The Path To Positive Change: The Power Of Persistence And New Habits


Do you want to look with new eyes, go from doubt to security, from setbacks to new opportunities? The beginning must be adjusted to your vision of the world and inspired by your own assessment. Far from self-criticism and self-demand, and being true to yourself. The goal is not to be a different person, the purpose is to plan your life, like fitting the pieces of a puzzle, growing and in some way, perceiving and discovering it, because you feel on the right path, in harmony and with the certainty that It’s worth it, you simply enjoy it and value it. Think about it like this, you are yourself! Who else but you to be with you?

The importance of knowing each other

It is often difficult for us to recognize how special we are and many times our beliefs are limiting and close off possibilities. That’s why I insist, examine your truths, self-evaluate them and update them. It is important to remember those first decisions and the beliefs they contained, even consider the possibility that they were not true, but simply a way of seeing things..

Or perhaps they could have been a reflection of someone else’s interpretation, be very careful with that, because this does not make it easier to be our best version, on the contrary, it leads us to judge ourselves or feel anguish. The truth is that by comparing yourself, you will only have a very poor measure of your real value, far from your essence.

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There is another important element to consider, the wounds of the past, the mistakes we have made or of which we have been a victim. This implies a compassionate attitude, a personal decision to forgive and unhook the useless burdens of pain and resentment, to let go of negative feelings towards the person who hurt you because of their own limitations and weaknesses..

You can stop being a victim and free yourself from suffering. It does not imply at any time excusing the behavior, nor approving it. But it allows you to lighten your load, heal wounds, break chains, release pain, in a word, move in the right direction of your journey. Likewise, when it comes to forgiving yourself and thinking rather in terms of responsibility.

It is impossible to continue and flow, with guilt. You must learn to make decisions and be master of your thoughts, to also take action. You will feel that it is no longer a constant struggle and thus, you will be able to unfold the dance of life, consistent, pleasant, vital. Let go of guilt, forgive yourself and forgive yourself, and assume a positive attitude, enjoy what you do, what you have and the small details that happen to you in your daily life.. Don’t get caught up in perfectionism, in fact, avoid it. The only thing you achieve is generating stress and anxiety. On the contrary, instead of adding, you subtract. When you consciously assume your path, you can notice every achievement, every small victory and every great advance.


You are your best friend

There is no magic recipe, but it is necessary to connect with your inner being. Try daily to generate moments of silence to fit in with yourself, mindfulness, conscious breathing, prayer or getting closer to nature. They are practices that help you connect with your place in the world. All this will allow you to more easily find the small miracles that life gives us, sometimes in the simplest activities.. Relax, focus and encourage yourself.

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Simple details such as referring to ourselves with expressions like “I decide… I choose… I am willing to…”, we achieve much more than when we say “I have to… or I must…”. To welcome you is to stay with you, to prefer you, to learn to trust yourself and to listen to your body and your interior. Decide to be your best friend, a lasting friendship that is valued and protected.

Reorder your priorities, identify what is most important to you? And then focus on it, accept mistakes as experience, be compassionate and don’t judge yourself, encourage yourself, be kind to yourself. But also, you can adventure, do something that requires you to take some risk, or that generates joy and enjoyment. They are strategies that take you away from control, that allow you to expand your limits and dilute inflexibility, while healing your interior..

Success consists of getting up more times than you fall, set realistic goals, with dates and achieve them, trusting in yourself. But if you feel like you need to protect yourself, take shelter. Speak to yourself positively, you can express your disagreements, consider whose opinion comes from before automatically validating it, confront yourself if necessary to defend your point of view, you can even smile and let it go or say that it bothers you. But if necessary, learn to be uncomfortable with what you dislike and listen to your pain.

Recovering your self-esteem involves recognizing your worth as a person. And when you experience that you are valuable, the higher and more positive your expectations will be. Live with purpose, create your plan with a new vision and celebrate your successes. Living is the reward.