How To Improve Concentration: 25 Strategies

Concentration is necessary for the correct completion of tasks and helps us enjoy pleasurable activities more. Attention, concentration and memory are cognitive abilities that can be trained to improve. If you want to train mental concentration to study, read or work better, keep reading this PsychologyFor article in which we offer guidelines on how to improve concentration through exercises and games< In addition, we will review the foods that contribute to this important function of the brain.

Exercises to improve concentration

Exercises can be performed to train and improve concentration. The most effective are the following:

1. Meditation

The practice of meditation and relaxation provides enormous benefits in the ability to concentrate. At the end of the article you will find a video to practice it. Also, in the following article you can see the benefits of meditation for the brain.

2. Description of landscapes

Using a photograph or simply looking out the window we can focus on an image. Describing it in detail is an exercise that will improve our concentration.

3. Odors

Go for a walk and try to identify the smells on the street during the walk. If you look closely you can identify smells of nature, perfumes or what your neighbors are cooking.

4. Candle

Sit in front of a lit candle and observe the movement of the flame for a few minutes. The more you practice it, the longer you will last without moving in front of the candle. It is an exercise to train attention and concentration typical of mindfulness.

5. Count backwards

Count from 30 backwards by two. To increase the difficulty you can do it three at a time, four at a time.. And to increase the time use a larger number like 50 or 100.

6. Sudoku

Sudokus are an ideal pastime to improve concentration. Find the level that best suits you and dedicate some time to it daily.

7. Write a diary

Writing is already an activity that improves concentration and if we add writing what has happened during the day we will increase the benefits.

8. Diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing requires paying attention to timing, which improves concentration and reduces distractions, whether they are thoughts that assail us or sounds, for example.

How to improve concentration: 25 strategies - Exercises to improve concentration

Games to improve concentration

We can also improve concentration in a pleasant way and almost without realizing it by using some games.

9. Color mandalas

For some time here these wheels have become very well known. Many of us have mandala notebooks at home and if this is not your case, you can find many models to print on the internet. The task is to color the mandala focusing exclusively on that. You don’t have to finish it the first time, it is preferable that you dedicate a few minutes to it every day.

10. Mobile applications

There are apps for practically everything and you can use them while you are in a waiting room or have some free time. Some of the apps to improve concentration are: Lumosity Brain Training, Fit Brains or Clockwork Brain, all with free versions.

11. Traditional hobbies

Hobbies like spotting the difference or word search puzzles are a fun way to improve concentration. You can find them in magazines, on the internet or you can buy a specific notebook of the ones you like the most. For example, in the following image you must find the figure that does not have a partner.

How to improve concentration: 25 strategies - Games to improve concentration

How to improve concentration to study

If there is something that requires all of our concentration, it is studying. Without concentration we cannot understand reading and we will hardly be able to memorize concepts. Luckily there are very useful techniques to improve concentration when we have to study.

12. Prepare the space

An overloaded environment full of distractions makes it difficult to concentrate. That is why it is best to organize the place where we are going to study:

  • Clear the table
  • Find a comfortable chair that avoids forced postures
  • Eliminate all possible decorations
  • Have adequate lighting.

13. Eliminate distractions

Noises and music are distracting. Studying during quieter times of the day whenever possible or using earplugs will make it easier to concentrate. The phone without sound and preferably out of our field of vision.

14. Set goals

To begin the state of concentration we can focus on an object in the room for a few minutes and analyze all the details.

15. Rest

It is difficult to maintain optimal concentration for a long time, so it is advisable to take short breaks after each hour of study.

16. Do breathing exercises

Deep breaths or diaphragmatic breathing can also help us concentrate. Here you will find more breathing exercises.

17. Start with what requires the most effort

Another technique to maintain concentration for as long as possible and optimize the study session is to start with the most difficult task and finish with the one we like the most or find easiest.

18. Read

Reading, underlining and summaries, in addition to facilitating memorization, contribute to concentration.

In the following article you will find more information on how to improve your memory for studying.

Foods to improve concentration

When our grandmothers tell us about raisin stalks to improve memory and similar things, although their advice is not based on scientific studies but on popular sayings, they are not misguided. There are many foods that, due to their vitamin or mineral content, help better development of brain functions: memory, concentration, etc.

Some foods that, due to their composition, can improve concentration are:

19. Bananas

They contain potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6, which contributes to the production of neurotransmitters linked to concentration.

20. Dark chocolate

The purer the better. Increases cerebral blood flow.

21. Walnuts and other dried fruits

They contain antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids that improve memory, increase concentration, and optimize neuronal performance.

22. Blue fish

Like walnuts, it contains omega 3 and improves concentration. Salmon is very rich in omega 3.

23. Avocado

In a similar way to oily fish and walnuts, it helps improve concentration due to its omega 3 and antioxidant content. These foods are recommended to stop cognitive deterioration in memory-related disorders (dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc.).

24. Whole grains

Sugar is necessary for brain function. However, not any food that contains sugar is recommended. Whole grains have a small amount of sugar that is released gradually.

25. Green vegetables

Like broccoli or spinach. Its contribution of vitamin K, antioxidants and minerals enhance memory and concentration.

Here you can read other contributions on nutrition, concentration and memory.

Video to learn to meditate step by step

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to improve concentration: 25 strategies we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.


  • Johnson, A., & Proctor, R.W. (2015).Attention: Theory and Practice
  • Kahneman, D. (1997). Attention and effort

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