55 Reasons Why I Love You

Feeling loved by someone we love It is one of the best gifts we can receive in this life. As the saying goes, “love makes the world go round,” and when we meet that special someone our world revolves around that person.

Sometimes the set of emotions linked to what we feel for that person overwhelms us to the point that it is difficult for us to put it into words, and Finding the right love phrases becomes both an art and a challenge

But if we stop to think, we can create a list that we can title “reasons why I love you” A summary of everything that unites us sentimentally with someone we want to keep by our side.

Therefore, in this article you will find some examples of love phrases, ideas that serve as inspiration to understand what makes a love relationship last, and ways to convey those “reasons why I love you” with some tips so you know how. express your feelings for someone.

Table of Contents

Why is it important to know how to say “I love you”?

Most research on relationships shows that those marriages and courtships in which there is a tendency not to express feelings are usually more unstable and last less than the rest. In other words: Even if in the first stage there is an intense and true love, the fact of not expressing it causes the emotional bond that unites two people to deteriorate We must prevent this from becoming a topic that is not talked about among you.

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At the same time, putting into words what we feel for someone helps to organize our ideas and understand if that relationship is based on real love, or on another type of affection (or even on the fear of loneliness). That is, saying “I love you” is not the same as explaining “why I love you”: the second requires deeper reflection, and reveals more things about your feelings. Therefore, doing this exercise to express emotions and feelings is something healthy for a courtship or marriage.

Thus, in love relationships, it is not enough to love that special person for us; It is also important to demonstrate it. Doing it in an honest way and with empathy involves implementing a series of key communication skills, which are very important especially in relationships. However, This effort is worth it, because there are many benefits of knowing how to say “I love you.”:

For all these reasons, knowing how to explain the reason for the love you feel for someone is one of the foundations of couples therapy, although it is something from which any love relationship benefits, and not just those that are in crisis and go to the psychologist. .

Reasons why I love you

No one can doubt when affirming the sensations we experience with love are extraordinary. However, not all types of love are what is popularly known as true love.

And how can we know that love is true? Although each person is different, and each individual has their own idea of ​​love, Some of the reasons why we can love someone are the following

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1. I love you because you never failed me

Despite the bad times, you always have faith in us, in our love. There may be less good days, but you always know how to be there to keep ours alive.

2. I love you because you accept me as I am

Sometimes it’s hard for me to accept myself, but you always accept me.

3. I love you because you show yourself exactly as you are

You are sincere with me and you show yourself exactly as you are. You opened your heart to me and allowed me to enter.

Reasons why I love you

4. I love you because I love being by your side

I love your presence and when I hear your voice I feel that it resonates deeply in me.

5. I love you because you know me even when I have difficulties knowing myself

Sometimes I may feel insecure and may have difficulty finding my true self. But you are always there for me, to understand me.

6. You never try to change me

Even though we are different, you never try to change me. I am me when I am with you.

7. I love you for how we complement each other

Because together we fit perfectly: you add instead of subtract. Where one does not reach, the other offers their strengths to achieve goals together.

8. I love you because we have shared dreams

We have future plans together, and I see myself by your side. I love how your fantasies mix with mine.

9. I love you because we negotiate in fights

I love you because when we fight we both do our part so that the problems are solved.

10. I love you because you are not jealous

Jealousy is one of the most frequent causes of couple breakup. You let me be free because you know that what we have is authentic.

11. I love you because I love a “I love you” said by you

Your voice sounds different from others, especially when you say the word “I love you.” When I hear you, my world stops.

12. I love you because I believe you

You have shown me that you are a genuine person By your side I feel that balance exists.

Because I love you

13. I love you because you trust me

Trust is essential in the members of the couple. We tell each other everything and I love how you trust me.

14. I love you because I trust you

This love is so intense because of the trust we have in each other. You don’t make me doubt, because I fully trust your words.

15. I love you because you respect me

The respect you show me is what keeps me so close to you. You make me feel special and I value that.

16. I love you because every day you teach me something new

By your side, every day is a learning experience. I love learning with you, because you are the best teacher anyone can have.

17. I love you because you would protect me

I feel loved by your side, and I feel protected in every way. I can live without you, but with you I am better

18. I love you because, sometimes, you give in for me

I know you have your own needs and your own tastes, but I love it when you make an effort to make it feel good to me.

