What Is The Law Of Attraction And How To Practice It

What is the law of attraction and how to practice it

The law of attraction is a spiritual explanation that explains how we receive into our lives what we project and create within ourselves. Our thoughts reflect what we believe we deserve from life and, based on them, what comes to us from life is in accordance with its content. Becoming aware of how the law of attraction works will allow us to change and improve those aspects of our lives with which we are not satisfied.

In the following PsychologyFor article, we are going to detail what this law consists of, we will explain how to put it into practice, we will justify its operation and, finally, we will address its application to achieve true love relationships. Keep reading to find out What is the law of attraction and how to practice it

What is the law of attraction

The law of attraction is a spiritual law that states that We attract everything we project. According to this law, we ourselves construct our reality from the thoughts, words, emotions and actions we emit.

If we take into account that our emotions and actions are derived from our thoughts, from this theory it can be stated that we everything that we create and accept in our minds arrives. This is how positive thoughts attract positive realities while negative thoughts build unhealthy realities. Next, let’s see how the law of attraction works.

What is the law of attraction and how to practice it - What is the law of attraction

How to practice the law of attraction

The law of attraction establishes that thoughts emit a vibration, which generates the return to us by the Universe of elements of the same vibration. In this way, this law can be used in a practical or therapeutic way if we want to enhance or improve certain aspects of our life.

How to apply the law of attraction? To do this, it will be enough to focus on what we want to achieve (for example, good family and social relationships) and, from there, feed those thoughts that give strength to this reality. For example, let’s look at some phrases from the law of attraction:

  • “Calm dwells within me and from there I wish to relate to my neighbors”
  • “Inside me there is a great treasure to give to my family and friends”
  • “I am worthy of care and love”

According to the law of attraction, The emission of these thoughts to the Universe will return their reality to us in a mysterious way.

What is the secret of the law of attraction? For this to happen, we must focus on feeding these types of thoughts (with the emotions and behaviors they consequently generate) and be alert to prevent negative and limiting thoughts from boycotting this work. Although in principle we do not fully believe what we are mentally stating, it does not matter because only the fact of naming it has its effect on our vibrational, and therefore attitudinal, change within us. The continued and constant repetition of these thoughts, along with the small miracles that occur as a result, will strengthen our practice and, over time, will favor the incorporation of these new thoughts as our own. From here, positive and very promising realities will be derived for us and our environment.

Does the law of attraction work?

This paradigm is based on physical-spiritual postulates according to which we are all part of a Whole that is the Universe and, as such, we emit a certain energetic vibration. Elements of the same energetic vibration attract and those that vibrate in a different and opposite way repel each other. According to this theory, thoughts emit a certain energetic vibration depending on their intention and content. Negative thoughts emit low vibrations, so they attract low vibration elements. On the contrary, positive thoughts emit positive vibrations that create very enriching realities.

Although, according to science, These are pseudo-scientific statements, there are many spiritual currents among whose affirmations are the one established in the law of attraction. However, even from a scientific perspective, the statements made by said law can be justified if we take into account the following: Our thoughts create the way we feel and, ultimately, the way we act.

  • Thus, Negative thoughts will produce negative emotions in us that will lead us to adopt negative attitudes (depressive or aggressive). These attitudes will limit us to a range of behavior of this type (behaviors of fear, avoidance, insecurity, aggression, defensiveness, etc.). The results obtained by carrying out behaviors of this type in the short, medium or long term are never usually encouraging.
  • On the opposite side, when we have positive thoughts (about ourselves, about others or about the world), our emotions are positive (joy, peace, inner strength, security, etc.) and, therefore, our actions are proactive. The result that arises from these actions is usually positive, while attitudes drive us to believe in the actions carried out and the force that this produces considerably increases the probability of positive results.

What is the law of attraction and how to practice it - Does the law of attraction work?

The law of attraction in love

The law of attraction can be used, as we have said, to change or improve any facet of our life. Therefore, as part of life, the law of attraction can also be applied to what refers to love, referring to the presence of relationships of pure love in our lives, both in relationships as a couple, in family, with friends, etc.

To enhance and ensure that these types of relationships occur in our lives, we must, in addition to putting into practice what has been mentioned so far, focus on BEING what we want back for ourselves. If we long for cordial, sincere, respectful, pure, true relationships, etc. We ourselves must “become” people who think, feel and act in our relationships with respect to these values. Only in this way is it possible to ensure that the law of attraction allows us to have true loving relationships in our lives with our partner, family and friends.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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