How To Overcome Shyness And Insecurity

How to overcome shyness and insecurity

Some people have more difficulties and mental barriers when speaking or relating to others. Shyness is a personality trait that is usually accompanied by fears and insecurities. A shy person usually enjoys their own company and immerses themselves in their inner world to feel more comfortable. However, on some occasions, the fact that we have difficulty establishing social ties or speaking in public can become a problem that must be solved immediately. To do this, it is important to learn the best strategies to know how to overcome shyness and insecurity.

Are you a shy person and are you looking for strategies to break this barrier that prevents you from interacting with others? Discover the best tricks and techniques in this PsychologyFor article.

How to overcome extreme shyness and be more sociable

The shyness in psychology It is defined as a trait of our personality, this implies that it is an intrinsic tendency in our way of being and acting. Personality traits can be shape and adapt to our environment However, it is extremely unlikely that an introvert will suddenly become an extrovert and highly sociable.

Being shy is not something categorically bad, but it can cause adaptation and relationship difficulties if social skills are not worked on. We can put our efforts to adapt better and lead a life far from the fear that social relationships can produce in us.

Know your strengths and weaknesses

To know how to overcome shyness and insecurity, first of all, it is important to do a personal self-knowledge exercise to identify what we need to improve and what our best tools are. Knowing our weaknesses does not make us more vulnerable; on the contrary, thanks to this exercise we can know exactly what attitudes we will have to change to overcome shyness.

Trust yourself and don’t compare yourself

Many times, shyness arises from the fear of feeling inferior to others; we may not speak for fear of saying something wrong or uncomfortable. Trust yourself, I’m sure you have a lot to contribute to the conversation. It is also not very appropriate to compare yourself with other people, each individual has their own way of behaving and relating to others, an extroverted person may find it easier to start a conversation, however, this fact does not mean that they are a better person than someone introvert.

Pursue small goals

For such an important change in behavior, it is advisable to establish realistic goals and in the short term. Being able to take small steps will raise our self-esteem and we will see that, indeed, we are capable of getting out of our bubble of shyness and introversion. We can try going to social gatherings with a small number of people, trying to start a conversation with an acquaintance, going to a friend’s party…

How to overcome shyness and insecurity - How to overcome extreme shyness and be more sociable

How to overcome shyness and fear of speaking

Shyness is usually accompanied by many characteristic traits and behaviors, among them we can highlight the Scared of speaking in public. This fear is characterized by a feeling of nervousness and anxiety when making some type of public intervention out loud. The fear of speaking in public can be caused by low self-esteem, anticipatory anxiety, social phobia or extreme shyness.

Psychological therapy

Luckily, there are many treatments to overcome shyness and fear of speaking. The cognitive behavioral therapy It is usually very indicated to cure this problem. The treatment will be based on the following points:

  • Assessment of the situation.
  • Search for other psychological problems that interact with fear.
  • Training in social skills.
  • Practice starting and maintaining conversations.
  • Facing criticism.
  • Public speaking practice.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of therapy.

Tricks and tips to lose shame

Along with cognitive-behavioral therapy, we can practice the following tricks at home; these can help us overcome everyday situations that generate fear and insecurity:

  • Manage anxiety through relaxation techniques (meditation, breathing, mindfulness ).
  • Start the positive thinking to combat fear.
  • Do exercises to strengthen self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Practice in front of a mirror communicative skills.
  • If you have to give a public presentation, relax a few minutes beforehand and don’t obsessively practice your speech.

How to overcome shyness and insecurity - How to overcome shyness and fear of speaking

Exercises to overcome shyness

It is important to remember that shyness in itself is not an intrinsically negative characteristic; diversity in personalities makes human beings an incredible and very varied species in terms of their behavior. However, when a personality trait prevents you from leading a normal life, it is time to start treating it. Below we offer you the following exercises to know how to overcome shyness and insecurity:

  1. Trust your abilities to communicate: If we don’t even trust and assert ourselves, no one will. Self-love and strengthening self-esteem is the first step in fighting fear and shyness.
  2. Admit your personality: Don’t force yourself to be someone else, admit your shyness and work on your communication skills through it. Do you want to know how to stop being shy? First of all, you will have to accept yourself and observe your personality tendencies.
  3. Practice assertive communication: This is based on expressing and defending our emotions without fear but in a calm and non-aggressive way.
  4. Learn to accept compliments: A shy person has a lot of difficulty accepting compliments and responding to them with a simple “thank you.” When someone you trust tells you how well you do something or how beautiful you look today, accept what they tell you, allow yourself to believe that someone is telling you something positive. Accepting pleasant comments from people we trust can help us improve the image we project to others.
  5. Try to make a new friend: Introversion can lead to isolation and, in turn, cause even more shyness. You can try to overcome shyness by getting out of your comfort zone and establishing a new personal connection with someone.

If after many attempts, you do not feel able to overcome your shyness, you can consult a specialist so that he can accompany you in the process. Take your time and notice the small achievements What you are getting along the way. Remember that changing a personality trait is not easy, it requires time and patience.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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