Types Of Mental Disorders And Their Characteristics

Types of mental disorders and their characteristics

As a general rule, psychologists and psychiatrists base their diagnoses on the well-known DSM 5 manual, which includes the different types of mental disorders that exist and the characteristics that each one has so that the professional can assess whether a patient has or not a certain disorder.

In this PsychologyFor article we will see the main types of mental disorders that is based on said manual and its characteristic yes main. We will also see what are the most common mental disorders, rare mental disorders and what organic mental disorders are.

Neurodevelopmental disorders

They are those in which a brain damage at the time it is developing this organ. As a consequence, the child and, later, the adult, have certain difficulties in some areas, whether at a logical-mathematical level, at a social level, when identifying emotions, among others. Some of the disorders that would be found in this group are intellectual disability, or autism spectrum disorder.

In this article you can see the most common mental illnesses in children.

Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders

They are those disorders that are characterized by various types of delusions, hallucinations, manic episodes combined with depressive episodes. Among these disorders we can find schizophrenia, which is one of those considered serious mental disorders, or delusional disorder.

Bipolar disorder and related disorders

In this group are disorders that are characterized by presenting episodes of mania and depression elderly:

  • The episode of mania It is characterized by an irritable mood with excessive energy (the need for sleep decreases), increased self-esteem, high speed when thinking and relating ideas that makes it difficult to follow them in a conversation, among others.
  • For its part, the episode of depression Elderly is characterized by a depressed mood, apathy, sleeping problems or hypersomnia, loss of energy, among others.

In this group we find disorders such as bipolar I disorder, which is considered one of the serious mental disorders, or cyclothymic disorder.

Depressive disorders

Among the most common mental disorders we find depressive disorders. They include symptoms such as depressed mood, apathy, thoughts of death, low self-esteem, concentration problems, among others. Here we can find major depressive disorder and persistent depressive disorder (or dysthymia).

Types of mental disorders and their characteristics - Depressive disorders

Anxiety disorders

Other of the most common mental and behavioral disorders are anxiety disorders. People who suffer from an anxiety disorder have a excessive fear in different situations ranging from separation from a loved one (even briefly) to the possible examination of people you know or don’t know.

These types of disorders are characterized by difficulty speaking in certain situations, panic attacks recurring, avoidance from different places, people or situations, irritability among others.

In this group there are disorders such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder or Agoraphobia.

Types of mental disorders and their characteristics - Anxiety disorders

Obsessive compulsive disorder and related disorders

This group of mental disorders includes symptoms such as constant thoughts about something specific, impulsiveness, checking and accumulation of objects.

In addition to obsessive-compulsive disorder, this group includes others such as trichotillomania (or hair pulling disorder) or hoarding disorder.

Trauma and other stress-related disorders

This type of psychological disorders includes various problems in attachment or attitude with acquaintances and strangers, flashbacks, avoidance of certain situations negative moods and altered sense of reality, among other symptoms.

Here we find post-traumatic stress disorder or reactive attachment disorder.

Dissociative disorders

These types of mental disorders are characterized by Loss of identity that is, alterations in the perception of the self, in addition to behavioral problems, memory problems, a feeling of leaving one’s own body or experiencing situations as if they were unreal.

Here we find depersonalization/derealization disorder or dissociative identity disorder. In this article you will find more information about dissociative disorders.

Somatic symptom disorder and related disorders

They consist of the constant concern for physical health There may be sensations of pain, the appearance of mild somatic symptoms that cause great concern or the falsification of one’s own symptoms or the symptoms of another.

In this group, in addition to somatic symptom disorder, there is factitious disorder.

Eating and food ingestion disorders

In this group of psychological disorders we find disorders such as pica (constant intake of non-nutritive substances), anorexia nervosa (restriction of food intake), bulimia nervosa (binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors) or depression disorder. binge eating (binge eating without compensatory behaviors).

Excretion disorders

In this group of the classification of mental disorders are those that are characterized by repeated emission of urine (enuresis) or feces (encopresis) in inappropriate places and times at a time of development that does not correspond to this type of behavior. In this article we talk about enuresis and encopresis.

Sleep-wake disorders

Characterized by the difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or hypersomnia due to the sudden need to sleep, breathing difficulties at bedtime, dysphoric dreams or imbalances in circadian rhythms.

Some of the disorders found in this group are central sleep apnea or insomnia disorder.

sexual dysfunctions

In this type of psychological disorders, sexual dysfunctions, there are all the problems that have to do with erection, ejaculation or experiencing orgasms.

Among them we find female orgasmic disorder or premature ejaculation. In this article you can see more information about sexual disorders according to the DSM-V.

gender dysphoria

This psychological disorder occurs when the sex that one feels does not correspond to the one assigned to them thus causing high psychological discomfort. In this article we explain the causes, symptoms and treatment of gender dysphoria.

Impulse control disorders and disruptive behaviors

These types of mental and behavioral disorders are characterized by aggressive, impulsive behaviors, challenges to authority robberies, arson among others.

Here we can find conduct disorder or intermittent explosive disorder.

Substance use disorders and addictive disorders

Substance use disorders and addictive disorders are all those that are related to the consumption of drugs, from coffee or alcohol to opiates or anxiolytics. It would also include the pathological gambling due to its addictive nature similar to that of drug consumption. It is considered a disorder when the person is not able to not consume and, by not doing so, feels irritability, sleeping problems, nervousness, among other symptoms.

In this article we expose the types of addictions and their consequences.

Neurocognitive disorders

Mental disorders with a neurological origin that affect different functions of the person, such as memory, attention, personality, among others. These are organic mental disorders.

Here we would find confusional syndrome or major neurocognitive disorder.

Personality disorders

Personality disorders are extreme deviations in a person’s behavior from what is culturally expected. They are also considered serious mental disorders. For example, when showing affection with others or at the level of interpretation of oneself and others.

Therefore, personality disorders are characterized by high levels of mistrust, paranoia, eccentricities, impulsivity, narcissism among others.

It is the group with the greatest variety of disorders, and can be found here from borderline personality disorder to paranoid personality disorder.

Paraphilic disorders

They are characterized by the taste or intense sexual arousal when faced with objects or situations that are not culturally accepted. These include voyeurism disorder (watching other unsuspecting people undress or engage in sexual activity), exhibitionism disorder (arousal from exposing one’s genitals to others), or sexual masochism disorder (pleasure in being hit). , humiliated, or subjected to any type of suffering).

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • American Psychiatric Association (APA). (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR.Barcelona: Masson.

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