44 Things To Do As A Couple (interesting And Fun)

Things to do as a couple

Love is the best there is, but sometimes it gets a little monotonous and boring. It is true that having a life routine with our partner is a comfortable way to share intimacy, but doing the same thing with them day in and day out also ends up burning.

What’s the point of having a better half if we treat her like our roommate? Ok, it is not humanly possible to have a new and exciting plan every day, but some magic and spark in the relationship can be added.

Fortunately for those who are seeing how boring their love relationship is becoming, here we will see variety of things to do as a couple a long proposal to ward off boredom and attract passion.

44 recommended activities to do as a couple

No matter how much we love our partner, routine can destroy the magic of the relationship Yes, it is true that having daily habits is comfortable and, as long as there is mutual respect and there is no toxic behavior, there is no reason to think that the relationship is unhealthy or that there is any problem. Now, in a relationship where monotony is the law, there is a risk that one day the spark will go out and that person who was so special will become a roommate or a colleague. We must revive it!

In a world full of opportunities, the options we have to rekindle the passion, the magic of sharing our life with another human being, are practically unlimited. There are those who achieve this by having a special dinner from time to time or walking around the city in search of a new establishment of worship. Others, however, prefer to introduce new gestures and caresses into the relationship. There is a lot to try!

Below we will see 23 fascinating activities, gestures and details that we can do as a couple so that the relationship is revived with passion and love, strengthening it more than ever.

1. Movie marathon

A classic but also a great way to share time and tastes What movies do you like? Do you have anything pending to see? What if you opt for the entire saga? You can even give the marathon a bit of life and dress up as the protagonists of the movie. To add even more grace, you can decorate the room as if it were the setting for the filming and even make a themed appetizer.

2. Do altruistic work together

Helping others is more satisfying when done in the company of a loved one, and who better than our partner to share generosity? In practically any town you can find centers that ask for help from volunteers or need donations Helping other people is very pleasant and doing it with someone we love can unite us a lot. Couples who practice altruism are among the happiest.

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3. Go to a concert

It may seem like a somewhat common activity, but the truth is that it is really rare for members of a couple to go to the same concert, apart from the one where they probably met. Going to a concert by our favorite group or the one who composed “our song” is perfect for making memories. You can also go and try it, choosing an artist or group that you have never heard before and experience the magic of hearing them for the first time in the company of the person you love.

4. Sign up for a course

A very good way to share time is spend your free time learning something new together It can be anything: Art? Well, a painting course. Do you want to learn a new language? Chinese is a good option, it is quite fashionable. Do you like wine? There are lots of wine tasting courses… Anything you can think of is fine, as long as it’s something you both enjoy.

5. Gastronomic tour

Food fills stomachs and hearts, not only broken ones but also those in love. If you like food, taking a gastronomic tour is one of the best activities there is. This activity is as simple as doing an Internet search for interesting restaurants in the city write them down on a list and take the tour trying new things while we do it in the company of our partner.

Cooking as a couple

6. Do a photo shoot

All couples have photos together both on their phones and in photo albums, but few of these photos are as important and emotional as the wedding photos. Many couples only have photos worthy of immortalizing those taken at their wedding photo session, which is a bit sad. Is it no longer necessary to take decent photos once marital coexistence has begun? Doing a photo shoot once a year is a good way to immortalize how love evolves whether we are married or not.

7. Dance

Regional dances, tango, salsa, bachata… all styles are valid if they help us connect with our partner. Through dance we can establish a strong emotional connection with our boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife something we can achieve by taking classes or simply letting the rhythm invade us and dance without brakes.

8. Rent a bouncy castle

It is certainly one of the most original things to do as a couple. You don’t have to be a child to enjoy a bouncy castle and, in fact, it could be said that it is one of the best ways to share intimacy with our partner. It is true that kisses, caresses and bedtime are very intimate and passionate, but what about sharing a moment that brings us back to our childhood? That is a truly intimate and magical moment to share with our love. Laughing can be more intense than kissing.

9. Recreate the first date

If the first date was so magical, why not repeat it? A very romantic idea is to repeat the first date. It is true that it will not be as special as the first time, but it will certainly be very intense because it will remind us how magical that moment was. If we can repeat the first date step by step, the better, although who knows? New things may emerge in this one that make it even more memorable.

First date

10. Make a craft together

It can be crafts, ceramics, a puzzle, a model of a ship… The idea is to choose a project to put together together. So that the activity involves sharing a lot of time, you can choose crafts that require many steps, practice, or that simply involve having to assemble many pieces. The day you manage to finish the craft you will feel truly comfortable, not only for having finished the project, but also for having enjoyed the journey together

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11. Spa and massage day

We all need our moment of relaxation, and that translates into spa days and massages. There is nothing more relaxing and sensual than the two of us lying down lightly dressed while they give us a massage with hot stones and vapors of soft fragrances. Many beauty centers offer packages for couples ideal for having a great time with our love while we release tension.

12. Decorate a room together

Many couples live together, but their house is not a reflection of their union but rather of their coexistence. The best way to change this is to turn a room into a place that represents our love. Decorating a room together, choosing furniture, color of the walls, the floor, the paintings… is the best way to represent the personality of our bond, which is more than the sum of two people, it is a mark of identity.

