Interview With Alessandra Skcardocci: Sexual Mastery Through Taoist Sex And Sexual Kung Fu


Alessandra Skcardocci visits Psychology and Mind to chat about Taoist sex and Sexual Kung Fu and how these practices help improve and enjoy your sex life more.

Chatting with Alessandra Skcardocci

Alessandra Skcardocci is a specialist in Male Sexuality, Couples and Sexual Dysfunctions and today she will be with us to answer your questions:

What are Taoist sex and sexual Kung Fu and how are they related to each other?

The Taoist current comes from the practices promoted by Taoist monks in ancient China with more than 4,000 years and Taoist sex is considered a practice of energy balance between the polarities of “Ying and Yang” as the mobilization of sexual energy through all energy channels to achieve synchrony between the mind and physical body which allows its circulation to promote vitality and longevity as well as its preservation in a self-taught and conscious way, where it can be experienced alone or during the sexual dynamic of a couple, in some texts it is deepened as the “Sexual Magic of the Tao”

Sexual Kung Fu as I explain in my recently published training program, is not about transforming people into sexual “ninjas”, but rather about guiding people who can be fully capable of recognizing their sexual energy (Chi, Qi or Ki) a clear example of this was Dragon Ball, for all its fans they know what it was to recognize “Ki”, that is precisely what it is about recognizing your own sexual energy and making conscious, wise and intelligent use of it.

Instead of wasting it through frequent ejaculations in the case of men. Sexual Kung Fu basically helps anyone self-regulate sexual energy, but people who have anxiety problems and high libido are highly favored which leads them to compulsive masturbation or easily falling into sexual addictions, often incorporates Chi Kung techniques to manage anxiety.

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Taking into account that Taoism is a religion, do the ideas on which Taoist sex is based connect with another way of understanding life in general?

Some sectors call Taoism a Religion, it may be because of its Buddhist influence but currently it is considered more of a spiritual current that embraces Sexuality as a path of conscious human development, just like Tantra for example.

Basically, Taoist Sex is an alternative of noble and conscious conduct of encountering nature and the duality of life that make up a whole, sexual practice being a complementarity of the forces that form the cosmos and from this perspective, Taoists consider women as the Yin/water element, according to the cosmos equal and complementary to men who are considered the Yang/fire element, thus, The sexual act is Yin and Yang in interaction where it is understood that fire is lit and consumed quickly while water needs a considerable time to boil and even evaporate, in which the aim is to achieve balance so that harmony exists between the couple. In general, Tao like Tantra gives us the possibility of going in authenticity and nobility. Giving up performance and the scripts established by the adult entertainment industry.

What are the fundamental principles of Taoist sex that every person should know?

In the Module of my Sexual Kung Fu training program, I explain the 5 principles of Taoist sex but without a doubt, the first thing is to give up expectations, both individually and in bed. “How long should it last”, “what should be done”, “how often should I change poses”, “at what moment should I have an orgasm or ejaculate” to simply surrender to the possibility of merging with the other, above all preserving elegance in bed.

When I say preserving elegance, it is precisely taking care of the detail of the interaction and the moment and renouncing the belief that violent sex is good, or that it is the one that everyone likes just because we ate the story that the man has sold us. porn for years that that is good sex, which does not rule out the wild side and the intense side of sex that can be welcomed as long as it is conscious, with consensus and is especially present in the moment.

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From the perspective of sexual Kung Fu, what practices are recommended to enjoy sexuality more?

Sexual Kung Fu is a discipline that demands commitment to oneself, this implies discipline from eating habits, self-care, physical and mental health, which each of these areas have a significant impact on the self-management of sexual energy.

Specific breathing, visualization, movement and sound techniques so that this energy, instead of being wasted during or after sexual dynamics, is enhanced and circulates through the body properly. So, the first thing, although it may seem obvious, is to know how to breathe, to breathe deeply consciously and to abandon learned masturbation. It is necessary to re-signify it with conscious erotic self-touch or even with Orgasmic Yoga practices of somatic sexuality.

Are there specific techniques within Taoist sex to prolong sexual pleasure?

The most effective is breathing, including diaphragmatic breathing, such as training and strengthening the pelvic floor, classic and simple works. Like visualization of energy. In addition to allowing yourself to touch, browse and feel.

Are there physical health benefits that can be obtained from practicing sexual Kung Fu?

Both the prolongation of ejaculation is perhaps the best known, in women it mainly favors the awakening of libido so to speak, as well as the self-regulation of sexual energy and the optimization of the emotional state as a result of feeling more vital, with more vigor, with greater ability to concentrate and execute projects, promote longevity, etc.

How can a person begin to integrate Taoist sex into their everyday sexual life?

The first thing is to become aware of your way of breathing in the different states and moments of your routine (in stress, in fear, in conflict, in excitement, at work, in tranquility, in joy, in physical activity, in exercise or happiness, etc. ) and based on a general balance sheet, The person can become aware of how they maintain their breathing normally. If they feel more agitated than with slower breathing, they can start by breathing 4 seconds in inhalation and 6 seconds in exhalation through the mouth Otherwise, if what is required is to activate your energy because you feel “numb” sexually, the techniques change. Later you can look for a mentor, teacher or coach to guide you properly in the process.

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What challenges might beginners face when exploring these practices, and how to overcome them?

Basically facing your own insecurities, impostor syndrome, sabotaging yourself and abandoning the process because you believe you are incapable or that such a practice will not work for you, etc. It is always best to allow yourself to experiment progressively, preferably with a specialized or trained mentor who will provide guidance according to your needs.