70 Questions For Men: Do You Want To Know More About His Life?

If you are a woman and you have noticed a man, you are probably intrigued to learn more about that person, what his personality is like and how he behaves with others. Especially at the beginning of the relationship we pay a lot of attention to whether or not that person fits our beliefs, our values, and our worldview.

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Questions for men, to know more about their lives

That is why in the following lines I propose a list of questions for men that will help you know more about that person that you have started to like. Questions that can be useful to know how you think and how you act.

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1. Are you a spiteful or vengeful person?

Although resentment and revenge are not the same, they are related. Vengeful and spiteful people have a series of characteristics, as we explain in the article “Resentful people: 10 traits and attitudes that characterize them.” The answer to this question can provide you with very valuable information.

2. Have you ever been emotionally hurt?

We have all suffered for someone at some point. Recognizing this is good for one’s own emotional balance. If the boy tells you something like that and he is honest with you, your confidence will increase

3. What do you think of your ex-partners?

In relation to the previous question. If the person has a good attitude towards his or her ex-partners, it is a positive sign, which may mean that he has accepted the breakup. If hate takes over, maybe not.

4. Do you regret anything in this life?

We have all gone through good and bad times in this life. After all, they are experiences that make us grow.

5. What makes you most proud?

We all remember some moment in our lives that made us feel proud. If you want to know this man in depth, it is good that he tells you.

Questions for a boy

6. What are you afraid of?

The man you want to meet may have some kind of fear. Whether it is the fear of uncertainty, success or some phobia.

7. What do you think about people who smoke?

Smoking is a bad habit but, unfortunately, many people smoke. If you smoke, you may want to ask him this question.

8. Do you hate anyone?

Just like feeling resentful towards someone, Hate is a negative emotion that does us no good It is always better to focus on yourself and think only of those who care about us.

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9. Have you ever cried while watching a movie?

If you want to know if the man you intend to meet is sensitive, you can ask him this question and see what he answers.

10. What is your biggest sexual fantasy?

If, furthermore, you want to have something with that man. This question can provide important information in case you ever have an intimate encounter.

11. What is your favorite movie?

If you want to know their film tastes, this question is a good alternative.

12. What is the most important thing to you about friendship?

This question is important both If what you want is to have a friendship with that man or a courtship

13. Where would you like to live?

With their response, the person provides information about their tastes when it comes to residing in a place and, in addition, what the person is like.

14. What is your favorite musical group?

It’s good to know if the man you want to meet shares your musical tastes.

15. What does freedom mean to you?

This topic can be considered abstract, so it will allow you to observe how the man you are interested in knowing reflects and delves into philosophical topics.

16. What do you enjoy doing the most?

We all have our tastes and concerns. This question It will let you know if their tastes fit with yours

17. If you knew that in a year you were going to die suddenly, would you change anything in your way of living?

18. What would your perfect day be like?

It is a question that is closely related to the previous one, as it allows us to know what makes a person happy.

19. Is there something you have wanted to do for a long time and haven’t been able to do yet?

Sometimes we are too busy to do what we really want to do, but it is never too late.

20. Do you think you can always be faithful?

This will help you find out what your concept is about fidelity in relationships.

21. Do you believe in love forever?

There are people who confuse falling in love with love. Therefore, you can read the article “What is love? (And what is not)”

22. Do you think you can achieve everything you set your mind to?

It’s okay to have expectations and dreams But it is also important that these are realistic.

23. Are you more productive in the morning, afternoon or evening?

There are people who, either due to their habits or other reasons, are more lucid at certain times of the day. It’s good to know if he’s like you.

24. Do you have pets?

If you are an animal lover, you will like the answer to this question to be yes.

25. Do you like to read?

This will let you know what their concerns are. Reading brings many benefits, as we explain in the article “5 incredible benefits of reading books for your brain”

26. Do you have healthy habits?

Surrounding yourself with people with healthy habits is good for you to have them too. Health is first.

27. Would you forgive deception?

There are people who are incapable of forgiving Forgiveness is not only good for the person you forgive, but also for you.

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28. Are you in love?

Each person lives love in their own way. Some of them are extremely loving and others are less effusive.

29. Would you go back to the past? Because?

There are things we can be happy about or hate about our past. When a situation is not accepted, we may want to go back to the past.

30. What is the aspect about yourself that you like the most?

It is a way to know how the man you have contact with values ​​himself and whether he pays excessive attention to his physical appearance.

31. Do you often think about what happens to you and what you feel?

There are people who are very thoughtful and others who are not at all. Besides, Overly reflective people can magnify problems

32. What three things do you appreciate most in a partner?

If you are interested in this man for something serious, you will surely like to know the answer to this question.

33. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Especially in our youth, we have all done unconventional things.

34. What do most people think about you that isn’t true?

A way to see a different side of the person you want to get to know more about.

35. What types of people do you find especially attractive?

A question that aims to investigate the importance that the other person gives to physical appearance

36. In what situations would you be willing to lie?

Claiming that you have never lied is a big lie. We’ve all done it, even if it’s a white lie.

37. Do you like to know what is happening in distant places, or are you only interested in what is local?

Their response can give you information about what the person is like and whether they like to explore and see the world.

38. How would you define your type of sense of humor?

The sense of humor is one of the most valued qualities in a couple so it is positive to know if the other person has a great sense of humor or not.

39. Which member of your family is the biggest example for you?

We have all looked at a model, someone who has served as a guide and influenced our personality.

40. What is the most vivid memory from your childhood?

Childhood is a very important stage of our life, which marks us and says a lot about our personality.

41. Have you ever felt that because you are a man you should not express your feelings?

Masculinity is associated with the idea of ​​reason dominating emotions, and this can overwhelm many men.

42. Have you ever felt that because you are a man you shouldn’t cry?

A variant of the previous question, this time focused on an action associated with the vulnerability.

43. Do you like to use your sense of humor to seduce?

For many people, humor is more than a way to express their personality, and it becomes a resource to please others.

44. In what types of situations is your paternal side seen most clearly?

An interesting question to know the protective side of a man.

45. Have you ever felt pressured by the idea that you have to go to the gym and get muscular to be attractive?

For many men, their identity is tied to the idea of ​​having strong arms and well-defined muscles.

46. ​​Is it important for you to keep your childhood friends?

Some people consider maintaining childhood friendships a privilege.

47. Do you think you tend to confuse love with other feelings?

A somewhat intimate question and that helps to understand how you see relationships.

48. To what extent is sex important to you?

For some it becomes an absolute priority; for others, a distraction.

49. What is the most important thing you have achieved on your own merits?

A question that can help you understand your self-improvement process.

50. What do you find most interesting about me?

It’s time to ask him about how he perceives us.

51. Where do you see yourself living in 5 years?

Dreams and aspirations clearly define people’s personalities.

52. What relationship do you have with your mother?

Getting along or not with one’s own mother is a sign of humanity and familiarity that we should know.

53. What is your favorite book?

Literary hobbies are another question that can be asked to get to know that person.

54. What would you take to a desert island?

A classic phrase that is formulated to know the personality, tastes and way of being of a person.

55. How many siblings do you have?

A person’s family and private life also helps us know how they are with their loved ones.

56. What is your favorite food?

Personal tastes and favorite foods can bring two people together.

57. At what age did you have your first kiss?

A fact that can be very interesting for some people.

58. What relationship do you have with your father?

The relationship you have with your father also says a lot about how you are in your private life.

59. Do you know how to cook?

Knowing how to cook can be a very attractive skill for many people.

60. What do you think about feminism?

By asking about these types of political opinions we will also learn more about the person.

61. What relationship do you have with your ex-partner?

Some people tend to end their relationships on good terms and may even get along well with their exes.

62. Do you play any instruments?

Musical sensitivity and virtuosity when playing an instrument are highly sought after traits.

63. What was the last concert you went to?

Musical tastes and whether or not you like concerts can be a crucial element when deciding whether or not you want to be with a person.

64. What is your favorite series?

With the rise of series in recent decades, the series we like speak a lot about us.

65. What series are you currently following and why do you like it?

Although it may not seem like it, the series we like can also offer a lot of information about the way each of us is.

66. Have you ever used marijuana?

This is one of the most popular drugs in the world and with this question we can know the type of person we are with.

67. When was your worst drunk?

A fun phrase with which we will discover his relationship with alcohol and funny anecdotes.

68. Have you ever taken drugs?

The relationship we have with drugs also tells us what kind of person we are.

69. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

A surprising question with which we can discover what your priorities are.

70. If you could meet a historical figure, who would it be?

A question with which we can discover the level of knowledge of the person and their political convictions.