Why Do I Have So Many Complexes?

Why do I have so many complexes?

Complexes can be physical or emotional Those who suffer from them find in these details a brake on their way of relating to others. Simply because the way someone perceives themselves also influences their level of self-confidence in their relationships with others. When a person lists a large list of complexes, he is showing a clear diagnosis of low self-esteem.

Simply because it observes itself in negative terms, showing a lack of objectivity by discarding the prominence of other significant virtues and qualities. “Why do I have so many complexes?” If this is the question you ask yourself repeatedly, at PsychologyFor we help you find the answers.

Main causes of complexes

  • Search for a perfection that does not exist. In an era as visual as Instagram where so many people seem to show constant happiness, other people experience the frustration of not living in that rosy cloud. Don’t be fooled by the mirage of those messages of chronic happiness. Life does not measure in a photograph retouched with filters.
  • Social messages. You are part of a social and cultural environment. Therefore, you receive stimuli constantly. Many of them in relation to the existence of a single model of beauty and the search for eternal youth.
  • External judgments If at any time you have received comments or experienced situations in which you have felt judged by your physical appearance, then those messages may have damaged your self-esteem.
  • Constant self-demand. Those people who are excessively perfectionists are, in all areas of their life. That is, starting with themselves.
  • Search for the external approval as a form of self-reaffirmation. Each person must have their vital center within themselves. For this reason, in the constant search for approval, the person becomes dependent on other people’s opinions.
  • Low self-esteem Reason why you find it difficult to believe the praise that other people give you. That is, you take any negative criticism as true, however, you immediately discard the sincerity of the person who has expressed nice words to you.
  • Envy. This is one of the feelings that causes the most insecurities for those who experience the joy of others with sadness.

In this other article we show you what to do if you have a fat complex since it is one of the most abundant physical complexes in our society. Another very common one is the inferiority complex.

Why do I have so many complexes - Main causes of complexes

7 tips to overcome complexes

  1. Distance mark regarding those people who are a negative influence on you. For example, people who hurt you with opinions that you didn’t really ask for.
  2. Psychological help If you suffer from many complexes, therapy can be a positive tool to identify the root of this emotional diagnosis.
  3. Beauty is subjective Where you observe a defect, another person can observe a virtue. Therefore, do not give so much dimension to your complexes. Learn to look at yourself through the eyes of a person who loves you unconditionally. Your parents, for example.
  4. Do this simple personal growth exercise Ask for the collaboration of five people around you. The exercise consists of asking these people to write you a short letter listing the virtues, positive qualities and traits they appreciate in you. When you read those letters, you will become aware of the truth that exists in your being.
  5. Observe photographs from other stages of your life. For example, look at your first baby pictures. Connect with the truth of that moment when you radiated the happiness of a newborn, oblivious to any adult suffering. Try to connect with that state of mind.
  6. Accept compliments saying thanks. For example, when someone tells you that they like how your new haircut looks on you, simply be grateful for that gesture. Learn to receive those comments assertively.
  7. The important thing is to be alive When you become aware that life is what is truly meaningful, complexes take on a different dimension. Seneca states: “It is not that we have little time, it is that we lose a lot.” And complexes are a way of wasting time for an unconstructive purpose.

Be kind to yourself

Try to put this philosophy of life into practice, try to treat yourself as well as your best friend In this way, you learn to look at yourself in the mirror with an inner smile. Complexes make you suffer when you see them as a problem. Change your attitude and adopt a constant learning mentality towards life. This learning is what promotes your own evolution. Here we discover some tips so you can learn to feel better about yourself.

Why do I have so many complexes? After what has been said in this article, it is very possible that you have found your own answer. Remember the message of the classic story of The Ugly Duckling written by Hans Christian Andersen: every human being has his own beauty.

Why do I have so many complexes - Be kind to yourself

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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