7 Surprising Psychological Powers Of Caresses

Caresses are essential for humans. Discover the true power of caresses and all the psychological benefits behind caressing a man or woman.

Why do we need caresses?

Human beings are social animals, and as such, we need others to survive. This biological need leads us to seek attention, reinforcement, love and affection from others. From the time we are babies, we constantly need attention and care, and this need continues throughout our lives, although manifesting itself in different ways. This need for recognition and attention is satisfied through the petting that we give to one or another.

What is the power of caresses?

According to psychology, a caress is a unit of recognition or attention that can be any social stimulus directed from one being to another, recognizing its existence. When someone starts stroke to another person, you are communicating your recognition to the other. Therefore, it is an ideal way to get closer to others and show all the value that a person means to us.

He power of caresses lies in the fact that touch is the first ‘language‘What we learn when we come into this world. If a baby does not receive loving caresses, she cannot thrive and continue growing. That is why caresses have a special relevance in our psyche and become a special way of showing love towards others.

“Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth.”

Margaret Atwood

Types of caresses

There are different types of caresses that we can receive from others. In this way, depending on the caress they give us, it will have positive or negative effects for us.

  • caresses of love

They are those that make us feel good, give us a sense of well-being and increase our self-esteem. This type of caresses They may be from a family member, a friend or your partner and indicate an effective bond between the two participants. They can be given to provide support, understanding or simply as a sign of love for the person.

  • Erotic caresses or sensual caresses

The sexual caresses They are part of the game that happens before going to bed. This type of caressing occurs in all romantic relationships and is part of the sexual act itself.

  • Negative caresses

Sometimes a caress It can be synonymous with something negative. In these cases, when a person tries to caress another individual, he does so with bad intentions. These types of caresses imply something negative for the person who receives them. Mainly they can be the following.

    • Caresses of pity, that promote helplessness or decrease self-esteem.
    • Handling: These types of caresses may seem positive but they are not. In reality, the person who performs them intends to get something from the other.
    • Insincere they are not truly felt, they are done to fulfill.
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There are times when we don’t get the caresses we need, or they are not appropriate, or we do not express the need for these caresses and we do not offer them, all of this will depend on our established internal standards of caresses. As I have mentioned, every human being has a biological need to be recognized, and in the absence of positive caresses, people look for negative caresses, since they are preferable to not having caresses. For example, a very good and responsible child is never flattered or does not receive any kind of attention when he behaves like this, however when he does something naughty his parents tend to punish him and therefore show attention and interest. In many cases, receiving negative caresses can lead to certain damage to our psyche. When this happens it is vital to go to a professional psychologist.

The different types of caresses

Benefits of caresses

The caresses of love They are very beneficial for our mental health. In this way, when caresses are from the heart, people can obtain the following advantages.

1. Promote the bond

To the caress a man or a woman People are trying to strengthen our ties. That is, if we want to be more united with others, we must have the caresses of love in our routine. Of course, the types of caresses we do must be sincere so that they allow us to get closer to others.

2. Relieves stress

He power of caresses It also has effects on the stress accumulated in our daily lives. Especially when they are sexual caresses or erotic caresses, people allow themselves to relax when they feel these forms of affection from others.

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3. They relieve pain

Different investigations have shown that the caresses They are also effective in relieving physical or psychological pain. That is why the power of your caresses can mean a lot to a person who suffers or feels bad inside or out.

4. It makes us healthier and happier

Have more contact with others through caresses of love It makes us more likely to see the positive side of everything around us. This happens because when we receive a caress our body relaxes and receives chemical substances that make us feel good. Thanks to this effect, our immune system is strengthened and makes us feel healthier.

5. Promotes sexual intimacy

Through the erotic caresses or sensual caresses we can rekindle the flame of passion within our couple. That is why caresses can help us connect more with our lover and encourage it to end in a relief for both of us.

Psychological benefits of caressing

6. Increases self-esteem

Caress a woman or a man It makes him/her feel better about him/her. The reason for this is that we feel valued by others and this makes us feel better about ourselves.

7. Create more positivity

Despite the caresses However subtle, their effects can make us see the world with a less negative filter. This happens because when we receive loving caresses we are encouraged and we can encourage our positive thoughts more against the negative ones.

What happens if we don’t receive enough caresses?

Not getting enough caresses of love or caresses of the heart from others can make us feel sadder and more negative. The reason is that human contact is one of the basic needs that all people require to have a life full of vitality and happiness. For this reason, we should not hold back when giving caresses to others. A caress can brighten anyone’s day.

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