13. Practice extreme sports

Strong emotions are, by far, the best way to break the monotony of a relationship and extreme sports have plenty of them. Bungee jumping, skydiving, motocross, mountain climbing… in short, any activity that makes our heart race by releasing a shot of adrenaline serves to end the tedium of routine in which our relationship can be involved.

14. Compose a song together

Cheesy but unforgettable. Composing a song together is another way to represent the couple’s personality. The musical genre, the rhythm, the lyrics… all of this is a living reflection of that union Even, to make it even more meaningful, you can write a lyric that talks about an important moment in the relationship or how we met. This is definitely going to be our song.

15. Museum tour

Culture should be fundamental in the life of any person, so its importance in couples is twofold. We can turn our Saturdays into culture days, since it is the day when we are least likely to have to go to work. Let’s start the weekend by taking a museum tour, going to the historic center and discovering the wide variety of cultural places that we can find in our city.

16. Afternoon of games

It is not necessary to leave the house or resort to very sophisticated activities to have a good time with our partner An afternoon of games can become the perfect excuse to be together while having fun. Board games, cards or even multiplayer video games are ideal when our couple’s plans are ruined by the rain. There are always alternatives to keep love alive, and home games are one of them.

Couple games

17. Read the same book

Sharing the experience of reading the same book will not only expand our literary culture, but It will also allow us to know each other more in depth Once we have finished reading the book we chose, we will discuss it to see what aspects each of us have noticed, discuss it and listen to our opinions. Needless to say, reading the same books is one of the most romantic activities we can find.

18. Walking and kissing in the rain

Sometimes you just need to make a small gesture for the couple to regain their magic. Stealing a passionate kiss from our love while we walk in the rain is not something exclusive to American movies; we can make it a reality. You don’t have to try too hard to do it and it usually has very good results.

19. Dress the same for a day

Copying our partner’s dressing style is a reckless action, but we have to try it at least once. If we go together, passers-by will surely look at us, thinking that we are a little exaggerated when it comes to showing our love, but… what are we going to do? we are in love. Even so, as a small piece of advice, it is advisable not to go overboard with this tip and only do it a couple of times, since the line between strikingly original or disturbingly excessive is very fine.

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20. Hidden love notes

We arrived home and found a note at the entrance with “I love you” and a heart. It’s certainly silly but it’s also very pretty. Surprising our partner with love notes hidden around the house is a very good way to keep the flame of love alive, making our partner feel really loved and excited to discover what will be next. And if we add to this making a trail of rose petals and candles we get a magical and beautiful atmosphere.

21. Play Trivia or another question and answer game

For lovers of intellectual challenges, we leave you here an article with 160 general culture questions and answers with which to test yourself.

22. Adopt a pet

One of the most praiseworthy things you can do is adopt a pet. Many of them live in foster homes waiting to be adopted by a family that has the time and energy to give them love and a home where they can live comfortably.

23. Play video games

The catalog of video games for two people is practically endless. If you are lovers of fighting games, sports games, racing games… it can be a great hobby in which you have a great time while competing in a healthy way.

24. Exercise

Exercising together is a way to become more motivated and enjoy the achievements achieved more, since there will be someone by our side who will help us appreciate the changes in our strength and in our body.

25. Bring breakfast to bed and eat together

One of the most romantic plans to do as a couple is to take turns preparing each other’s breakfast, bringing it to bed, and eating together.

26. Have a picnic

Spaces full of nature offer a perfect setting for romantic evenings.

27. One day buying clothes for the other

It is an activity that can be fun because of its experimental nature.

28. Dedicate poems to you

It is a creative way to express what we feel for each other, and it also does not require much time: spontaneity is the best.

29. Explore nature in search of animals

Going to a forest, a mountain or a coastline with binoculars (and possibly early in the morning) will give us a better chance of seeing rare or shy animals.

30. Prepare a culinary gift for the other

Think about your tastes, look for the ingredients and try your luck. An experience that may have its risks, but is also interesting.

31. Diving

Visiting underwater worlds together is one of the most incredible experiences for those who are not used to this activity.

32. Go see shooting stars together

If you are lucky enough to live in a place without much light pollution, it can be very pleasant to stretch out together in a secluded place and contemplate the night sky.

33. Take a bicycle route

An easy way to see a lot in a short time.

34. Watch a sunrise

If you don’t mind getting up very early and you are clear about a place where you can see the sunrise well, you will surely like it.

35. Spend a day without using anything with a screen

Instead of asking yourself what to do, it can also be positive to ask yourself what not to do.

36. Go hunting for mushrooms

If the time of year is right, grab a basket and explore a forest or area of ​​wild grassland a couple of days after it has rained heavily.

37. Prepare and give a bouquet of flowers

Collecting them and creating the perfect combination of flowers is an art.

38. Make friends together

Nowadays there are apps that allow you to select possible friends taking into account the tastes and interests of both of you.

39. Go kayaking or canoeing together

An option that can be a bit stressful if you wouldn’t like to get wet at all, but it is very exciting.

40. Write a story with two hands

A creative activity that requires collaboration as a couple.

41. Do acroyoga

Acroyoga is a hobby that also serves to get in shape.

42. Try food from a country you don’t know

Exploring new culinary worlds together is a way to come into contact with new possibilities.

43. Go to a stand-up session

With a little luck (or not), perhaps you can participate in a conversation with the stand-up comedian.

44. Recreate past experiences together in comics

Maybe these will be good enough to generate an audience if you upload them to the Internet.