What Are Executive Functions And How To Work On Them

In the last ten years, scientific literature has begun to address the development of executive functions from preschool age, with special attention to the attention system. But what exactly do we mean when we talk about executive functions?

When we have a purpose, to achieve it we plan and design our behavior. Executive functions are, therefore, the different mental processes that are put into practice when trying to pursue a goal. In this PsychologyFor article we will see together What are executive functions and how to work on them<

What are executive functions

The expression “executive functions” appeared in 1983 when Muriel Lezak used it to refer to those cognitive abilities that make an individual capable of carrying out independent, oriented and adaptive behavior.

Indeed, executive functions can be defined as a set of abilities capable of controlling and regulating other cognitive functions and the behavior. Specifically, it is the ability to selectively process information and maintain it, at least with regard to the most important information, during the performance of a task.

Executive functions are related to the following scenarios:

  • In planning strategies Problem resolution<
  • In monitoring their behavior.
  • Inhibition of behavioral responses inappropriate for the context, that is, self-control.
  • In the ability to quickly switch from one task to another (gear shifting or cognitive flexibility)
  • In the maintenance of information and its manipulation to perform a task (working memory)
  • In the continuous update of the information.
  • In knowledge of the temporal sequence of events.
  • In the ability to abstract and categorize stimuli and events.
  • In the will to initiate actions (volition).
  • In carrying out actions that require a departure from habitual and stereotyped behaviors (strategic behavior ).
  • In maintaining attention over time.

Therefore, executive functions allow us to manipulate ideas mentally, adapt quickly to constantly changing circumstances, reason, stay focused, and face new challenges. In addition, they allow us to make decisions and exercise control over what we do.

The inhibition

One of the executive functions is inhibition. The term inhibition refers to the ability to control interference from irrelevant stimuli with respect to the task being carried out and to reduce said interference to functionally achieve the set objective.

Therefore, inhibition can refer to predominant responses, conflicting responses, or ongoing responses. Without inhibitory control, we would all be victims of our impulses all the time.

working memory

Working memory involves keeping information in mind and the ability to process, work and manipulate it. The multicomponent model of Baddeley and Hitch (1974) foresees the existence of a supervisory attention system (the central executive system) that controls the flow of information and two subcomponents:

  • The phonological loop: considers verbal information.
  • The visuo-spatial notebook: considers visuo-spatial information.

Both subcomponents are characterized by a warehouse, or bufferintended for the temporary conservation of the track in phonological-acoustic or visuo-spatial form, integrated into a reiteration system for the repetition of the track.

Inhibition and working memory are executive functions that are closely related to each other. You have to have clear in mind the objective to pursue in order to be able to Know what is relevant and what is not to achieve it. Additionally, it is important to maintain focus on your goal by reducing all external interference and distractions. In this article, we show you how to improve concentration with the most effective strategies.

Cognitive flexibility

The third core of executive functions is cognitive flexibility, that is, the ability to change perspective (spatial or interpersonal). The ability to be flexible and adapt to changes that occur in the environment and that allow us to change the pattern of behavior as a result of a feedback external.

For this to be possible, cognitive flexibility requires the presence of inhibition capabilities and the maintenance of memory for information.


Planning can be defined as a set of cognitive activities that anticipate and regulate behavior and they allow you to create and organize a sequence of actions necessary to carry out behaviors aimed at specific objectives.

In other words, this ability allows decompose a complex action into a series of elementary steps to follow. At an anatomical level, the region in which this capacity develops is the prefrontal cortex.
This ability plays a fundamental role in everyday life, to be able to effectively carry out both the simplest and most complex actions.

Planning is one of the executive functions that develops throughout childhood, gradually grows and becomes important, especially during the school years. Participates in solving arithmetic problems and in the correct execution of all tasks that require the achievement of an objective through a precise series of actions.

Decision making

Each of us faces daily multiple realities and situations, more or less known, and interacts in different work, social and relational contexts that require application of intentional behaviors and beneficial options to solve problems and to define and achieve increasingly complex objectives.

Indeed, during the process of solving a problem, it is essential for the individual to build a mental representation of the problem and, based on it, prefigure the correct path to solve it. Thus, decision making means those executive functions linked to the decision-making capacity Yet the ability to modulate reward perception and punishment in order to make advantageous options.

In this article you will find information about the steps of the decision-making process.

What are executive functions and how to work on them - Decision making

Setting goals

Defining goals not only allows us to take control of our lives, but also provides a reference point to determine if we are truly succeeding. The objective definition process is as follows:

  1. It begins with a careful consideration of what you want to achieve.
  2. In the middle, some well-defined passages that transcend the specifications of each objective.
  3. Finish the hard work.

Precisely, it is the executive function that, with its synergistic and integrated action, makes possible the mental representation of the task which includes both the relevant information encoded in memory and the future goals that must be achieved.

The anticipation

When carrying out effective planning, it is necessary to anticipate and take into account the consequences of one action on the others. Within the executive functions, anticipation is the process of imaginative speculation about the future< The brain uses information such as gravity, curvature, and obstacles to make a prediction.

The organization

Among the executive functions we also find organization, that is, the actions we perform in hierarchical sequences to achieve goals and objectives as well as the order of the space itself and the materials.

Therefore, executive functions are inserted among those defined higher cognitive processes, since they play a fundamental role in “intelligent” behavior, that is, appropriate and adapted to each situation. In short, executive functions help and condition behavior to get out of complex situations.

What are executive functions and how to work on them - The organization

The fluidity

Fluency is that executive function that can be explained as a capacity for divergent thinking, but also the ability to generate new solutions and different with respect to a specific and complex problem.

How to work executive functions

Executive functions can be improved through cognitive rehabilitation cycles, like any cognitive function. In fact, they tend to get better the more we train them.

Regardless of the rehabilitation approach used, psychological therapy and developing a relationship with the patient is always important. Brain damage to executive functions can involve reduced motivation, behavioral problems or anosoagnosia, that is, the inability to recognize a cognitive deficit.

Activities to work executive functions

Treatment to enhance executive functions can be based on the following aspects:

  • Time management.
  • Organization of physical space.
  • Planning daily activities.

The therapist can provide target situations to increasing difficulties on which to prepare a plan for hypothetical activities, such as a breakfast, a recreational program or any other significant event for the patient.

Other activities to work on executive functions can be training that indirectly stimulates these factors.

  • Work on prospective memory.
  • Work on attention functions.
  • Perform behavioral interventions that reduce dysfunctional actions.
  • For people with severe disabilities, individual rehabilitation and daily home activities would be more appropriate.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What are executive functions and how to work on them we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.


  • Colucci, R.F. (2020). Executive Functions
  • Gasperini, G. (2018). The executive functions
  • Vicari, S., Di Vara, S. (et al.) (2017). Executive functions and disturbances of the sviluppo. Diagnosis, clinical treatment and educational intervention

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