4 Keys To Overcome Discouragement In Times Of Coronavirus

Keys to overcome discouragement in times of coronavirus

In times of crisis like the coronavirus, it is relatively common to suffer from discouragement.

Many times, it is not even possible to identify a specific cause of this feeling; Simply put, the accumulation of intertwined problems that has appeared due to the pandemic leads some people to a mental state marked by hopelessness and the inability to actively participate in what surrounds us.

In this article we will see some key ideas to keep discouragement at bay in this coronavirus crisis, based on advice to apply in our lives

Possible causes of discouragement during COVID-19 times

These are the different factors that come into play in times of coronavirus and that can lead people to develop discouragement.

1. Psychological grief

One of the most painful aspects of the coronavirus pandemic context is the high number of deaths that many countries have suffered. This is not only a reflection of a health collapse: it also indicates that the number of people going through a psychological grieving process has skyrocketed.

Psychological grief is an emotional disturbance that arises from the feeling of loss, that is, when we lose something or someone that matters a lot to us. Above all, it occurs after the death of friends, family and pets.

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Psychological grief It can cause the mental state of the person who suffers it to be constantly fixed in the anguish generated by that loss ; everything that could have been done and was not done, what will not be experienced again due to the absence of the person we miss, etc. The result is a feeling of emotional fatigue and not having the desire to do anything, since all energies are concentrated on getting used to this new reality in which the family member, friend or missing object is no longer there.

2. Work stress

The COVID-19 crisis goes hand in hand with a major economic crisis, due to the implementation of the state of alarm (and in some cases, due to the need to work at forced marches, in the case of healthcare personnel). There are those who find themselves in the need to desperately look for alternative sources of income, or to work more to compensate for the money that stops coming in. In the case of salaried employees, there is also the risk of being left without a job due to decisions that are beyond one’s reach.

One of the most direct consequences of all this is stress. People who go through situations like this are almost always in a state of alert, given that what happens during these months can have long-term implications on their employment status or directly on their quality of life.

3. Social isolation

This is a phenomenon that can especially affect the most extroverted and socializing people: Due to the limitations applied to prevent the risk of contagion, many people who could barely conceive of their leisure time without the company of friends or without meeting new people find themselves trapped in a much more “homemade” lifestyle.

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There are people for whom video calls are not enough when it comes to sharing pleasant times with someone. Therefore, in some cases, boredom predominates due to not having references or experience when it comes to enjoying a certain variety of hobbies or stimulating projects that can be carried out at home or alone.

4. Empathy with those who suffer

Seeing others go through complicated situations also generates significant psychological wear; Anxiety and depressive symptoms can be contagious

How to overcome low mood?

Follow these tips to learn to overcome the discouragement caused by the pandemic context; To do this, you must introduce small changes in your daily life so that they become new habits of emotional management.

1. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a very powerful tool for managing emotions It allows us to get rid of obsessive thoughts that keep us constantly anxious, and offers the possibility of adopting a more constructive mentality, not based on what has happened to us but on what we can do from now on. This is why many teams of psychologists incorporate these Mindfulness exercises into our intervention services for patients and groups.

2. Accept the discomfort

Trying to pretend that the discomfort and anguish generated by the pandemic does not exist is a mistake. This leads us to always be on guard in case some stressful thought appears in our consciousness, which makes it more likely that this will occur. Instead of trying to “block” thoughts, we must assume that they will appear, but that we should not give them extra importance. It is better to direct our attention to other things.

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3. Give yourself time

It is necessary not to hurry; psychological discomfort It takes time to restore emotional balance To pretend otherwise is to put obstacles in your way.

4. Take care of yourself physically

Eat well and rest as much as you need. If your body is not in good condition, that psychological predisposition to feel interest in the things around you will not resurface, to get excited about new facets of reality. Pay attention to what you eat is healthy and make sure you follow a sleep schedule in which you can get enough and regular sleep.

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If you are interested in having the help of professional psychologists, contact us. In PsychoTools We are experts in face-to-face psychological therapy (in our center in Barcelona) and online therapy (by video call), and we have also been offering Mindfulness services for some time, both in emotion management training processes for patients, and in training workshops for groups. On this page you will find more information about our psychology center.