15 Questions About Your Life To Know What You Want

Woman in front of a sunset.

People often talk about how bad it is not to have the option to choose. The lack of freedom that we feel in some situations, such as when we lack resources to live autonomously, can be suffocating. But it is no less true that, in those moments when we feel that we are free to decide what to do with our lives, doubts can paralyze us.

That is why sometimes it is very useful for you to consider a series of questions about life and what you expect from it. Questions about your identity, about the way you order your priorities and why you relate to your environment and others the way you do.

Questions about life to know yourself deeply

Obviously, it is practically impossible to know everything about ourselves, about our present and future desires and about the way in which we might evolve in the future. However, the simple fact of review from time to time our expectations and beliefs about what it means for us to live it is already a way to get out of indecision and get a little closer to wisdom.

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Below we will see several questions about life that serve to reflect on how we base our personal philosophy.

1. Do I interact with the people I want to spend my time with?

There are several areas of life that lead us to deal with people who, without necessarily liking us, give us very little in global terms. For example, hanging out with classmates, with people who usually go out in the same places as us, or with some work colleagues. can become a habitual dynamic, although that does not really fulfill us.

Fortunately, today it is easier than ever to meet new people: we have the Internet and the possibility of moving around different places at a relatively low price. Seeking new friendships and meaningful relationships is essential to feeling good.

2. What are my references?

Having true idols is not highly recommended, but seeing our aspirations reflected in another person is to a certain extent normal. However, one of the questions about life that helps us know where we are and where we want to go It should be dedicated to those people who tell us what we would want for ourselves, and why.

Taking into account what we value about those people we admire can help us better understand our lives: it is not so important to ask about the what, but rather to focus on the why.

3. What does maturity consist of for me?

The concept of “being a mature person” is extremely broad and there are different interpretations about what it means to grow emotionally and psychologically. For example, for some, maturing is desirable, while for others this would mean embracing conformity and monotony.

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So it’s worth considering what our definition of this is, and seeing if we fit that description, or even if we’re interested in fitting into it.

4. Am I sacrificing too much for my work life?

The world is becoming increasingly more competitive, to the point where The separation between personal and professional life is blurring, is less and less present. Now it is normal to take work home, perform tasks from the laptop, make calls after hours…

On the other hand, as competition puts pressure on us, we must try to work hard, and the fact that business is going well does not always lead us to relax, since instability and the possibility of a large company harming us lead us to be on guard.

Wouldn’t it be better to stop sacrificing so much for work? Are we in a situation where it is reasonable to take a break? These are questions that should help us guide our lives on a regular basis.

5. What defines me?

Whenever we think about other people, we do so from a series of beliefs about their characteristics, their personality, their motivations, etc. These evaluations do not occur in a vacuum, but rather we make them by comparing that person with others.

What would happen if we did that with ourselves? When thinking about a characteristic that distinguishes us from the majority What is the first thing that comes to mind?

6. What would I like people to say about me at my funeral?

Imagining this situation is a way to look for characteristics about ourselves that we like, but also a simple way to keep in mind what they are. those characteristics to which we aspire and that for some reason we believe that we have not yet managed to have.

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7. If you had to give advice to someone younger, what would it be?

Living consists of learning, and that is why experience makes us wiser. That is why anyone, regardless of their circumstances, has the ability to give even just advice to someone significantly younger. What would you give?

8. Do I want to change, or do I want the world to change?

Both options are highly desired by most people, but you can always establish a series of priorities. If you perceive that the world is deeply unfair and it must change a lot, doing this will take away your time and energy to change you, and vice versa.

9. Do I tend to obsess over problems that don’t exist?

When considering future plans, the fear of situations that could occur It can leave us in a state of stagnation and lack of personal evolution. Do you have a propensity to fall into these types of mental traps?

10. Am I interested in doing new things, or perfecting what I already do?

There are those who suffer from monotony as a lesser evil that allows them not to move from their comfort zone, and There are those who use novel experiences as a way to escape of your worries constantly. Both tendencies are harmful, and that is why it is worth asking one of our questions about life to have to do with the way in which we relate to what is new, what breaks with the everyday.