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19. I love you because you leave me my space

For relationships to work, it is necessary that each member continue to maintain their own identity and preserve their own space.

20. I love you because I admire you

When we fall in love with someone we idolize them. You are unique to me and you make me feel special.

21. I love you for how it makes me feel to be by your side

Being unique, you make me feel special. I value it every day.

22. I love you because your kisses make me feel something very strong

Nobody makes me feel the sensations that you make me feel. Your kisses have magic they run through my entire body.

23. I love you for our wonderful intimate relationships

Our moments of intimacy are incredible. You make me feel loved and you let me enjoy full sexuality.

24. Because every day you surprise me

Every day with you is special. I love it when you make an effort so that our life is not monotonous.

25. Because you make me forget the problems of everyday life

The moments with you are incredible. You make me forget the problems that may arise.

26. Because we make a good team

We both combine perfectly and form a good team. Together we are better than separately.

27. Because of how I miss you when you leave

When I am without you, I have a great desire to be by your side again. I love spending moments with you.

28. Because of the way you look at me

Another person’s look can tell us a lot and make us feel indescribable sensations. When you love someone, their gaze reaches the bottom of your heart.

29. Because we have a common future

I love how we imagine a wonderful future together. I love making plans with you.

30. Because of how quickly I get aroused and the ease with which you please me

When we have sex, no one makes me feel like you It is not because of the quantity, but because of the quality.

31. For our eternal talks

I love spending entire afternoons talking with you. I love you for your ideas and for how you listen to me.

32. Because you understand how I feel

By your side I feel respected and understood.

33. Because of how I melt into your hugs

There are different types of hugs, but it is not the way you hug that really matters, but who does it.

34. You bring out the best in me

Being by my side brings me closer to the ideal person I want to be.

35. Because you think about me even when I don’t

Many times, it is loved ones who do the most to prevent us from harming ourselves.

36. I love you because you always support me when I go through a bad time

The fact of knowing that you are there to help me gives a security that makes a difference.

37. Because by your side I feel capable of anything

The people who love us, inspire us and motivate us to reach our goals.

38. Because you help me improve through your constructive criticism

The ability to criticize without hurting and providing valuable information is an important support in personal development.

39. Because you value me so much that you tell me your secrets

Commitment is expressed, among other things, by sharing concerns and vulnerabilities.

40. Because you want to protect me and at the same time you don’t treat me with condescension

Through love, the balance is achieved between caring for the other and respecting their freedom and criteria.

41. Because you let me dream without cutting my wings

Someone who loves and from love promotes the well-being of the other, allows them to take advantage of the potential of their imagination.

42. I love you because you bring me peace and serenity

And that possibility of being at peace with you allows me to be happy.

43. Because you always take into account all the details to make me happy

The effort and attention to detail shows how much you value our relationship.

44. Because you risk for our relationship

Commitment involves taking certain risks and leaving the comfort zone.

45. Because you take me into account in your life project

Your future plans do not start from individualism, but from the idea of ​​sharing your lifestyle with me.

46. ​​Because no one knows how to listen to me like you do

This ability to listen makes us much more involved.

47. I love you because you always fight for what you want

And your ideals reflect your personality and way of being.

48. I love you because you want to change the world and you get involved in it

Your values ​​are very noble and you are an example for many, and for me.

49. Because you don’t just say you love me; you also behave accordingly

You don’t leave everything in words, you always go further.

50. I love you because you are special

The best way to summarize what you are to me.

51. Because you love me from a relationship of total equality

Love does not imply jealousy or dynamics and domination and control of the person you love; You both have the same decision-making capacity over your lives.

52. Because I see in you someone unique who inspires me and at the same time supports me

This combination is very beneficial for one’s own personal development and for generating a support system that works for both.

53. Because you have never failed me despite knowing everything that makes me vulnerable

Knowing the other person’s most hidden secrets should not be used to dominate or blackmail them with fear of breaking up, but rather to support them more and better.

54. Because with you I can dream the most exciting future plans

Love relationships are projected into the future, since they are based on commitment and the expectation of living together for many years.

55. Because you have shown me to be the most noble and fair person I know

These values ​​are very important in relationships, and serve as support to establish strong bonds that can be trusted.

How to say “I love you”?

When it comes to putting into practice those phrases of “reasons why I love you”, Keep these tips in mind to convey your feelings for the person you love: