The 4 Types Of School Bullying That Exist, How To Detect These Attacks?

What are the types of bullying that exist? How can we detect the different forms of bullying that bullies can carry out? Find out how to eradicate it.

The different types of bullying that exist

He School bullying It takes many different forms: from physical and verbal harassment to social and cyber bullying. There are different types of bullying that affect each of its victims in a different way. When we talk about the types of bullying, we always refer to the attitude that implies that a person intentionally and repeatedly causes discomfort or even injury to another person without a cause. Not all bullies are the same. Each of them has their own tactics to exert control and intimidation on each of their victims. By being aware of the different types of bullying or harassment that exist, parents may have more tools to detect it in time.

Types of bullying

There are different ways in which aggressors try to damage the image, psyche or physique of their victims. Among the most common, we find the following.

  1. Physical bullying: He physical harassment It is one of the easiest types of bullying to detect. It occurs when abusers use physical actions to gain power and control over their victims. Normally when this form of bullying arises, the attackers are usually stronger and bigger than the person receiving it. Examples of physical bullying are attacks through kicks, hits, punches, pushes and other physical attacks.
  2. Verbal bullying: These types of bullying It consists of using words, nicknames or certain negative statements about the victim in order to gain control and power over them. Thus, attackers often use insults in order to belittle, degrade, and harm the other person emotionally. In many cases, this more psychological bullying is usually more difficult to identify since the attacks always occur when adults are not around. Furthermore, traditionally, these types of bullying have been looked down upon since they do not involve physical attacks. The reality is that verbal bullying can be as damaging or more damaging than physical bullying. In fact, research has shown that these types of bullying leave more emotional scars than other forms.
  3. Psychological bullying: He social bullying This is one of the types of bullying that goes most unnoticed by parents and teachers. This is a type of social manipulation in which attackers try to hurt their colleagues to damage their image in the eyes of others. In these cases, stalkers try to exclude their victim from a group, manipulating certain situations or spreading rumors among others. Furthermore these types of harassment They can involve a series of prejudices towards people from other countries, religions or sexual orientations. When bullies carry out these types of attacks, they usually use tactics that encompass other types of bullying. What are the different types of bullying that exist?
  4. Cyberbullying or cyberbullying: The presence of the internet has also been a source of new ways of introducing harassment into our society. In fact, one of the types of bullying most present today is precisely cyberbullying. In this, aggressors use the internet, and especially social networks, to harass, threaten, shame or attack their victims. This is one of the most serious forms of psychological bullying since the person who receives all this contempt cannot escape these attacks anywhere. In addition, these types of harassment also mean that it is more difficult to identify the aggressors.
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It is important that parents and teachers act on any signs that may reveal some of the types of bullying that we have mentioned. Additionally, the victim should go to a professional psychologist to repair the emotional damage that her attackers may have caused.

How to identify harassers?

Types of stalkers

Normally, stalkers have very different patterns or attitudes towards their victims. Likewise, there are some types of behaviors that can help us identify aggressors in situations. cases of school bullying

  • Victims: People who have been bullied may go so far as to bully weaker others in order to regain a sense of power and control in their lives. In fact, this is one of the most common stalkers when it comes to the physical harassment
  • ‘Popular’ stalkers: Normally, people who are bullies and also have a ‘good’ social reputation within the class, usually take advantage of the fact of being popular to exercise some of the types of harassment that we have described towards a victim.
  • Relational stalker: The people who exercise these types of bullying They are usually individuals who enjoy deciding who is accepted into the school and who is not.
  • Manipulator: The manipulators mainly exercise the psychological bullying in his victims. This means that in front of authority figures such as teachers or parents, these bullies appear charming. On the other hand, with their victims they can be cold and calculating in order to try to inflict the greatest emotional damage on them.
  • Indifferent: There are aggressors who may be incapable of feeling empathy towards others. In these cases, people may appear cold, callous, and have very few remorse. These are usually the most dangerous.
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When a teenager or child receives any of these types of bullying The person can end up with serious psychological problems. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to any sign of emotional, psychological or physical abuse. In all cases, psychological therapy is necessary to repair the damage that aggressors can cause to their victims.