Exercises To Have More Self-confidence

Exercises to have more self-confidence

One of the main ingredients of happiness is self-confidence. That is, that inner perception that you have when you know that in you you can find a good friend who always accompanies you. You are the person with the greatest influence over your own life through your thoughts, behaviors and actions. Self-confidence is not innate; It is cultivated through experience. What can you do to achieve it?

In PsychologyFor we give you ideas of exercises to have more self-confidence practical suggestions that you can adapt to the circumstances of your life.

How to have self-confidence from psychology

Some people feel negatively conditioned because they view their potential deterministically. That is, they believe that if they have behaved in a certain way until now, they cannot do anything to change this situation in the future. Therefore, it is important that you observe your real capacity to generate new options of change based on new responses. If you always act predictably, the results are also predictable.

If you want to have more confidence in yourself, then you find yourself in a situation that, expressed in a simple way, shows the distance between two points: the current moment in which you are the protagonist and that ideal that you would like to achieve in which you visualize yourself with that security you long for.

This process is made up of an action plan that is made up of concrete and specific steps that connect with that general goal. Psychological help can be especially positive in reinforcing you in your commitment to increasing self-confidence.

How thinking influences your self-confidence

Life has a theoretical part and a practical part. On a theoretical level, it can help you to know that the way you think about yourself and external circumstances influences how you position yourself before that reality. A person with a low level of self-confidence can hinder their growth with negative thoughts, limiting ideas and irrational beliefs that, on the emotional level, produce an obvious feeling of inability and helplessness. For this reason, at the level of action, it may happen that the person gets carried away by the effect of avoidance in a certain situation. Or he acts out of fear, worry, and mentally anticipating failure. In this case, the key will lie in increasing security and self-confidence.

Once you become aware of how your own thoughts can fuel or destroy your self-confidence, what can you do at the level of action to internalize this reality? Vital learning is that which is accompanied by practical lessons. Therefore, those actions that represent a challenge for you to overcome are a good example of how facing that situation within a safe environment allows you to nourish the foundations of self-esteem and the image you have of yourself.

Exercises to have more self-confidence - How to have self-confidence from psychology

Coaching exercises to improve self-confidence

We know that it can be somewhat difficult to increase self-confidence, for that reason, we offer you the following exercises based on coaching:

Talk to a stranger

For example, you can ask someone walking down the street for information about where a certain address is located. Or you can also ask him what time it is. They are everyday examples of situations that you have most likely already practiced at some point in your life. Simple examples that help you get out of your comfort zone.

Deliver your CV face to face

If you are looking for a job, you can set the goal of deliver your resume by hand in one of the companies you would like to work for. Although sending your resume via email may be more comfortable for you, through this initiative you practice your social skills in a situation that is important to you. It is not a question of making this suggestion a general rule. But it can be a positive experience that encourages you to exercise more frequently from now on.

Ask a question in public

If you are a student, you can ask the teacher a question (many students avoid asking this question because they are afraid that others will think it is an unimportant question). If you are working, you can ask this question in a work meeting. If you attend a conference, ask the speaker a question during the question and answer session.

External point of view

Request the collaboration of five people around you and ask them to please send you a WhatsApp message or email with six positive qualities that they appreciate in you. This exercise is constructive because it allows you to see yourself from the perspective of others. And you may be surprised to realize how the image you have of yourself does not coincide in many ways with the vision that others have.

Carry out a volunteer activity

While the professional environment can sometimes be vulnerable due to the effect that competitiveness and productivity have on self-confidence, on the contrary, the human environment that accompanies the volunteer experience is rewarding in itself. By practicing an activity that you like, you feel valuable and competent.

List of qualities

Brainstorm a list of ideas. positive aspects what you like about yourself. If you prefer, you can focus this brainstorm on describing situations in your life in which you have felt proud of yourself for the way you acted. Save this information in an easy-to-consult place so you can reread it as many times as you need in the future.

Exercises to have more self-confidence - Coaching exercises to improve self-confidence

5 tips and phrases to have self-confidence

  1. Do not compare yourself with others Measure your evolution from yourself. That’s where true growth lies. Observe the example of others not from the perspective of comparison, but from admiration. You can put into practice those attitudes that you admire in others.
  2. Find the how. In most cases, there is no single way to reach an end. Therefore, create an action plan that you feel comfortable with. Try to have empathy with yourself.
  3. Appreciates your positive intention to improve yourself without constantly putting your value on the results of actions. Value and celebrate your commitment.
  4. Organize a solo trip. When you travel alone you do not have another person to whom you can delegate certain decisions but rather you assume all responsibility for organizing that getaway. You can start by scheduling a weekend trip to a destination close to where you live.
  5. Reinforce the message every day positive that you are a unique person and there is no human being who is equal to you. Not only can you repeat this message to yourself more often, you can also reinforce this idea to others.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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