How To Disarm A Narcissist And Make Him Afraid Of You

How to disarm a narcissist and make him afraid of you

To disarm a narcissist who is afraid of you, focus on yourself, do not give in to their demands, detract from them and show your capabilities. Dealing with narcissistic people can be challenging, but it is important to approach the situation in a way that is constructive and focused on your well-being.

Manipulation is one of a narcissist’s main weapons to trap his victims. His games and tangles have their strong points, but there are also ways to counteract them. Although it is not a simple task, in this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about how to disarm a narcissist and make him afraid of you.

Set clear boundaries

Narcissists often have difficulty respecting the boundaries of others, so it is important that you establish them clearly and consistently. This may involve communicating what you are willing to tolerate and what you are not, and maintaining those boundaries even when the narcissistic person resists. In this article you will see How to set limits in relationships.

Say no

Narcissists constantly seek validation and admiration. Avoid feeding this behavior and say no when necessary, if you don’t want to or disagree with something. Narcissists often have difficulty tolerating frustration and do not have a good relationship with prohibitions, so do not give in so that they do not use the situation to their advantage.

Focus on yourself

It is better that you focus on yourself rather than the narcissist. If you prioritize yourself, instead of giving it importance, you will regain control of your life. Works at develop strong self-esteem and self-confidence. Recognize and value your own qualities and abilities, regardless of external validation. This will help you not depend on the approval or recognition of narcissistic people.

How to disarm a narcissist and make him afraid of you - Focus on yourself

Don’t give in to their demands

When wondering how to disarm a narcissist who is afraid of you, one of the best pieces of advice is not to give in to their demands. If the narcissist receives a “no” as a first answer and insists to get what he wants, avoid giving explanations and stay firm in your posture. Don’t give in to emotional pressure or unreasonable demands.

Ask for proof

In general, most narcissists try to intimidate their victims and use lies to create fear. For this reason, if you want to disarm a narcissist and make him afraid of you, ask for more proof or explanation of what they say. In this way, you will be exposed and you will be afraid of being unmasked. It is important to insist on this resource calmly and cautiously to avoid situations of physical and/or verbal violence.

Keep calm

Narcissists are experts at provoking negative emotional reactions in others. Stay calm and composed, even when faced with challenging or provocative behavior. Don’t give them the pleasure of seeing them affect you emotionally. You can use breathing techniques from disciplines such as mindfulness, yoga or meditation. By having close contact with the narcissist, the tranquility will make him nervous and exposed. In this article you will see how a manipulator acts when he is discovered.

How to disarm a narcissist and make him afraid of you - Stay calm

Detract value

Another way to disarm a narcissist and make him fear you is to downplay what he says. This is related to the fact that they are arrogant people who constantly seek attention to feel satisfied with the value of their environment. So that this does not happen, minimize everything that counts so that he realizes that what he says adds nothing to the conversation.

Show your capabilities

To know how to disarm a narcissist and make him afraid of you, you must keep in mind that it is very important that you recognize and value your own qualities and abilities, regardless of external validation. Work on developing solid self-esteem and self-confidence.

When it comes to contact with a narcissist, demonstrate confidence through personal achievements It is an effective way to confront him with his own insecurities. Therefore, this will make them afraid of being harmed and they might stop contacting you.

Learn about handling

Many times, we believe that a person does certain actions by mistake or lack of knowledge. However, the truth is that it can be manipulation without us realizing it. Therefore, it is convenient that you educate yourself about narcissism to know its main characteristics. This will allow you to anticipate any situation that occurs and have the appropriate tools to not be afraid of it. In this article you will find information about the types of narcissism and characteristics to identify them.

How to disarm a narcissist and make him afraid of you - Learn about manipulation

Consider putting distance

If, despite using these strategies, the narcissist continues to invade your space and you don’t know what to do, consider putting distance from him or her. Stay away from any place you know he will be, avoid him messaging you or visiting you. Reduce contact with the person or even cut off the relationship completely if necessary to preserve your mental and emotional health. Remember that your well-being is the most important thing. In extreme cases, make him/her feel threatened, as this deeply frightens narcissists.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Pereira Palacios, V. (2022). Narcissistic Personality Disorder. A comprehensive approach based on Young’s Schema Therapy. Faculty of Psychology. University of the Republic. Montevideo, Uruguay.
  • Sarti, NP, Vidal, BR, Spinetto, M. (2021). Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Early Maladaptive Schemas in a female population with low socioeconomic resources. Argentine Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 13 (1), 73-80.

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