Stop Looking For Perfection And Start Being Efficient

Stop looking for Perfection and start Being Efficient

Most of us have received an education in which mistakes have been penalized. The message we have often received has been one that encouraged us to seek perfection and constant improvement.

Although these messages have generally been sent with the best of intentions, to motivate, they have generated a strong impact on many people. The search for something that does not exist, perfection, usually generates emotional and psychological difficulties in some people.

Throughout this article we focus on the importance of stopping looking for perfection in order to start being efficient.

The myth of perfection

As we mentioned previously, perfectionism is a quality that has been classified as positive and desirable in people. Being able to carry out our objectives without errors is something that has been encouraged and enhanced very frequently. However, this has had a serious impact on many people.

Perfectionism, far from being a source of motivation as it used to be thought, can end up seriously interfering with people’s production and performance. The search for perfection is often related to blockages, anxiety, frustration and, even in certain cases, depressive symptoms or other mental health difficulties.

Efficiency as the key to success

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines efficiency as the ability to achieve the desired results with the minimum number of resources possible. We could say that, instead of pursuing perfection—which are still unattainable goals—efficiency focuses on achieving affordable objectives that ensure progress.

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Thus, efficiency is what allows us to advance our projects. While perfection blocks us and blinds us with the attempt to control every small detail, efficiency allows our actions to be more strategic. In this way, resources are focused on prioritizing tasks based on the needs of each moment.

To be efficient, we cannot expect everything to turn out “good” or “perfect.” at the first. It is necessary to learn time management strategies and work on, among other aspects, decision making. This way of facing situations allows for greater balance which, in turn, generates a greater sense of satisfaction.

How to go from perfection to efficiency

The transition from perfection to efficiency may not be easy for many people. Especially for those in which the messages related to perfection have penetrated deeply, for whatever reasons. Below are some strategies that can help in the process. However, if this change is too difficult for you, remember that you can ask for professional help.

Work with self-esteem and self-demand

It is important to carry out personal work that allows for greater self-knowledge and, therefore, a greater understanding of what is hidden behind perfectionism in each person. In most cases, extreme self-demand goes hand in hand with perfectionism and is closely related to certain aspects linked to self-esteem.

Cultivate self-compassion

Compassion is a key aspect when it comes to accompanying us in this transition. Once we have understood what has led us to seek perfection, it is crucial that we learn to treat us with respect and kindness. Perfectionism usually generates a lot of suffering and discomfort, hence the importance of self-compassion on this path. Along these lines, practices of mindfulness and anchoring to the present moment are usually very useful.

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Set clear and attainable goals

When our mind thinks from a perfectionist place, it sets unattainable, overly demanding and unrealistic goals. In order to start being efficient, it will be necessary to reformulate our objectives and make them more affordable, concrete and realistic. Again, It is important not to lose sight of the fact that extreme self-demand leads us to frustration and, consequently, emotional suffering.. This, without a doubt, ends up having an unwanted impact on our performance.

Understand that progress is better than perfection

In this sense, it can be helpful to internalize that it is better to do something, even if it is not perfect or as we had visualized it, but that allows us to finish tasks. Perfection usually leads us to blockage and generates a feeling of stagnation. Only when we allow ourselves to move forward and assume “good enough” performance is when we can continue attending to other tasks or continue advancing in other necessary and equally important aspects.

Learn to prioritize and delegate

Another aspect that usually occurs when we talk about perfectionism is the difficulty in delegating. People often feel that if they do not carry out tasks themselves they will not get the desired results.. This difficulty leads to an overload in most cases that can generate burnout syndrome, in addition to other difficulties. Since it is important to take care of one’s mental health and ensure the maximum emotional well-being possible, it is necessary to learn to prioritize tasks and delegate when possible.