What Can Trigger A Mental Health Disorder And How To Address It

What can trigger a Mental Health Disorder and how to address it

Mental disorders are a common reality in clinical practice. In Mentalia Salud subacute centers, beyond the specific diagnostic labels, we encounter patients whose conditions require the approach and characteristics of a specialized center.

There is no single cause that can trigger mental illness, since are subject to different conditions, which can be individual, family, community and structural, which can affect mental health. On some occasions, the symptoms can be confused with those of a person who does not suffer from any disorder, but does suffer from some alteration. Therefore, it is essential that a professional make an accurate diagnosis to identify the type of disorder and its appropriate treatment. Our approach focuses on crisis intervention, regardless of the patient’s length of stay; the time spent in the center is limited since your referral is from an external referral device and you will be discharged back to that device.

Mental disorders assessment tools

The clinical interview is a fundamental tool in the evaluation and diagnosis of mental disorders. However, in some cases, additional examinations may be necessary. In this sense, psychological tests, especially projective tests, play a prominent role as diagnostic tools. In addition, neuropsychological examination tests are very useful to evaluate and specify conditions in this area and thus design rehabilitation and stimulation programs, among others.

Common challenges in the differential diagnosis of mental disorders

The differential diagnosis of mental disorders presents significant challenges. In our clinical approach, beyond mere diagnostic labels, we perform an evaluation based on the patient’s fundamental structure and functioning. From this evaluation, we identify the syndromic aspects and determine the patient’s capabilities, potential and possible deficiencies or dysfunctions, in order to design an individualized treatment.

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Common challenges to comorbidity of multiple mental disorders

When working with patients who have comorbidity of multiple mental disorders, our approach is focused on the patient and their individual needs. Although there are apparently more obvious “comorbidities”, we consider that the work must be carried out from the base structure on which the syndromic aspects are based. In this sense, we always approach “comorbidity” from a global and integrated perspective.

Considerations when treating patients with mental disorders

The treatment of mental disorders is based on interventions proven in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. However, each treatment and intervention plan is designed individually, taking into account a thorough evaluation of the patient’s potential and deficiencies in all relevant areas. In this sense, the approach is eclectic and adapts to the specific needs of the patient.

On the other hand, in the treatment of patients with mental disorders, it is essential to apply universal ethical considerations rigorously. This becomes even more crucial when we encounter patients whose limited cognitive and volitional capacities make it difficult to grant informed consent. In these cases, mental health professionals and judicial bodies must preserve the protection of the patient when he or she cannot do so on his or her own.

Addressing mental disorders requires a professional and patient-centered approach. Challenges in diagnosis, ethical considerations, assessment tools, and current trends in treatment are key aspects that mental health professionals must address carefully and effectively. Furthermore, the adaptation of therapeutic interventions to different age groups is essential to provide comprehensive and quality care.