Differences Between Convergent And Divergent Thinking

Our mind processes two types of thinking known as convergent and divergent thinking. The first refers to the logical and analytical part and, on the other hand, the second manages the creative and imaginative part.

Both are fundamental to our ability to understand, two sides of the same coin, two ways of thinking completely opposite to each other and yet extremely important in the conduct of our daily lives. In this PsychologyFor article, we will see together the differences of convergent and divergent thinking<

What is convergent thinking and examples

Convergent thinking refers to reasoning logical, rational, deductive and focused< Its purpose is to produce the best possible answer to a problem, with little or no ambiguity. Next, we show you what the characteristics of convergent thinking are:

  • Value speed, precision and logic.
  • It focuses on recognize what is familiar reapply techniques and accumulate information.
  • It is most effective in situations where an already existing answer can be found, developing it based on decision-making strategies.
  • The solution derived from convergent thinking is the best possible answer, in general terms and in most specific cases.
  • It is related to knowledge because it involves the manipulation of information or past experiences through standard procedures. Knowledge can be an important aspect of creativity, as it provides a source of ideas, suggests possible paths, and provides criteria for evaluating the effectiveness and originality of solutions.

When convergent thinking is used to solve a problem, it is often judged by consciously referencing data and probability criteria. Let’s look at a typical example of convergent thinking:

The logical solution to the problem of the continuation of a numerical series, for example, 1, 3, 4, 8.. 32? It is about identifying the criterion that operates in the sequence and, therefore, the missing number that the sequence meets (16). There is a criterion and a possible solution, so thought operations must converge towards its identification.

What is divergent thinking and examples

Divergent thinking is spontaneous and free< It underlies the purest forms of creativity and, in many ways, represents true creativity. Discover the traits that characterize divergent thinking:

  • Generate ideas exploring many possible solutions, often in parallel.
  • Ideas can emerge in a casual cognitive mode, in the form of epiphanies or flashes of genius (“a-ha!” moments).
  • are explored several possible solutions and unexpected connections are made.
  • The traits that favor this mode of thinking are nonconformity, curiosity the willingness to take risks, courage, perseverance and resilience.

divergent thinking operates on open problems and with multiple solutions. Let’s look at an example:

If to the question about “what is the use of a cap” the answer is that it serves as a headdress and that is all, the thought that operates is convergent, since it unites the object with its obvious and common function. On the other hand, if the answer is that it is used to beg for alms, to collect pebbles or to use it as a shooting target, the thinking involved is of a divergent type.

If you want to know more, don’t miss this article about divergent thinking: what it is, characteristics and examples.

What is the difference between convergent and divergent thinking?

The development of creativity often involves both convergent and divergent thinking. Neither of them is better or worse than the other, but rather each one has its own qualities< In all fields, such as art, science or business, the most creative solutions often involve multiple resources from both modes of thinking.

Joy Paul Guilford was one of the first authors to systematically study creativity and the first to distinguish convergent from divergent thinking. He discovers below what their differences are and how they complement each other:

  • Convergent thinking: logical-rational of a linear type and is coordinated by the left hemisphere. It operates within established schemes and therefore addresses the problem with a given method, finding the only possible solution with that method, which is then a conventional solution. Accumulate the knowledge, experience and ideas necessary to activate the unconscious work of divergent work.
  • Divergent thinking: It is coordinated by the right hemisphere, seat of creativity, free associations and reasoning by images. It operates outside of established schemes and therefore approaches problems with new approaches and arrives at original solutions.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Differences between convergent and divergent thinking we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.


  • Forabosco, G. (2014). The seventh sense. Psychology of the sense of humor. With instructions for use
  • Penman, D. (2016). The art of Mindfulness. Milan: Mondadori.

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