How To Develop Imagination

How to develop imagination

A crucial aspect of creative thinking is the ability we have to imagine. Without imagination, our ability to mix realities and concepts, to see things not as they are but as they could be, is very limited. How can we generate new and valuable ideas if we only have access to existing and tested ones? A vivid imagination rich in nuances helps us create and innovate and express and capture what is imagined in areas such as science, technology, art or literature.

In this PsychologyFor article we are going to explain to you how to develop imagination through a series of activities and exercises accessible to both children and adults.

Activities to develop the imagination

How to work your imagination? There are many activities to develop the imagination, as many as our imagination allows us to imagine, despite the redundancy. One of the most common exercises that children like so much is to pretend that they are something they are not, which is known as role play ; For example, children can pretend to be doctors, nurses or architects. This is one of the best ways for them to develop their creative thinking and experience new sensations and realities. Invent new identities (like being superheroes) can also be a good way to recreate and enhance your imagination.

Another way to develop imagination as a family is to get together and play at being actors and actresses in a movie or a series, or even organize a homemade television show. The fact of participating together and designing a script together can be a great incentive to enhance creativity and generate new and surprising ideas.

Studying a second language, painting a picture, writing a book or, in short, learning a new skill are some of the things that will also make it easier for us to enhance our imagination. However, we must remember that it is important exercise your imagination frequently so that this and other creative capacities remain active and allow us to keep alive our ability to create and innovate.

How to develop imagination in children

The ability to imagine comes naturally to children, but it is a mental habit that must be taught and reinforced throughout life. In childhood, children need to practice their imagination through games and exercises that will help them become more creative and ingenious when they are adults. Let’s see how we can help develop imagination in children:

  1. Encourage active activities, not passive ones: It is important to exercise the imagination, and to do this, children must carry out activities that involve active participation. Reading aloud or going for a walk can strengthen imaginative processes much more than sitting and watching television.
  2. Designate a space for imagination and creation: Another tip to feed the imagination in children is to design a space where they can be creative, thus facilitating and enhancing the expression of their creativity and imagination.
  3. Provide safe materials to explore: Children love to explore new ways of using things, so try to offer them a wide variety of objects (that are safe) so that they can develop their imagination: paint, clay, costumes, musical instruments, etc.
  4. Allow “free time”: Although structuring schedules is important, it is also important to offer children free time so that they can dedicate themselves to playing, since through play they learn new ways of thinking and functioning in various situations. In moments when there is no scheduled activity, even when they are bored, new ideas can arise and be carried out.
  5. Discuss creativity: To train the imagination, it is also good to ask children and start a conversation with them when they come up with the best ideas or when they have their most creative moments.
  6. Cultivate critical and creative thinking: As children grow, ask them how they approach certain problems and how they could do things differently to stimulate their reflective and creative abilities. You can use mind maps, capture ideas on paper or through vignettes or images, etc. In this case, it is good to reinforce the production of ideas, validating the reflection itself and leaving the applicability or validity of the proposed solutions in the background.
  7. Help you pursue your passions: We must pay attention to the interests of the child and make available materials and activities that allow them to develop them. To train the imagination or any other skill or capacity, it is important that the little one is motivated, something that will be achieved if she is really interested and likes what she is doing.
  8. Lead by example: Since children often learn by watching what their parents or caregivers do, it is important for parents or caregivers to also be creative and join in with their children when they are drawing, coloring or building.

Exercises to develop imagination in adults

Imagination is not just a thing for children. Adults can also strengthen creative vision and imagination through various exercises and activities. Let’s look at some of them:

  1. Chill out: Slowing down, resting and leaving space in the mind for production is important to make way for the flow of thoughts and the development of imagination.
  2. Read: Reading is often associated with learning or studying, which can be monotonous and tiring; However, the fact is that reading books, whether fiction or non-fiction, can provide us with new perspectives and can help us develop a more critical view of the reality around us.
  3. Rambling or “daydreaming”: Work and family obligations often mean that we barely have time to stop and think. That is why it is important to take a break every day and observe what is around us, letting our mind wander. This is a way to have fun speculating and, if it becomes a habit, it can lead us to discover ideas for new personal or work projects.
  4. Socialize: Surrounding yourself with creative people is a good way to catch that imagination, to be in contact with our most creative part.
  5. Play: Yes, adults can play too. And the fact is that play, even in adulthood and in old age, can be a great incentive to develop and enhance the imagination.
  6. Ask, create and share: Curiosity is one of the engines of creativity, and a great ally of the imagination. Find out if you are a curious person with this curiosity test. Creating something of your own generates motivation to continue exploring your potential. And sharing new ideas with others can help us improve our focus and validate our line of thinking.
  7. Brainstorm: When you find yourself faced with a situation, open your mind and think about all the possible causes, consequences or solutions of it. Reflect on all the possible explanations, from different points of view to develop your imagination.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Karwowski, M., & Soszynski, M. (2008). How to develop creative imagination?: Assumptions, aims and effectiveness of Role Play Training in Creativity (RPTC). Thinking Skills and Creativity, 3(2), 163-171.
  • Smith, M., & Mathur, R. (2009). Children’s imagination and fantasy: Implications for development, education, and classroom activities. Research in the Schools, 16(1), 52.

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