What Is The Inner Voice And How To Listen To It

What is the inner voice and how to listen to it

The inner voice constitutes our only and fundamental guide on the path. Reconnecting with it to listen to it again is one of the most necessary steps currently for humanity to recover more joyful, happy and calm lives.

In the next PsychologyFor article we will talk about What is the inner voice and how to listen to it. We are going to tell you what it means to listen to your inner voice, as well as different techniques and actions to connect with it. In addition, we will also explain how to change the inner critical voice by listening to the inner voice that awakens the universal conscience of human beings.

What is the inner voice

The inner voice is that voice that, from the depths of our hearts, tells us at all times the most appropriate steps for each of the decisions we make on our path in life. It is a conciliatory voice that seeks to guide each person along the best path so that the result of these steps benefits the same person and, in the same way, their entire environment.

According to some spiritual currents, the inner voice corresponds to the universal consciousness. For this reason, it is conciliatory because it does not only seek the benefit of each person, as individual and separate beings, but rather seeks the benefit of each and every human being as a whole. All people constitute an interrelated whole in which each consequence produced in one person irremediably affects the rest of humanity and the universe.

How to listen to your inner voice

Civilizations have existed in different historical periods whose universal conscience or inner voice It constituted the main guide that marked the path of life to follow. This consciousness, according to universal spirituality, constitutes the voice of the kind divinity itself that, from within our heart, guide our destinations. To better understand the concept, we recommend that you consult this article on consciousness or consciousness: meaning, difference and examples.

According to this vision, it has been the move away from the worship of divinities and the creation of societies based on values ​​far removed from humanity (economy, consumption, hierarchical social level, etc.) that has caused a numbing of our conscience or inner voice. .

What does it mean to listen to your inner voice?

The inner voice lives in the depths of our hearts. The development of ratio, as a consequence of the development of less spiritual societies, has considerably closed our hearts. Therefore, to reconnect with our inner voice, an essential step is open our heart and turn off rational functioning or at least reduce it considerably.

How to connect with your inner voice

The opening of the heart presupposes the awakening of conscience and, with it, the confidence of knowing that one is guided by the most correct and appropriate paths for each person at all times. To encourage this opening of the heart and learn to listen to your inner voice, the following actions are convenient:

  • Learn to breathe correctly, because an adequate breathing rhythm connects us with our interior. To achieve this, you can consult this article with different breathing exercises.
  • Dismiss many of the current rhythms and habits of life: frenetic and stressful rhythms, excessive and unnecessary consumerism, endless work days with no sensible objective beyond obtaining money to pay for the properties acquired, etc.
  • Cultivate new lifestyle habits more in line with a more conscious life and respectful of the universal consciousness that, in reality, inhabits each and every living being on earth. Live more peacefully, in contact with animals and nature, eat healthy and balanced food, move your body and keep it active, just as you really need to feel alive, etc.
  • Carry out actions with a humanitarian sense and selfless service to others, beyond the pure and insensitive professional exchange for solely economic purposes.
  • Cultivate those facets of life that give us peace and inner peace and, above all, joyfully hand it over to our neighbors.

All these acts favor the return to human values ​​such as humility, conciliation, kindness, service to others and true joy that, inevitably, awakens the universal consciousness dormant within every human being.

What is the inner voice and how to listen to it - How to listen to your inner voice

How to change the inner critical voice by listening to the inner voice

If the conscience or inner voice is asleep, what is the voice that we hear within us and in what continuous way does it speak to us and determine our daily behavior? This voice comes from our mind. It is an “artificial consciousness” created as a consequence of our life experiences.

From Psychology it is called “ego” and, since it has been created as a result of experiences, shortcomings and unpleasant experiences, it is a set of irrational, biased and limiting speeches that ring tirelessly within us, whose indications usually lead us to discouraging situations.

In short, the “ego” is a critical voice that, in the face of the inner voice of conscience, mutilates us and damages our true potential human. In this article you will find more information about what the ego is and how it operates.

How to silence the critical inner voice

The work of awakening consciousness and listening to the inner voice is made up of two fundamental steps to ensure that it settles within us. At the end of the day, the inner voice is the only true voice of our path, as I mention in the story I wrote “What if we all had a Big Red Heart?” Thus, the steps to follow to ensure that the inner voice prevails are:

  1. Follow the instructions that allow our heart to beat at its own pace: those that allow us to maintain peace within ourselves.
  2. Neglect everything that oppresses our hearts, be it an external or internal voice. This internal voice is the critical voice of our mind that leads us down paths that are pitiful for our soul.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is the inner voice and how to listen to it we recommend that you enter our Personal Growth and Self-Help category.


  • Aguirre, OR (2017). Learn to listen to your inner voice. Your psychologists in CDMX: Irradia Terapia.
  • FABRA, JSI (1997). The inner voice.

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