Emotional Immaturity In Adults: Causes And Treatment

Emotional immaturity in adults: causes and treatment

A person’s level of maturity is not determined by age. This is shown by the example of those adults who, despite having passed the age of 30, continue to show symptoms of immaturity in their behavior. Their life script is very different from that of other friends of similar ages. This type of behavior can be caused by different reasons and, in extreme cases, they must be treated so that the immature adult can establish personal relationships at a more mature level.

In this article in PsychologyFor we analyze the emotional immaturity in adults: causes and treatment.

4 causes of emotional immaturity in adults

Each story is unique. However, there are possible general schemes that identify people who match these profiles.

1. A false notion of freedom

Some people do not give themselves the opportunity to mature and evolve from their own life circumstances because they internalize a wrong concept of freedom. It is a lifestyle in which the desire of the moment is a value that is beyond any external limit or obligation.

One of the experiences that brings with it a clear lesson in maturity is The responsability However, they have difficulties relating to the concept of norms and live in eternal opposition to reality.

The person may adopt this lifestyle with the mistaken belief that, in this way, they can avoid possible suffering, efforts and disappointments.

2. Intolerance of frustration

The human being lives a vital process marked by different stages. Childhood and adolescence also leave an important mark on adulthood. From this perspective, a childhood that was marked by constant overprotection can lead to greater intolerance towards frustration because the child has not had the opportunity to manage the disappointment produced by situations that violate his expectations because his parents and the immediate environment care. all the details of happiness in your life.

However, there is a reality. Parents can’t always be there because life has its own rules. In this way, an emotionally immature adult may have had a previous history in which he did not have the opportunity to observe life as it is, being protected by his own universe.

3. Lack of personal development

We are used to giving a lot of importance to time measured quantitatively through days, months and years. However, the reality is that time alone does not tell everything. In reality, it is you who has the power to do something valuable with those years of life.

Those people who have not dedicated time to cultivating their inner world and their emotional intelligence paying more attention to a superficial lifestyle, are more vulnerable to the risk of emotional immaturity, which in this case is nothing more than the manifestation of the lifestyle itself.

This personal development not only depends on oneself, but also on the vital references that one has had throughout one’s existence since these references also create an influence.

Maturity is linked to many emotional components such as empathy, self-knowledge, social skills, active listening, and social intelligence. Those who have not nourished these pillars in their own life have not had the opportunity to develop them.

4. Fear of aging

Immaturity can be a shield with which those people who fear aging and position themselves in a scenario of seemingly constant youth try to protect themselves. It is a fear of aging that is linked to the fear of making decisions, the involvement with one’s own life path, the fear of suffering or the anguish over the loss of that life scenario that is so idealized: youth.

Emotional immaturity in adults: causes and treatment - 4 causes of emotional immaturity in adults

How to treat emotional immaturity in adults

A person who decides to ask for professional help to treat their emotional immaturity can make this decision by observing the consequences that their own attitude produces in their own life. Emotional immaturity affects personal relationships. Once the protagonist has realized that he wants to adopt a change because he observes that what he loses with this attitude outweighs what he gains, he can start specialized therapy.

In the case of starting a psychotherapy For example, the professional will help the person identify situations from the past that may be linked to this present event. But, especially, this type of therapy can be therapeutic to identify which emotional knots have not yet been resolved and are producing a blockage in the level of maturity of the affected person.

It is also possible to start a job Personal development own through specialized training in personal growth courses coordinated by a psychology expert who, from his position, guides the workshop in a context of dialogue conducive to sharing life lessons. A workshop on emotional intelligence can be especially educational.

How to treat an immature person

  1. Try to value the positive qualities of that person. Immaturity is totally compatible with other virtues. Even if you observe this characteristic in someone, avoid labels and give yourself the opportunity to get to know that someone beyond this aspect.
  2. Decide how far do you want to get involved in this personal relationship. This is one of the most important questions since you decide, from your freedom, what your limits are. Although it constantly demands your attention, you have your own life.
  3. Avoid assuming the savior role since no one changes if they do not wish to do so for themselves. Furthermore, any type of interpersonal bond must be based on a bond of equality. Do not infantilize him through your overprotection. Don’t fall into the trap of emotional manipulation either. Capricious behaviors are a symptom of immaturity. In that case, always listen to your inner voice to decide from your own point of view without letting yourself be conditioned by their reactions.
  4. If you think it is convenient, reduce contact. By dosing the frequency of meetings you also enjoy each common shared plan more. In a happy relationship there must be an appropriate level of balance between giving and receiving. However, one of the risks of getting too involved in a friendship of this type is that at some point you may feel the disappointment of observing that their level of commitment is not the same as yours.
  5. If at any time you feel that the consequences of some of their immature behaviors affect you directly, then discuss this issue with that person. Show your anger and resolve the conflict assertively.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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