How To Learn To Give Without Expecting Anything In Return

How to learn to give without expecting anything in return

Rewards are important in life and not only allow us to highlight our virtues, but they are also a way to obtain recognition from other people. In fact, people tend to seek acceptance and/or approval in various situations and contexts because it makes us feel good. This can be achieved through actions, words and gestures that make a good impression in social groups such as. For example, giving a gift to a person expecting some gesture in return for kindness.

Although people usually provide certain qualities and help with the aim of receiving something in return, giving without expecting anything can bring you many benefits. If you have problems achieving this, in this PsychologyFor article we will explain how to learn to give without expecting anything in return.

Benefits of learning to give without expecting anything in return

Performing good actions without waiting for any type of return can provide some benefits that are interesting to highlight. Next, we show you the main benefits of learning to give without expecting anything in return:

  • emotional strength: The fact of not expecting anything in return from an initial gesture can result in us having greater emotional strengthening since it is possible to separate our emotions from the response of others. This has the effect that the person has independence regarding their decisions and emotions.
  • Happiness: not expecting anything in return also generates levels of happiness that are glimpsed in the body. On the one hand, dopamine and serotonin levels increase due to an increase in neuronal connections associated with this type of hormones.
  • Personal fulfillment: This quality allows a person to be satisfied with their own action since they do not measure their results by the response they could receive.
  • Realism: If you do not expect to receive anything in return, you avoid fantasies related to the possible rewards you can obtain for your actions instead of really worrying about the well-being of others. In this way, you will be able to make contact with reality that avoids disappointments.

Be aware of what you can give

Sometimes, we believe that the simple action of giving without expecting anything in return could leave us satisfied. However, it is important be aware of what we are willing to give and what not. This delimitation can avoid future frustrations and discomfort.

How to learn to give without expecting anything in return - Be aware of what you can give

Focus on the present

On the other hand, focus on actions that may not have a reward will allow us to focus on the present and avoid fantasies about the future. On many occasions, we seek to unconsciously obtain benefits from certain actions we perform, leaving aside our own perception of the current moment. On the contrary, avoiding this formulation can bring relief.

Seek personal gratification

Instead of trying to find other people’s approval for a particular situation, giving without expecting anything in return is a path worth taking because it reveals a search for personal gratification. In other words, it is a feeling of personal happiness That will depend on the person themselves.

Avoid idealization

It is normal for us to have ideal responses from other people in our minds if we try to provide some quality while waiting for some response from them. However, let go of idealization It is also a good way to help you give without expecting anything in return and take a more realistic look at the facts.

Stop negative thoughts

Beliefs that bring discomfort are enemies of actions that seek to receive rewards. In other words, if we have certain gestures towards other people just because we believe that we will get something in return and then we do not receive any reward, we could be immersed in negative thoughts.

Therefore, a good way to start giving without expecting anything in return is stop these ideas to avoid frustrations and disappointments In the following article we explain how to eliminate negative thoughts.

How to learn to give without expecting anything in return - Stop negative thoughts

Strengthens self-knowledge

It is important know what our virtues are but also our shortcomings and negative aspects. Having information about these qualities will allow you to know yourself better and help you record reactions when you give without expecting anything in return and learn to better manage these types of situations.

If you need help recording your emotions, in this article we explain how to make an emotions diary.

Focus on the pleasure of giving

It is not necessary to obtain a reward for every good action that a person performs for them to be satisfied with what they have done. For this reason, emphasize the very idea of ​​the pleasure of giving It is a sufficient reason to give without expecting anything in return.

How to learn to give without expecting anything in return - Focus on the pleasure of giving

Highlight your virtues

When we give without expecting to receive anything in return, we will indirectly be highlighting our virtues. Therefore, this practice will allow us to better understand what points we must highlight in our personality to be better people.

In the following article you will find What are the virtues of a person and examples.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Fromm, E. (1959). The art of Loving. Barcelona: Espasa Books.

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