The 5 Best Master’s Degrees In Psychology In Murcia

Best Master's Degrees in Psychology in Murcia

With almost half a million inhabitants, the city of Murcia is one of the most important municipalities on the Spanish coast. Therefore, it is not surprising that many post-university training programs are available in this city.

In this case we will see a selection of the best Master’s Degrees in Psychology in Murcia for students who want to specialize in one of the various branches of this science.

Recommendations for Master’s Degrees in Psychology in Murcia: a selection

Psychology is a professional field in which constant training is necessary: ​​it is a science that is in its youth stage, and in recent years great changes have been taking place that bring with them new discoveries and new ways of working.

Thus, having just a degree is often insufficient to perform well at work as a psychologist, regardless of whether the work has to do with applied psychology or research. Therefore, in this article we will see a selection of the best Master’s Degrees in Psychology in Murcia, a city with an interesting offer of options to continue learning and specializing.

1. Master in Sexology and Couples Therapy (Couple Institute)

Couples Institute

Couples Institute an organization dedicated to training and psychotherapy services with a presence in Murcia and Torrevieja, carries out this interesting Master’s Degree aimed at professionals who want to specialize in couples therapy and sexual therapy.

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It is a learning process with a minimum duration of 10 months and 1,500 hours (corresponding to 60 ECTS credits) in which students will master the theory and practice of these two professional areas so closely related to each other.

In the contents of the Master in Sexology and Couples Therapy it is possible to find such interesting topics as the components of love, male and female sexual dysfunctions, psychological intervention in cases of crisis due to infidelity or jealousy, the treatment of paraphilias, the Method Gottman of couples therapy, etc.

Students attend real therapy sessions they work on practical cases and workshops, and carry out a Master’s Thesis, among other things.

In addition, all the teaching staff who guide the students are dedicated to different facets of psychological or sexological therapy, or to the branches of medicine linked to sexuality and reproduction.

If you are interested in reading more information or contacting Instituto de la Pareja, click here.

2. Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology (University of Murcia)

University of Murcia

This Master is one of the most interesting options for those who want to specialize in Educational Psychology, as well as Child and Adolescent Therapy (in which assistance in cases of learning problems is very important). It is carried out by the University of Murcia and consists of 90 ECTS credits.

This is a training program that includes two training profiles (whose themes influence the contents covered in the Master): professional profile and research and academic profile. The first is based on psychology applied to specific cases, psychoeducation and intervention in learning processes, and the second emphasizes the ability to carry out quality research and the generation of information with scientific support.

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3. Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology (San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia)


The Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology is one of the bases to perform professionally in the field of Clinical and Health Psychology, and allows providing psychological assistance services to patients with various diseases and disorders.

Here you learn both the theory of the problems to be treated and the therapeutic tools to use, as well as the day-to-day practice of attending to the problems of people who need professional help adapted to their needs.

The teaching staff involved in this Master have a professional experience fundamentally oriented to the treatment of patients and research on topics linked to Clinical and Health Psychology, so that students can have first-hand information.

Of course, this professional specialization program includes internships and Master’s Thesis, in which the content learned is put into practice.

4. Master’s Degree in Psychology of Social Intervention (University of Murcia)

University of Murcia

We must not forget that everything that is studied by Psychology occurs in a social context full of interrelationships and interaction between groups.

The Master’s Degree in Psychology of Social Intervention from the University of Murcia, with 90 ECTS credits, constitutes an ideal specialization program for students interested in Psychology applied to Social Intervention both in the context of public entities (penitentiary institutions, social services, etc.) and private (foundations, NGOs…).

The objective of the Master is to provide students with the necessary tools to diagnose the problems and needs of groups and people in a state of vulnerability, and apply social intervention strategies that improve their quality of life.

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Furthermore, this degree allows access to the doctoral program from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Murcia.

5. Master’s Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology (University of Murcia)

University of Murcia

Psychology has great relevance in judicial processes and in the research tasks on which they are based.

This Master’s Degree from the University of Murcia allows you to develop a professional facet from which you analyze and inform on topics as diverse as the cognitive capacity of people involved in trials, the custody capacity of a father or mother’s children during divorce proceedings, the psychological consequences produced by the events investigated, etc. You also learn how to carry out the Expert Psychological Report.

Do you want to continue training?

To see other Postgraduate or Master’s programs in other cities in Spain beyond Murcia, you can read other articles with several selected options, such as this one: “The 20 best Master’s Degrees in Psychology”