10 Tricks To Stop Biting Your Nails (onychophagia)

There is often a belief that nail biting is merely associated with the nerves of the moment or simply a bad habit. However, This terrible habit may be due to deeper psychological reasons. and is often an indicator of some trauma that occurred during childhood.

Nail biting, also known as onychophagyhas quite serious repercussions for health, it is not just an aesthetic problem. Our fingers and nails harbor countless microorganisms, some of them pathogenic, which in contact with the mouth can cause an infection. What’s more, by biting your nails we can irreparably damage them as well as harm our teeth and gums.

But don’t panic, with a little will and skill and With the ten tips that we explain below you will be able to show off perfect and healthy nails again..

Why do we bite our nails?

Nails are basically made up of dead cells covered in keratin and are essential for many functions in humans. We even use them to play musical instruments, but obviously They have much more everyday and necessary uses for our daily lives..

Causes of onitophagy

Some experts in the field propose that the habit of nail biting may originate during early childhood; babies and young children have the habit of putting their fingers in their mouths. Nail biting is not considered a disease but rather a psychological pathology, which, if it becomes an irrepressible and compulsive habit, must be treated medically.

The causes of onychophagia can be divided into two groups:

1. External causes

One of the recurring explanations for onychophagia is anxiety and stress caused by personal, work, economic, sentimental or marital problems, nervousness before exams… These are usually more benevolent factors, since with willpower and awareness of the problem, it is relatively easy to quit and control the habit.

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2. Internal causes

It is about emotional imbalances and alterations of the nervous system caused by trauma. They can be family imbalances, abuse, humiliation, low self-esteem, feelings of guilt and the need for self-punishment. The habit is prolonged over time and becomes chronic, sometimes the behavior is so acute that it can lead to self-aggressive behavior.

There is a widespread belief that nail biting is a mild problem, since they grow back after a short time anyway. But be careful! onychophagia can be worse than commonly thought and cause permanent damage.

Consequences and effects of nail biting

The hands provide us with a multitude of information about the person, They are a reflection of health and self-confidence..

Well-groomed hands make a good impression on others. That is, biting your nails has health, emotional-psychological, aesthetic and social connotations.

1. Health and aesthetic consequences

Huge amounts of germs of all kinds are found on the nails. These, upon contact with the mouth, They can penetrate our body and cause some type of disease..

Injuries to the fingers and pads can cause bacterial or viral infections. Besides, fingers can be deformed and there is a risk of losing the nail permanently. Other consequences also include chronic inflammation of the fingers and the appearance of cavities due to the damage caused to the tooth enamel.

2. Emotional consequences

Another kind of negative effects of nail biting is the complex and embarrassment (ultimately causing anxiety) about the appearance of the hands and that can interfere with interpersonal relationships.

This point is also related to a low level of self-esteem, feelings of sadness and inability to control compulsive behaviors.

3. Social consequences

The person who bites his nails may believe that he is rejected by society. Also can present certain d*****difficulties in personal and romantic relationships.

Work problems: rejection in job interviews for hygiene or aesthetic reasons depending on the position.

The ten tips you should know to avoid biting your nails

As you can see, quitting this unhealthy habit can have countless benefits both for your health and on a psychological, emotional and social level.

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Below we will explain ten great tips so you don’t bite your nails. They are very easy tricks that do not require special products, you simply have to want it and put in the will.

1. Be aware of the problem

The first thing you should do is detect which situations cause you stress or insecurity and activate the habit of biting yourselfpalpating or scratching the nails and which leads directly to putting them in the mouth.

This is identifying the particular moments that lead you to this behavior, for example, when having to interact socially or prepare for an academic test, the moments before a job interview… Likewise, you must identify which activity or group of them avoid this behavior and keep your hands busy, they have to be things that you like, for example doing sports, crafts, playing a musical instrument, writing… This way you will mitigate anxiety and avoid the compulsive behavior of biting yourself the nails.

2. Chew licorice

Having your mouth busy chewing licorice root is a good measure to combat the habit of biting your nails. Do this especially during times that make you anxious. Get used to always carrying this remedy with you. Once you have abandoned the bad habit of onychophagia, you can rest and leave the licorice at home.

3. Chew gum

The same way, It is very effective to chew gum every time you feel the need to put your fingers in your mouth. This way you will avoid biting your nails while freshening your breath and exercising your jaw muscles, avoiding wrinkles.

4. Use Aloe Vera

There are specific bittering products to avoid this habit, however, why are you going to spend money when you can have what you need at home?

Aloe Vera has countless health propertiesbut it certainly doesn’t taste very good. Cut a leaf of Aloe Vera in half, you will see that it has a transparent content similar to snail slime, leave it in the refrigerator overnight and you will see that this slime has adopted a reddish color due to oxidation, which produces its bitterness. . Afterwards, apply it to your nails until it dries. Every time you put your nails in your mouth, a very bitter and unpleasant taste will come over you that will surely make you want to do it again. In addition, Aloe Vera has antibacterial and healing properties, making it ideal for avoiding infections due to wounds caused by nail biting and accelerating the nail regeneration process.

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5. Self-control

With this self-control exercise you will be able to control the impulse to bite your nails:

6. False nails

Perhaps this is the most expensive solution of all but it is worth it, it is about cover your nails with other synthetic ones such as acrylic. It will prevent you from damaging your own nails while allowing their growth.

7. Band-Aids

Put some strips on your nails for a month, replacing them from time to time. This means that you can admire how they grow healthy and shiny after a while, without biting them.

8. Practice a hobby

Keeping yourself busy doing a pastime or hobby that you enjoy will keep your nails away from your teeth for longer.

Any activity of your interest is appropriate, It is very important that it is to your liking as this will dispel your desire to put your nails in your mouth.. Crafts are highly recommended because they keep your hands busy, especially if it involves working with materials such as clay to make ceramics, since it keeps your hands dirty, in the same way painting is also interesting.

9. Use gloves

If you find that the gloves fit you, wear them, especially in winter. It’s a foolproof way to avoid biting your nails.

10. Congratulate yourself on your progress

Don’t hesitate to celebrate your progress as you progress. You will see how the people around you count and congratulate youthis will encourage you to continue keeping your nails healthy and beautiful.

In conclusion…

With willpower and the tips you have learned, you will surely soon have perfect nails. If you see that you have a lot of problems quitting the habit, you can go to a trusted psychologist.

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