam, you should give your all and behave respectfully. Sacrifice and perseverance are values ​​that are highly regarded morally.

7. Loyalty

Be firm to one’s own ideals and not leave aside the social group to which one belongs, such as family or a group of friends Abandonment of ideals or failure to fulfill them can be interpreted as hypocrisy and turning one’s back on loved ones is considered betrayal.

However, it can be seen as correct to leave the group when it behaves immorally or carries out inappropriate behavior.

8. Be happy about the merits of others and not be envious

Socially cooperative behavior is being happy about what others have achieved regardless of whether one has contributed to its achievement.

9. Live according to the will of God

For example, In Christian societies this premise is based on the Ten Commandments of the law of God which indicate the way in which believers should live so as not to offend God and thank them for their own existence.

Japanese morality: several examples

Japanese culture is a very complex society religiously and morally Unlike in the West, in Japan actions are not perceived as good or bad but alone, but they must be done respecting a series of duties and obligations.

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It is curious how some behaviors that in our culture we would see as inappropriate, such as infidelity or substance abuse, in Japan are not seen as something negative and are even defended and perceived as something natural.

The Japanese code of conduct is based on three concepts, which are like gears that work together to define good conduct in the country of the rising sun.


1. Giri

The Japanese believe that at birth a series of debts are contracted towards the parents, like the fact of receiving a name and being brought into the world. This idea is somewhat similar to that held in the West regarding Original Sin, however without the negative connotation.

2. On

It arises from interaction with other people, when favors or other altruistic behaviors are performed or received The idea of ​​being in debt takes on a point that borders on exaggeration in Japan, becoming perceived as something that will never be fully satisfied and relationships are deeply influenced by it.

This idea is what is behind the fact that the Japanese thank each other several times.

3. Chu

It is a patriotic duty which refers to the respect that should be felt for Japan, its law and the emperor.

Today these three ideas are strongly present, but in feudal Japan they had a much more striking role. For example, if a samurai was insulted in public, his giri was dirty and he had the obligation to clean it, exercising revenge on the person who had insulted him, usually in a duel.

However, if this situation occurred in the imperial palace, the chu had to be taken into account, since attacking another person there would mean offending the emperor. That is why the solution to this situation would be the death of the offended party, committing harakiri or honorable suicide.