How To Combat Loneliness

How to combat loneliness

It is quite common for many people today to feel alone and are quite isolated from the world. New technologies, the pandemic, the longevity that causes many older people to live alone in their homes, etc. All of this means that some cannot access that company that we need so much.

This situation can cause a person to become even more isolated and feel really depressed. Feelings of apathy, sadness, hypersensitivity or the desire to die may appear. After all, company is part of the most basic needs we have. In this PsychologyFor article, we give you 15 tips on how to combat loneliness. Discover what you can do to make it more bearable and even get out of it.

Recognize it

Surely you have taken this step if you have come this far. To solve something it is important to recognize it to find out what is happening to us and how we can solve it.

Are you wondering how to combat emotional loneliness? Maybe you just got out of a relationship, someone important has died, or maybe you’ve moved to another country. Understand that for any of these contexts it is normal to feel alone.

These types of situations have a grieving process in common and you must understand that finishing this process takes time. In this article, you will find more information about the types of grief and their characteristics. In this situation, look for a therapist or lean on a family member or friend to help you get rid of these feelings.

Learn to benefit from new technologies

Remember that the Internet is a good tool to combat loneliness. Thanks to the network you can feel accompanied. Learning to benefit from new technologies will allow you to participate in online games, watch live streams from different streamers or be part of a group on Facebook. Of course, you must understand that this company should not completely replace the real company.

For many people this is of great help while for others it can isolate them even more. Therefore, you should use this tool with caution and keeping in mind that these virtual contacts should not make up the majority of your day.

Start a new activity

If you’re wondering how to combat loneliness, starting a new activity can help. For example, participate in volunteering, sign up for a dance class, exercise or go to a language academy. There’s a lot ways to meet new people with whom you also have that activity and hobby in common.

Many times we feel alone, but we do not dare to start any new activity out of shame. You must understand that many will be in your position and that you can always try it for a day and see how you feel. You do not lose anything by trying.


Sometimes, feelings of loneliness end up leading to neglect with oneself. We enter a state of apathy, not being able to put on something other than pajamas, not going out, eating poorly or lying on the couch all the time.

Try to change this. Self-care is one of the best ways to combat unwanted loneliness. Love yourself and take care of yourself. Do it for yourself. You don’t need people around you to want to be groomed. Take a nice bath, eat healthy, exercise, put on a face mask, etc. Any of these aspects are very important to feel loved and cared for.

Express your emotions

Don’t try to be strong all the time. To combat loneliness it is important to cry if you need to. Understand that expressing your emotions is normal and necessary, for example, to combat loneliness as a couple. Understand and accept yourself. Discover how to manage emotions.

That expression of feelings will help you overcome your problem in a healthier and faster way. Repressing feelings only causes them to build up and somehow come out. They can manifest in the form of physical health problems or emotionally exploding. Furthermore, feeling bad about feeling bad is adding a secondary discomfort to your initial discomfort.

How to combat loneliness - Express your emotions

occupy your time

try fill your day to day with activities, even if at first you don’t feel like you have the energy and motivation to do it. They don’t have to be big things. Especially at the beginning, you can start with small activities like taking a 15-minute walk, reading, doing a puzzle, or starting to do gentle exercise for half an hour.

The idea is to gradually expand the times and activities. Filling your time will help you get out of that state of apathy. It is a good proposal to combat loneliness among the elderly and young people.

Schedules and routine

Related to the previous section, a good way to combat loneliness is to generate a routine that makes us be active. To do this, it is a very good idea to create a schedule. In it, you can write down when you will do each thing and even what time you will get up. This way you make sure you meet the objectives you have set for yourself.

When making the schedule, think carefully about the most appropriate time of day to do each activity. If you are more active in the mornings, put on as much as you can in the morning. On the other hand, try to get rid of what is more forced and less fun at first.

Go to the street

Right now we are facing a pandemic so we have become accustomed to being inside the house. Teleworking, online classes or home shopping have become very frequent routines. To combat loneliness it is important try to go out almost every day even if it’s just for a walk. As much as we strive to be active inside the home, it is important to be active outside as well. Try to do some errands in person. This way you will help your mind and body to be healthier.

do sports

Have you ever wondered how to combat loneliness during adolescence? A good option to do this is to play sports. In fact, it is a recommended routine to combat loneliness at any age. It has been proven that practicing sports releases endorphins that cause us a state of well-being and happiness. This is tremendously important when it comes to feeling more motivated and energetic to continue with the rest of the day’s activities. In this article, we tell you how to release endorphins.

Try different sports to see which one fits you and which one you enjoy the most. Depending on the person it can vary and, if you want to have consistency, it is important that you like what you do.

Do not isolate yourself

Seeing ourselves a little alone, it is quite common to isolate ourselves even more. Do not do it. Even if you don’t feel like it at first, force yourself to go out with friends or make family plans. Above all stay close to yours and fill your weeks with good times.

If you think about it, it wouldn’t be coherent to say that you feel alone and not do everything in your power to be surrounded by other people. So, to combat loneliness, do not isolate yourself from the people who love you. In the following article, you will see how to overcome the fear of being alone.

How to combat loneliness - Don't isolate yourself

Train assertiveness

Do you want to know how to combat loneliness? Stop thinking about what you should say and when it’s time. Try to be more impulsive say what you think in a clear and firm way. If you don’t give importance to your message, no one will. Be respectful, but don’t constantly fear if what you say is going to offend or make you look ridiculous.

Remember that not everyone can always like you and that if what you think others don’t like, it means that they are not worth being in your life. In this article, we offer you tips to give yourself value in front of others.

You are in charge, not your emotions

Stop always giving in to what you feel: “I feel sad and that’s why I won’t do anything today.” Doing that one day is fine and healthy. However, when it is part of our daily lives, this attitude becomes dangerous. Remember that It’s up to you how you feel and that you are in charge, not your emotions.

Try smiling even if you are sad, doing activities even if you don’t feel energetic, or staying calm even if you are angry. You are the one who rules over you. Taking control of your emotions will help you combat unwanted loneliness.


Set long-term goals. This will help you combat loneliness at age 50, in adolescence, in old age or at any age. Perhaps you have entered a state of conformity and too monotonous habits. Look for new aspirations, that’s what will make you want to take on the world again. That new aspiration could be a promotion, a trip or perhaps starting a family. Go for something that excites you and make it long-term, so that you are motivated for a long period of time.

Learn to be alone

Instead of seeing a day alone as something negative, learn to value it and enjoy it. It may be just the moment you needed to finish that book that is costing you so much. You can also try doing multiple activities without being accompanied, such as walking, going to the movies, playing sports, etc. Learn to be with yourself and with your thoughts. Discover how to overcome the fear of loneliness.

Take care of yourself, entertain yourself, respect yourself and accept yourself. Take advantage of this opportunity to dedicate the time to yourself that you are asking others to dedicate to you. This will help you combat loneliness and see it from another perspective.

Go to therapy

Just as you go to a healthcare professional when your foot hurts, go to therapy when your emotions hurt. This can help you get to know yourself, to set more specific goals for yourself, to motivate yourself and go in the right direction. There are many phrases to combat loneliness, but a therapist will help you identify what you really need.

See therapy as a form of self-knowledge, as a form of self-care and self-love. In the same way that you exercise to take care of your physique, go to therapy to take care of your interior. It is not necessary to reach your limit to obtain important benefits from therapy.

How to combat loneliness - Go to therapy

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • González, J. (2004). Fight Loneliness. Madrid: Dastin Export SL

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