How To Know The Color Of My Aura

How to know the color of my aura

The aura is a subtle energy field believed to surround and emanate from living beings, including humans. According to some interpretations from various spiritual and philosophical traditions, the aura can reflect emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person. If you have wondered how to know the color of your aura, there are different methods to discover it and each color has its meaning.

This powerful energy envelops people and allows them to learn more about themselves and what they are attracting into their lives. It is not static, but can change due to different factors. In this PsychologyFor article we will explain how to know the color of my aura and what meaning each color has, so you can discover which one corresponds to your light energy.

What is the aura and what is it for?

The aura is a type of light energy that surrounds all people. Its shape is oval and is made up of 7 bodies or layers. There are those who claim that there are many more. These bodies interconnect and influence each other. This energy or electromagnetic field can change color over time, as the person evolves, both on a spiritual and personal level, through the improvement of their qualities. In addition, the environment also influences the color of a person’s aura.

The color can change by applying certain techniques, such as visualization exercises, intentions or with certain rituals to purify the being. The physical body also reflects its energy and, therefore, your aura can influence that of other people, or that of others in you. Many people who have delved deeper into this topic can know the qualities of a person, or if they are in good health, just by seeing their aura color.

The aura is divided into several layers: an etheric body, a mental body, an emotional body, a spiritual body, an astral body, a celestial body and a divine body. The aura will also make you understand why some people move closer, while others move away from you.

Through the aura situations or people are attracted. Those who have a pure aura attract beautiful things, while people with a darker aura could find themselves involved in other types of more complicated situations in their lives.

How can I know the color of my aura

There are different methods to know the color of the aura. We show them to you below.

mirror method

With the mirror method you can visualize the tone of your aura. To do this you must follow the following steps:

  1. Go to a quiet, quiet place without distractions, where you can be comfortable.
  2. Find a large mirror and stand in front of it.
  3. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing until your mind calms.
  4. Take a few minutes to meditate to enter a state of deep concentration.
  5. Open your eyes and stare at your face for a few minutes, while breathing slowly.
  6. By feeling totally relaxed you will be able to see how your surroundings shine. At this time you can appreciate the color of your aura.

If it doesn’t work the first time, you can try again a couple of times. The aura will only be reflected if you are truly calm. If you cannot achieve this, you may need to raise your consciousness to another level through meditation. In this article you will find more information about what meditation is for.


Another way to know what the color of your aura is more quickly is numerology. You will be able to know it through your name, locating the number that corresponds to each letter. From 1 to 9 there are several numbers that correspond to each letter, and you just have to write down the one that corresponds to the letters of your name. When you have all the numbers in your name, you must yes add them until they are reduced to a single digit.

For example, if your name is Maria, the numbers would be 4,1,9,9,1. If they are added the value will be 24, which can also be added 2+4, and results in 6. Once you have the number, pay attention to the colors that correspond to each number:

  • Red is 1.
  • Orange is 2.
  • Yellow is 3.
  • Green is 4.
  • Blue is 5.
  • Purple is 6.
  • Pink is 7.
  • Silver is 8.
  • Gold is 9.

The numerology method is simpler, but it is important to learn to visualize your aura to be able to see how it is at a certain moment, because, as we mentioned before, the colors can vary depending on how you are at any given moment.

What are the colors of the aura and their meaning

Discover the meanings of the aura colors below:

  • Red: denotes a personality with a dominant character and presence. He is usually seductive and takes risks without fear. His bravery is unmatched.
  • Orange: It is associated with physical pleasure, desire and the desire to live. It is usually associated with a balanced, happy and optimistic personality.
  • Yellow: related to a magnetic, happy personality, demonstrates security and has a lot of creativity. It is also characterized by a good capacity for control, shyness and, sometimes, low self-esteem.
  • Green: You have great knowledge about yourself, as well as spiritual balance. He is associated with consistency and loyalty to his friends, as well as compassion. He is usually receptive to receiving the love he deserves.
  • Blue: This color of an aura denotes a calm, idealistic, dreamy, friendly, responsible and involved personality with what they love. Likewise, he relates to intellectual people.
  • Violet: This color is that of a person with a deep capacity for reflection. She is usually calm, wise, sentimental, affectionate and with a taste for art.
  • Pink: It is associated with wisdom, mysticism, and deep reflections, like philosophers. It is characterized by its serenity.
  • Silver: An active personality who loves to travel and move around. It is difficult for him to stay in a single fixed point. His mood can also change in different circumstances.
  • Gold: radiates a special shine. A protective personality with a very pure soul. Its brightness is capable of purifying and cleaning the energies of its environment.

The aura colors can change, depending on the energy with which you vibrate at each moment, for example, if it is high or very low. If your aura is not clean, the colors you will visualize will be gray, brown or black. People cannot be born with these colors, but rather they appear when they need to heal internal emotional wounds. In this article you will find information on How to heal emotional wounds from the past.

How to know the color of my aura - What are the colors of the aura and their meaning

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Bowers, B. (1989). What Color is Your Aura?. Simon and Schuster.
  • Cozzi, D. (2016). Aura (Doctoral dissertation, National University of La Plata).
  • Dallal, A. (1990). The Aura of the body.
  • Lugones Botell, M., Pichs García, LA, & García Hernández, M. (2006). The human aura. Cuban Journal of Comprehensive General Medicine, 22(4), 0-0.

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