How To Have A Positive Attitude In Difficult Times

How to have a positive attitude in difficult times

All people throughout our lives have experienced or will experience difficult situations that test us They can range from situations that can be overcome with more or less ease to terrible situations that completely change our lives and in which it seems that it will be almost impossible for us to overcome it, much less have a positive attitude. In the latter case, it is not that we intend to have a positive attitude from the beginning but it is necessary to know that we all have a vital strength within us that makes us overcome any type of adversity and this is called resilience.

In this PsychologyFor article we will discover you how to have a positive attitude in difficult times, we are going to focus mainly on those situations that are not so catastrophic but that are difficult to face and, above all, to have a positive attitude towards them. However, it is necessary to mention that in some cases we can also use these tips to cope with that terrible situation that you have gone through and that little by little you find meaning in it to finally acquire a more positive attitude.

How to have a positive attitude in difficult times?

Below we are going to give you a series of tips that if you put them into practice daily and make them a habit, you will learn to perceive reality and in this case difficult situations in a different, more positive and beneficial way for you.

Find the positive in every situation

The positive thing about every difficult situation that happens to us in life is that all difficult situations come accompanied by good learning. If every time a difficult situation occurs to us we only see the negative side, which is how bad it makes us feel in those moments or that it simply was not something we expected, we are going to miss the best part of that experience and that is the new learning that has left us. So from now on instead of just looking at the part you like least about a situation, make an effort to find some meaning or learning vital.

Change internal dialogue

Another barrier that prevents us from having a positive attitude in difficult times is when we talk bad to ourselves, We can even become extremely cruel and not be fully aware of it. For example, people who when they are going through a difficult time do not stop blaming and/or criticizing themselves for what happened and tend to say things to themselves like: “I was fired from work because I am useless.” , “My partner left me because no one loves me”, “if I had done this that would not have happened”, etc. and they do not stop torturing themselves as if doing so would change the situation.

So the best thing to do is to modify all those negative and irrational thoughts that prevent us from moving forward and adopt a more positive attitude. But how can you do it? Every time you notice that you start to have these types of negative thoughts, stop and modify them for more rational ones and positive, to do this you can imagine that what you want to say to yourself you are going to say to your best friend or to a person extremely important to you.

How to have a positive attitude in difficult times - How to have a positive attitude in difficult times?

Acceptance and not denial

When we find ourselves facing a difficult moment, what most people tend to do is complain about what happened to us, lament and even deny reality. We tend to continue clinging to what we had and that has now gone out of our hands and we suffer for it even knowing that continuing there is doing us more and more harm.

Accepting does not mean that we are resigning ourselves, but quite the opposite, accepting means stopping fighting against what is out of our control and that we cannot change. Accepting is letting ourselves flow, let go of what apparently was not for us, accept that we cannot have control of situations or other people.

For example, when we end a relationship, the other person has left us and we do not accept that this has happened, we insist that the other person change their mind, we look for them, we even beg them to continue with us, we get frustrated and wonder over and over again: “how could it happen to me?”, “no one leaves me”, “what if he still loves me deep down?”, etc. And the more we resist we realize that the more we suffer.

However, when we accept that they have left us and stop clinging to the idea of ​​holding on to the other person, it is true that it will hurt for a while, however, we will be able to feel better and get over it finally. In this other article we discover a series of exercises to learn to be positive every day.

Focus on the present moment

This is a habit that you must learn to put into practice every day and is extremely important so that you begin to develop a positive attitude in difficult times. But why focus on the present moment? Most of us live our lives worried about what the future will bring us or regretting our past and we forget the most important thing about being here, which is living day by day, moment by moment

This means that with the passage of time we accumulate more and more stress, so when it comes to really going through difficult situations we feel quite exhausted and without energy to achieve it since we have previously spent it in vain just by thinking about what could happen to us. However when we learn to live fully every moment of our life and we forget about what may or may not happen and what happened, we will have the necessary energy to face each type of adversity that comes our way.

How to have a positive attitude in difficult times - Focus on the present moment

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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