13 Keys To Know If Your Child Smokes Marijuana

Recreational cannabis use It has expanded over the years, especially among young people. Socially considered a soft drug with few side effects, it is often consumed by adolescents as young as 12 or 13 years old.

We are facing a population in the process of growth, with consumption posing a greater danger than usual as it can affect the development process. This is why many parents are worried that their children may smoke or consume this and other substances. Throughout this article we present a total of 13 keys to know if your son or daughter smokes marijuana

Cannabis and marijuana: what are they?

Cannabis is a psychodysleptic, a psychoactive substance that produces a modification in the level of activation and functioning of the brain. This substance comes from the cannabis plant, which It has different variants, such as indica, sativa or ruderalis

When the element to be consumed is the leaves and stem of the plant only chopped, we are talking about marijuana.

The effects of this substance are initially euphoric and then leave a state of relaxation and analgesia, with a certain sedative effect. Another of its effects is that it facilitates hunger while controlling vomiting. It is also effective as an anticonvulsant.

Due to these effects, marijuana can be applied therapeutically in multiple disorders. It is also used recreationally to deinhibit and reduce tension and anxiety However, its consumption can have harmful effects, especially if it is continued over time and with great frequency. It can cause alterations in consciousness, loss of concentration and memory, and decreased performance, as well as depressive symptoms and even the so-called amotivational syndrome Likewise, it can cause perceptual alterations such as hallucinations and even cause psychotic outbreaks.

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Young people and adolescents, not yet fully developed have a much greater risk, because in addition to the effects of the substance itself (which are already greater due to their greater susceptibility to neurotransmitters such as dopamine) their development process may be altered.

Signs of marijuana use

Below you can see a series of signs that can serve as an indication that someone is using marijuana It is important to keep in mind that we are only talking about signs, not aspects that necessarily imply that the person is consuming this substance. Some of them appear while the effects of consumption last, while others appear later or after prolonged consumption.

1. Lost look

cannabis It is a substance with psychoactive effects Although they may initially generate a certain feeling of euphoria, they usually end up producing a state of relaxation and tranquility. For this reason, it is not uncommon for those who consume it to tend to become absorbed, maintaining a lost gaze.

2. Red eyes

Conjunctivitis, red eyes and a brighter and more dewy look than usual They are also possible signs of the use of marijuana or other substances. A certain mydriasis or pupillary dilation is also common.

3. Disinhibition

Marijuana is usually consumed due to effects of initial euphoria and subsequent relaxation those it induces. In general, they also tend to cause a certain disinhibition, restricting behavior to a lesser extent than usual and allowing greater manifestation and expression at a behavioral and social level.

4. Excessive appetite

One of the effects of cannabis is an increase in appetite and feelings of hunger, which is why it has even been used medicinally in disorders that cause weight loss.

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In this sense, it is possible to observe that the habitual marijuana consumer They are hungrier than usual It is also common for them to seek out sweet, higher-calorie foods, and it is not uncommon for them to experience weight gain.

5. Problems with concentration and recent memory

Memory and learning are influenced by cannabis use. Specifically, it is not uncommon there are recent memory problems, with some difficulty concentrating and remembering events that are temporally close in time. This effect is usually observed in the long term.

6. Insomnia

Although it may seem paradoxical due to the state of relaxation it causes, consuming marijuana can cause different sleep problems once its effects have worn off. The most frequent are the difficulties falling asleep or waking up at night

7. I use incense and gum more frequently than usual

Marijuana has an easily detectable characteristic odor both at the moment in which it is consumed and in the breath of the person who does it. Using strong incense or chewing gum excessively may be an indication that you are trying to camouflage the smell.

8. Expansive mood

Cannabis, especially the version from the cannabis sativa plant, is a psychoactive substance that initially causes euphoric reactions to later have a relaxing effect.

It is common to perceive certain level of disinhibition, uncontrolled laughter and raised voice tone while the effects last.

9. Decreased attention

The mood and the relaxing and even narcotic effect induced by marijuana consumption cause the level of attention to decrease. This does not occur only while the effects last, but In the long term, attention span can also be reduced

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10. Cough and breathing problems

One of the most common forms of consumption is smoking, through cigarettes. As such, this means the maintenance of smoke within the lungs and throat, which, as occurs with tobacco, can cause irritation and cause coughing and even respiratory problems.

11. Lack of coordination at the motor level

It is common for marijuana to cause a certain level of lack of coordination between mind and body, also reducing the ability to react to stimuli

12. Use of objects such as pipes, grinders, rolling papers or mouthpieces.

Marijuana consumption does not necessarily imply the use of specific instruments for this but certain objects and elements can be used frequently.

Since it is usually consumed in the form of cigarettes, rolling papers and mouthpieces are usually necessary, as well as the use of different types of pipes. Something more specific is the grinder, a two-piece element that is used to crush marijuana buds without breaking components such as resin, with greater psychoactive power.

13. Paranoia or hallucinations

Although it is not so common, marijuana use can cause changes in perception and even generate hallucinations and delusions, which can even trigger psychotic outbreaks.

This occurs especially with marijuana derived from the cannabis sativa plant or with the different hybrids of this plant with other variants.

Does my son smoke joints?

Taking into account all the clues and signs that we have mentioned, it will be easier for you to detect if your child smokes joints. In case you come to the conclusion that he does indeed have this addiction, stay calm and consult a psychotherapist specialized in adolescents