The 9 Differences Between Qualitative And Quantitative Research

Scientific research methods are classified into two broad categories: quantitative and qualitative. While the former focus on the mathematical analysis of observable phenomena, qualitative research is based on language and aims to provide a deep understanding of its objects of study.

In this article we will analyze The 9 main differences between quantitative and qualitative research.

Differences between qualitative and quantitative research

The differences between qualitative and quantitative research occur in many different aspects, from the goals and applications of the studies to their psychometric properties. Each of them has, in turn, advantages and disadvantages that make it more appropriate in certain circumstances.

Although many people underestimate the usefulness of qualitative methods, as we will see, they allow us to analyze phenomena other than those that constitute the focus of interest of quantitative methods, in addition to allowing us to approach the same facts from a deeper perspective.

1. Object of study

The object of study of quantitative research is static data from which probabilistic conclusions are drawn. Qualitative methods focus mainly on processes that is, in dynamic aspects, and focus on the subjective experience of the phenomena from the perspective of the subjects of analysis.

2. Objectives and applications

Qualitative research has as its main objective the initial exploration, description and understanding of a phenomenon. In this sense we can say that qualitative methods focus on the generation of hypotheses around specific facts; Sometimes conclusions can be drawn from these studies through induction.

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In contrast, quantitative methods are usually used at a more advanced point in the scientific process: in the testing of hypotheses, that is, in its confirmation or refutation. Thus, they are mainly deductive in nature and in many cases are associated with the analysis of theory and the recommendation of courses of action around specific problems.

3. Analysis point of view

Since qualitative research focuses on exploring phenomena from the perspective of certain individuals, it inevitably has a subjective nature, although this does not have to imply a lack of methodological rigor. Quantitative methods, on the other hand, seek to analyze effects that can be measured objectively.

However, unlike what is frequently defended, quantitative methods are not completely objective: they depend significantly on the action of the researchers, who choose the variables that will be the object of study, carry out the analyzes and interpret their results. Therefore, they are clearly susceptible to human error.

4. Data type

The data from quantitative research are numerical; For this reason, a certain solidity and replication capacity is assumed, which will allow inferences to be made beyond the data itself. In qualitative research, priority is given to the depth and richness of the information about a specific fact and the inferences are limited to it.

5. Methodology

Being focused on numerical aspects, quantitative methods allow the specific and controlled measurement of many specific aspects of reality. Furthermore, this makes it possible carry out statistical analyzes using the data which in turn will favor the comparison of different sets of information and the generalization of results.

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In contrast, qualitative research primarily uses language-based data, particularly narrative records. The analysis methods have a much more naturalistic character and greater importance is given to the context and the relationships between the elements that make up the phenomenon under study, and not only to these separately.

6. Techniques used

Researchers who use qualitative methodology use methods such as in-depth interviews, participant observation or debates and group conversations. These techniques have a lower level of structure than the quantitative approach, which includes methods such as questionnaires and systematic observation records.

7. Level of analysis

While quantitative research analyzes specific aspects of the objects of study, qualitative research has a more holistic nature; This means that it attempts to understand the structure of events and the dynamics between the elements that compose them in a global rather than particularistic way.

8. Degree of generalization

In theory, quantitative methods use representative samples from a broader population in order to draw conclusions and generalize at this higher level; Furthermore, there are techniques that allow measuring and reducing the probability of error. The difficulty in generalizing results is the most characteristic defect of qualitative research.

9. Validity and reliability

The reliability and trustworthiness of quantitative research depends mainly on the techniques and instruments used to measure and process the data. In the case of qualitative methodology, these properties are related to a greater extent with the rigor and capacity of the researchers, and may have a more subjective nature.